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File format including the correct file extension for example .pdf, .xls, .txt, .pptx (including name and a URL of an appropriate viewer if format is unusual). The authors of the current article [] advance the argument that clinicians can use idiographic techniques productively and responsibly in the context of psychotherapy.Although we share this general goal, we provide further context for the challenges that currently limit its implementation. Manuscript Guidelines 1.0 | February 2013 2 1 Introduction . -. Contact. Figures should be uploaded in the correct orientation. Figures should be designed such that all information, including text, is legible at these dimensions. Platform independent, Other requirements: e.g. BMC Pulmonary Medicine is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, ... Submission Guidelines. Psychological stress contributed to the development of low-grade fever in a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome: a case report. For editors and reviewers to accurately assess the work presented in your manuscript you need to ensure the English language is of sufficient quality to be understood. Download formatted paper in docx and LaTeX formats. Such files, if requested, should be sent by email to the journal’s editorial email address, quoting the manuscript reference number. When submitting TeX submissions, please submit both your TeX file and your bib/bbl file as manuscript files. Cookies policy. Please check the submission guidelines for the relevant journal and article type. 228–231). BMC Geriatrics, in partnership with Research Square, is now offering In Review. When preparing figures, please follow the formatting instructions below. BMC Ecology and Evolution. 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Studies suggest medical students experience high levels of mental distress during training but are less likely, than other students, to access care due to stigma and concerns regarding career progression. 英文校正サービスの利用は、このジャーナルに掲載されるための条件ではないこと、また論文審査や受理を保証するものではないことに留意してください。영어 원고의 경우, 에디터 및 리뷰어들이 귀하의 원고에 실린 결과물을 정확하게 평가할 수 있도록, 그들이 충분히 이해할 수 있을 만한 수준으로 작성되어야 합니다. Please note that manuscript can only be submitted by an author of the manuscript … width of 85 mm for half page width figure, width of 170 mm for full page width figure, maximum height of 225 mm for figure and legend, image resolution of approximately 300 dpi (dots per inch) at the final size. Citation Impact1.146 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)0.875 - SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)2.8 - CiteScore, Usage 407,251 Downloads1106 Altmetric Mentions. Submission guidelines Our 3-step submission process. Any in press articles cited within the references and necessary for the reviewers' assessment of the manuscript should be made available if requested by the editorial office. BMC Psychology IF is increased by a factor of 0.12 and approximate percentage change is 5.85% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a rising trend. When preparing tables, please follow the formatting instructions below. BMC Research Notes is a forum for micro publication across all scientific disciplines ... follow these policies and formatting guidelines. Larger datasets, or tables too wide for A4 or Letter landscape page can be uploaded as additional files. Skip to main content. BMC Cancer is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of cancer research, including the pathophysiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancers. Cookies policy. Please see [below] for more information. Please use the standard file extensions. 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