I’m worried because he is getting ready to shed. Now with this bite thing, im worried I won’t make a good snake mom for her. However, the initial surprise from your snake’s attack may cause you more panic. A lot of owners are nervous that their pet snake may eventually bite them. The grasp of a Ball Python bite is surprisingly strong, and the pressure from the bite is often more alarming than the damage that happens because of the bite. , i read this article when the snake was biting my stomach because i had him there and he was sleeping but i wanted to move so i tried to set him down and he bit me. Try not to handle your snake during these times, or at least use extra care if you must. Relax when holding your animal sit down and give the animal a chance to settle. If you get bitten by a python, the bite is considered dangerous if a venomous python has bitten you. I have never been bitten, and I’m scared to start now. However, even before your ball python will strike a bite, it might have given you some warning signs which you didn’t notice. The panic or shock is more dangerous than the bite. The ball python’s bite does not hurt. If you’re dealing with a latched on Ball Python there are three things you can try: Just to clarify, you should visit a doctor to get recommended medical advice. Check out our ultimate guide to Ball Python ownership, What To Do When a Ball Python Bite Happens. This more likely happens if they are young, inexperienced, and happen to be quite hungry. 5 years ago. Snakes also become defensive around the times they are shedding. Ball Pythons are known to latch on when they bite. As a snake owner, you should expect this to happen. Once washed and treated, bandage the wound (if needed or if skin is broken) and move on with your life. For this specific case, I would highly recommend reaching out to the vet who gave you the wash and ask for advice. Your email address will not be published. Defensive bites can be less predictable, but a snake’s body language will usually provide several warnings that a bite may be imminent. Most snakes are ornery when they are hungry and it’s close to feeding time. I’d suggest not bringing her outside for a while, and when you do, make sure she’s been fed recently. She latched on for a good amount of time but staying calm she eventually finally let go. This means that bites are not very common at all. But it is not life-threatening nor … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hope it all works out! I dropped the mouse during feeding and reached in to get it, the snake struck me instead. You have a couple days to get that, so no need to rush to the emergency room for that. I have been doing some research on snake bites. Not to worry! Neosporin, rubbing alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide should all do the trick. Pull any stuck teeth out with a pair of tweezers and wash the wound one more time for good measure. about how much do you spend on a ball python and it’s accessories? Interested in owning a Ball Python? Ball Python Bite 101: Causes, Treatment & Do They Hurt. Always support your ball python s body and avoid fast movements. In my experience, the more frequently you handle them, the more familiar they become with you. There’s no muscle debilitating side-effects that will happen, and you will certainly not have to rush to the hospital for anti-venom. She isn’t letting me handle her, she is striking at me and hissing (pushing the air out of her body). What to do if it happens. A very small number of keepers may get lucky and avoid bites forever, but most will probably suffer a bite at some point in time. I have been caring for a beautiful ball python for about 3 months now. Ball Python bites typically don’t hurt at all. She was very active. thanks for making this blog.such a great sharing.cheers! Panic can … share. That sounds pretty traumatic. First things first, Ball Python bites from captive snakes rarely ever occur. Hognose Snake Care Sheet & Guide to Ownership, Corn Snake Care Sheet & Guide to Ownership, https://www.youtube.com/user/NCNatureNews. Happy Serpent is not a medical resource. Since snakes ‘inject’ their deadly liquids, they are technically ‘venomous’. Receiving a bite is a rite of passage for snake keepers. We have a 38 year old 4 foot ball python that was given to us 2 years ago by someone who could no longer keep it. But not without warning. This is quite an informative piece on ball pythons bite. He was deciding between that and a ball python and an acquaintance of ours, a "snake guy", told him that the ball python bite hurt much more. I still trust him, just wondering how he mistook my scent for his prey. ty for the amazing article. Consequently, snakes and Ball Pythons are typically vulnerable and defensive right after feeding, too. When a bite occurs, you’ll feel a pressure and squeeze in the afflicted area. The bites are nothing that will need emergency attention. A lot. Then a silver sulfate ointment, and every three days a shot we administer. If you’re looking to see how much they cost, we have a full pricing and care guide. Generally ball pythons will curl into a ball rather than bite you. If you hesitate or are jumpy, they can sense that. Simply put, ball python bites are not very painful. The first thing to do is not panic. Ball python bites do hurt (temporarily), I got bitten today 21-05-20 for no reason (just by taking out her water bowl). ... Make sure that your snake also does not look ill or hurt in any way. I’m not going to lie to anyone here being bit does hurt. Royal Python. Being bit by a ball python is just about as rare as clean dishes in a college dorm kitchen. Log In Sign Up. It’s common for people to be scared after a bite. This helped a lot because my sister has a ball python and this is her first time handling it and we already have done lots of research on picking them up but we needed to be aware about the snake biting and this helped a lot and we will be very careful and follow these instructions/rules. Could he have gotten hurt? You likely will not have to worry about a hospital visit, or anything of the sort. So my question is…where did I go wrong here? I have an opportunity to keep her if I want. A ball python that bites you defensively will barely nip you and release your skin immediately. Thank you. He’s a year old. She seems to love when I have my front door open, she at very least pops her lil snout out of her hut to see what’s up, but most often, she is out of her hut and exploring the whole side of her case nearest to the door. oh no! What To Do In Case Of A Ball Python Bite. Fortunately, this is a relatively easy question to answer, as ball pythons (as well as most other snakes) only bite for one of two reasons: Bites that result from mistaken identities are quite easy to avoid. i just bought a usual ball python and it’s fun. If you’ve found this article helpful, please share it with your snake-keeping friends! With that said, here’s what you should do if a bite happens. But if your snake bites your face or throat, it is likely a good idea to have your doctor inspect it right off the bat. Admittedly, this isn’t easy to do, but it will help mitigate the severity of the resulting wound. She would nuzzle her head against my hand and I was able to pet her head without her recoiling as she doesn’t usually like it. Remember that ball python bites are not only inconsequential in most cases, but they’re also relatively rare, as these are typically shy snakes who don’t bite often. When my big female ball's tooth scraped my finger, it kind of hurt because I pulled back, but nothing serious. Your snake may mistake your hand or fingers for prey. Ball python bites are very rarely serious, and taking sensible action will minimize the already-low damage. Pythons bite first and would attack a human in two ways: 1. The bite from my ball python was nothing compared to the rodents and small mammals. When handling your snake, be sure you’re confident. Ball pythons will only bite on occasions they feel very threatened. A Japanese Zen Backyard is a backyard that utilities simplicity and a variety of theories of ‘cause and effect‘, used to improve rest and tranquility. So obviously my daughter is scared to death to handle him now and she’s heartbroken because she used to always have him out. Look at the wound carefully and try to determine if any teeth remain in your skin. Once we found him it’s like a completely different ball. The worst I've had was a rabbit bite. I will however point out that if you do JUST go in EXPECT to be bit, not that you will but expect it. With that in mind, snake bites are typically a big fear to a lot of people. Ball pythons are reluctant to bite tough, if you are asking because you want to get one, a frigthened ball python will first curl into a tight ball before it bites you; or stay in 'strike' (a tight S shape with their necks) for a few minutes before making up its resolve to bite you. Don’t get us wrong, a ball python’s teeth are very sharp. Give it time — hatchlings can show aggression because they aren’t used to you yet. They may have also sensed some prey around, too. Today I am going to talk to you about what you should do if you get bit by a Ball Python, and what you should do after. I hope it will never come handy, however you never know, especially with snakes crazy small kids in the house. But, a bite can quickly become very painful if you don’t take the proper steps when it happens. Fantastic choice! Couple points from a medical perspective: Note that these instructions all assume that the bite was located on your hand or arm (the most common places bites occur). Your snake is probably in shock, because it’s never experienced anything like that in it’s life before. Dont worry it sounds way worse than it is. We didn’t even realize it had teeth! well really my cuzin got bit by his ball python and he said that it doesnt hurt all u got to do to let go is put something in front of it and it will let go but if u pull back it will put its teeth deeper and that might hurt but after that he just put alcohol n he was good to … (2) A baby might be unable to simply remove the snake from its neck, as an older child or an adult would do. Ive been trying to interact with her frequently so she gets used to me. Handle your Ball Python regularly so they become familiar with human touch and your personal smells, Feed you Ball Python on a regimented schedule, Keep an eye out for warning signs and snake body language that indicate it’s going to bite you, Make sure whoever is handling the Ball Python is confident and calm, If someone is nervous and jumpy, do not let them handle the snake. I have recently developed an interest in snakes. Ball Python teeth are small, barb-like, and very sharp. You should wait until the snake has had a bowel movement or the lump from feeding is no longer visible before handling again. Best of luck, and don’t lose hope in your Ball Python! With a snake bite, it should be soap and water. Glad to hear you’re ok! It also makes your snake comfortable. In fact, a variety of common injuries typically hurt much worse than a ball python bite. Thankfully he missed, and found and ate the rat. Ball python teeth are extremely sharp, so a bite will frequently bleed freely--for the same reason, however, it just doesn't hurt very much. tonight was my first time getting bit. A few, which came at the hands of much larger species, were definitely not fun, but those from ball pythons were never very troubling. Ball Python Teeth. Ball Pythons pick up on nerves, and it can in turn make them defensive and more aggressive, Avoid handling your Ball Python in large crowds, areas with loud noise or heavy vibrations (think music bass), and in areas that other unusual or unfamiliar stimuli. However, if it fails to do so, or you notice any significant redness, swelling, streak-like marks, or discharge, see your doctor and have him or her evaluate the wound. I just bought a banana ball python for my daughter 13th birthday and just wanted to say thank you for the info, This was really helpful because am in high school think about becoming a reptile keeper and handling all types of snake and other reptiles, I have had my Firebee for almost a year, had her since she was a hatchling. It is suggested that the victim should not panic and he or she should calm down after this unfortunate incident. If you thought ball python bites don’t hurt... Close. It is absolutely essential to use paper substrate until you are certain that the mites are gone for good because it helps you spot any mites that may have survived the initial treatment. In such cases, it is conceivable, but not terribly likely, that the bite may cause more severe damage – particularly if your eyes suffered the brunt of things. The teeth are all closely aligned in the roof and the bottom jaw. unfortunately, its part of snake ownership… sometimes, it happens. Please help I don’t want to have to rehome him but I feel so bad for his quality of life with us if he can’t be held and just lives in his enclosure. You may also want to gently run your fingers across the site to ensure you can’t feel any teeth present. Yes ball pythons do bite. Ball Python. Hope everything turns out ok. More often than not, they will only make this pose when getting ready to eat. If the Ball Python bites you and latches on, DO NOT YANK it off. poured a cup of cold water on him and he came right off! Sorry to hear that. Depending on the size of the snake. Most people seem to recommend antiseptics, alcohol, peroxide, and/or antibiotic ointments but most of what I have read in the medical literature (including the CDC) emphasizes soap and water. im all good though! If you thought ball python bites don’t hurt... 9 comments. Ball Pythons are timid by nature, and often times they like to stay hidden. Does a Ball Python Bite Hurt? Do not disregard advice from a professional veterinarian because of something you read here. But don’t worry, it is usually not a big deal – especially for those who keep ball pythons. Reasons for Ball Python Bites The best way to avoid bites, is to avoid giving your ball python a reason to bite you. (BTW I got most of my information at https://www.youtube.com/user/NCNatureNews which is goherping). We love them by any name! First, I’d give it some time. Don’t be scared afterwards just try not to make the same mistake. Ball Pythons, and many other snakes for that matter, tend to strike during these times. Hi there, sorry to hear about this situation! It’s pretty easy to tell when your Ball Python is getting ready to strike you. I think this was an eye opener to really pay attention and be respectful to their mood and body language. Ball Pythons have 4 rows of teeth on the roof of their mouth, and 2 rows on the bottom part of their jaw. Overall, you should be fine if you are bitten by your Ball Python. When I get bit by my smaller 2 foot ball python, it doesn't hurt, its just a suprise and I freak out. That means they squeeze their prey. Adults bites hurt worse than babies. It's painful, but nothing a little hydrogen peroxide, and neosporin can handle. In any case, Ball Pythons are not poisonous or venomous, nor are any other species of snake that fall under the Pythonidae family. When a bite occurs, you’ll feel a pressure and squeeze in the afflicted area. And I had one of my other friends who owns a few snakes, feed my snake while I was absent. - The Beta Pet. I’ve decided to donate her to a reptile sanctuary as I don’t like her unpredictability and she’s not saleable. Sometimes, fresh snake skin can be sensitive, and they do not wish to be handled during this time. Also, be sure to share any of your thoughts or experiences with ball python bites – as well as any questions you may have – in the comments below. Venomous Snake Bites. Maybe your snake contracted some kind of mites when he escaped. This helps with two things: Now, just how many teeth do Ball Pythons have? This is normal. Second, if you see their eyes are turning blue, this is a dead giveaway that the are about to shed. At the end of the day, it could be any number of reasons. For instance, a defensive bite is very shallow and painless. I gave her 2 mice and she ate both but when I sat in front of her as usual to give her company while she ate, she struck at me and every time I walk past her she struck at me. Your snake may feel threatened, causing him to bite in self-defense. It is also wise to avoid handling your pet ball python at night when they’re typically most active and alert. I have a 3.5foot cinnamon ball Python at home and the place we got her said she bites and I’ve never been bit by her. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his beautiful wife and spoiled-rotten Rottweiler. Didn’t hurt but the shock was overwhelming. It is important to remember that every person has a different tolerance level when it comes to pain, and while some may say a bite is nothing more than a needle prick others will tell you it is far worse. Ive had my ball python for about 6 months. Along with your snake s needs for a terrarium and a heated one, they will need a substrate at the bottom of their enclosure. Was he maybe just not into the mouse? How big is your enclosure? If the snake is holding onto you, you need to remove the snake from you first. After that though I go in and handle it as any other of my adults. With any skin break, cleaning with lots of (clean) water is probably most important. Well first, snakes are not poisonous. It’s very uncommon that these snakes will bite you or someone handling them. Hi, thanks for this article. In fact, a variety of common injuries typically hurt much worse than a ball python bite. If a bite happens and you are concerned it could become infected, you should absolutely consult a doctor for treatment. Was I skiddish around him for the next couple of weeks absolutely. Start by ensuring that your hands never smell like potential prey when reaching into his enclosure. If the proper steps are taken, the worst that will happen is a few drops of blood and a band-aid. Even so, you don't want to try to get bitten. It’s best to wait until a day or so after shedding to handle again. Keep up the good work. Being calm is key. The maximum damage a ball python bite can do to you is to break your skin tissue and slight bleeding. The bite of a ball python should really not hurt very much, although it can of course cause bleeding if it pierces through the skin. Should I be worried about my snake? Today I got her out and was holding her while I sat on the porch. They do not have the most powerful jaw in the snake world, however their fangs are sharp. If you see your Ball Python coiled up like this, avoid handling and try again later. It doesn't feel pleasant, but it's not bad. Normally for about 2ish weeks (depends on where I bought it, I judge the time based on how ell the sore is maintined as far as cleanlyness and animal care- poor thing could have had a rough life until getting to you) After said time- before taking it out, I like to give it a few days with me just touching it, and allowing my hand in its home. This treatment recommendation is based on experience alone, and if you’re worried about potential harm to your body from a snake bite or any other injury, consult a doctor. Does a ball pythons bite hurt? Be confident and calm, and take all the precautions outlined in this article. I screamed bloody murder it was the pressure and him moving his jaw around that hurt the most. Terrarium to feed her in no time pose when getting ready to strike you a pet ball python it... 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