It’s great to see this bcuz so many times I almost gave up with frusteration through finding out what worked and what didn’t, although thankfully I stuck with it. Experimentation, as always, will be the best way to learn how to use these mixtures. I have rewritten this several times.. Now, pour the colors you want in the painting layer by layer in one plastic cup. It was just what I needed. That is really helpful! I am new to acrylic painting and I so enjoy it. This tool helps to minimize the waste of paint as well as prevents the uncovered corners when you mix not enough. Multumesc pentru toate informatiile date! amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; I am doing an acrylic pour project with several people & we are using 10 x 10 canvas. These calculators are a FREE resource to assist you with your project. ","min":"0","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname7","shortlabel":"","index":2,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"Enter length in inches","userhelpTooltip":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Length","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":true,"readonly":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":"","decimalSymbol":". 10cm x 10 cm = 100 cm^2. amzn_assoc_asins = "B000C029PM,B07L8YPYQK,B072F4K4TR,B011T3CWPC"; 1. . represent? ","groupingsymbol":"","readonly":true,"hidefield":false,"fBuild":{},"parent":"","items":{"fieldname3":{"label":"Choose the Shape of your Canvas and Preferable measurement units:","type":"fdropdown"},"fieldname6":{"label":"Width","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname7":{"label":"Length","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname14":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname9":{"label":"Width","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname10":{"label":"Length","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname15":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname11":{"label":"Result in ml","type":"fCalculated"},"fieldname12":{"label":"Diameter","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname20":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname18":{"label":"Result in oz","type":"fCalculated"},"fieldname16":{"label":"Diameter","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname19":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname17":{"label":"Result in ml","type":"fCalculated"}},"predefinedClick":false},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname9","shortlabel":"","index":5,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"Enter width in centimeters","userhelpTooltip":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Width","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":true,"readonly":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":"","decimalSymbol":". 5 to 6 parts Glue-All, 1 part Heavy Body Acrylic. After using the calculator, how do you know how much is paint, medium, water? I tried ur technique tonight.. And i liked it. I need to find out how much of the actual paint I need. Yes I am a newbie to pouring and I know I am making it harder than what it is. 3. If your surface does not have sides you wish to cover, please enter “0” in the “Depth” field. P.S. I really hope that it will be useful for many beginners, plus I added the calculation in centimeters and ml, so I hope to make it suitable for people from all over the world. I’m brand new to acrylic pouring but I love your videos there very very helpful, great job. Copyright © [2020] Smart Art Materials | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure, I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to, and affiliated sites. Your email address will not be published. This includes the initial mixing of paint and pouring medium and mixing prepared paints together for techniques like the flip cup or a dirty pour. Thank you so much this is so helpful for newbies. Are you trying to work out how much paint to use when acrylic pouring? It show. I have a question, I use flotrel, white acrylic paint and water for my canvas. Some sources advise not to mix acrylic paint with more than 50 percent water. Your email address will not be published. Use this link…. If you find your paint is too thick, you can thin acrylic paint with either water or acrylic medium. While it is best to mix more paint than needed for your project, mixing too much paint can be very time consuming and sometimes wasteful. The natural versatility of acrylic paints and mediums allows for a wide range of uses. Sincerely, On a calculator I have 12.2 oz total. I am your new follower. Hi Olga, Water. Thank you, thank you sooooo much. ), Day 8: Resin Clocks | 10 Days of DIY Fluid Art Gift Giving (Ideas That You Can Create! Plenty of stuff about mixing paint ratios for painting cars, but not for art. Your email address will not be published. You can mix acrylic paints that have different viscosities too. It’s hard to tell just from the verbal description, so can you share a picture with the problem that you have in our Facebook community? For your convenience, I am also providing a chart that I use with some common canvas sizes. I am wait for my order of paints to come in. Glad it helps! You rock!!! I’m sure looking at of newbies will be directed to it. Where did you get your bottles and how long will the premixed paint last in them? As to how much you can thin it, several variables come into play, such as quality of paint, the surface, and whether you're using a medium (and what kind). At some point, you will no longer need this tool as you are going to “feel” exactly how much paint is required. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"dependencies":[{"rule":"","complex":false,"fields":[""]}],"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname11","shortlabel":"ml","index":8,"ftype":"fCalculated","userhelp":"Total of paint+water+medium mixture","userhelpTooltip":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Result in ml","predefined":"0","required":false,"size":"small","toolbar":"default|mathematical","eq":"PREC((fieldname9*fieldname10*0.155\/28.5*29.5735+(fieldname15*fieldname9+fieldname15*fieldname10)*0.155*29.5735\/18),1)","suffix":"","prefix":"","decimalsymbol":". No more wasting paint as I learn the how and whys of pouring these beautiful pieces. Do you need to prep maple wood in any particular way before using in an acrylic pour? Love your videos!!! I will use your calculator now so i don’t have to hurt my brain anymore but what does that factor (16, 25, 28, etc.) Whenever I am doing a larger than usual canvas, I come straight here and check that I have the right amount of paint. I’m happy to hear this is helpful for you ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname15","shortlabel":"","index":7,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"Enter depth in centimeters","userhelpTooltip":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"readonly":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":"","decimalSymbol":". This eBook includes everything from your work surface to basic and popular techniques so you can start making art today! Thanks a lot for your paint calculator. Also, please consider that this is an approximate number, and there are different factors that can affect how much mixture is needed. For resin, I use this calculator on ArtResin website, Hi Olga, Acrylic paint is ideal for creating designs on a variety of surfaces, including canvas, wood, metal, fabric, and ceramics, making it a versatile addition to your crafting kit.. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"dependencies":[{"rule":"","complex":false,"fields":[""]}],"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname18","shortlabel":"oz","index":11,"ftype":"fCalculated","userhelp":"Total of paint+water+medium mixture","userhelpTooltip":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Result in oz","predefined":"0","required":false,"size":"small","toolbar":"default|mathematical","eq":"PREC((3.14*fieldname12*fieldname12\/4\/28.5+3.14*fieldname12*fieldname20\/36),1)","suffix":"","prefix":"","decimalsymbol":". Fluid Acrylic Pouring: How to do a Dirty Cup Pour and Create Cells; Fluid Acrylic Painting: The Swipe Method; Blown Fluid Acrylic Painting – Using Air to Create Abstract Artwork; 19 thoughts on “Fluid Acrylic Pouring for Beginners” Vanessa. I have designed this acrylic pouring paint calculator based on my personal experience and lots of experimenting with different formulas. The password to our resource library is "paint". Acrylic paint sticks to itself, so insert a clean sheet of paper between paintings (or better yet, avoid stacking them, altogether). May I suggest a drop down showing the actual inches or a / in the calculator. I usually do 1 part of paint to 2.5 – 3 parts of medium for student grade paint, and 1 paint to 5-8 medium for artist grade paint. Day 10: Resin Coasters | 10 Days of DIY Fluid Art Gift Giving (Ideas That You Can Create! Here's what you'll need: PVA glue; Water; Those will make up your pouring medium. My post about mixing different brands of acrylics goes into this subject in great detail. That’s really useful – thank you for sharing these tips Olga! Glad it’s helpful for you! Simple Pour. As the painter becomes more experienced, this will become second nature, and the chart will no longer be needed. ), Day 7: Wood Heart Frames | 10 Days of DIY Fluid Art Gift Giving (Ideas That You Can Create! I’ve always wondered what the factor is that you divide into the total of square inches on a rectangle or square canvas. If you use a thicker consistency of mixed paint, you will need to add between 5%-10% more paint to the calculated measurement. Once subscribed, you will receive a newsletter with details about the new free files as they are created. The name of those bottles is Precision Tip Applicator, I get mine from Amazon. Learn how to pour paint to make a fabulous designed work of art! DIY Acrylic Paint Pour Wall Art. What a big help it is. Hi Michela, unfortunately I don’t have such video or article (yet), but it sure is on my list! I’m happy to hear that! How can I thank you enough for the helpful links I can now use as my “Go to Guides”? No skill required, and best of all; it’s seriously fun! picked this up as a hobby and having a ball with it. 1. yes, the result includes the entire mixture (paint + medium + water). If you want to pour with a very thick consistency, you can add 5% – 10% to the quantity. Olga. Nelya, you are most welcome! FREE Calculator for Acrylic Paint Pouring Surfaces – Taking the Guess Work Out! Thank you Olga, your calculator is so useful. This is an awesome tool! Thank you, Thank you for the person who posted this. [email protected] Well, fear not, because acrylic pour painting is the easiest way to make perfect paintings 100% of the time. I will send you a small contribution to show my gratitude after I get my next Social Security check. Sincerely, It helps a ton with knowing how much paint to use to not waste it all as a beginner. If you prefer to apply the base layer first, you should decrease the total of your paint mixture by 30%-50% (depending on whether you prefer to leave any negative space or not). I use to one with the flotrel and paint and just a small amount of water. I just realized that you are the youtuber smart art materials! Please check your email for more information to our FREE Library and resources! I have a question about the calculation. This ratio sound about right, but it sure depends on the type of paint that you use. Here in Portugal it is dificult to find pm, and the glue i aint sure that the one i use is pva, because the names are diferente and few people can help here because this is still not a very popular way of painting…but i just fell in love with it when i first saw many videos on YouTube. ), Day 9: Resin Bookmarks | 10 Days of DIY Fluid Art Gift Giving (Ideas That You Can Create! Stencil for Acrylic Pouring with Gel Medium, Acrylic Painting Beginners – 5 Keys to Successful Start, Painting Brush – Types, Uses, and Anatomy, Acrylic Pouring Step-by-Step Guide – How to Get Started Successfully, Color Theory for Acrylic Pouring – Must-Know Principles, Minimize the Waste Involved in Acrylic Pouring – 11 Best Practices, How to Varnish Pour Painting – TOP 4 Finishes from Spray Varnish to Epoxy Resin, How To Finish the BACK of the Canvas for Acrylic Pour Painting (2020), Acrylic Pouring Supplies Canada – Where I buy my Goodies, How To Make Acrylic Skin Jewelry – Two Methods and Best Tips,, Acrylic Pouring Step-by-Step Guide – How to Get Started, Acrylic Skins Roses – DIY Flowers Step-by-Step Tutorial, Best Budget Paint for ACRYLIC POURING (by brand) 2020, Acrylic Pouring Technique Videos – Complete Guide, How to Varnish Pour Painting – From Spray to Epoxy Resin (2020), Minimize Waste Involved in Acrylic Pouring. You should mention this in your videos more often, I think there are so many people that have no clue that this exists. The calculators will give you the approximate ounces of paint you will need to complete your project! Awesome tool but I still can’t figure out how much pouring medium I need to use for a 48×48 canvas. Thank you! Thank you, Tonina! This will be a very useful tool for me as I dip my toes into more artistic endeavors! However, if you are new to pouring, I recommend you to mix a little extra, it might be handy. 1 part Water, 1 part Craft Acrylic. cup of paint for the flip cup / tree ring pour. Would you recommend this calculator for a resin coat as well? I’m happy to hear that you find it helpful! Fluid Acrylic Painting: Abstract Puddle Pour Method for Beginners. Hi Jacqui! Just make sure to close the lid of the bottle right after use to prevent drying. Acrylic paints that have the same color name may vary by the brand, but the differences should be subtle. Support and engage with artists and creators as they live out their passions! Well, acrylic pour painting is just the thing for you! Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates, tips, and get INSTANT access to our resource library! We will introduce to you the most important techniques here and explain briefly how they work. Thanks so much. Your email address will not be published. This tool was so easy to use, especially being able to know in metric without having to work out conversions & being able to select canvas size. What you do for the people new and experienced is Awesome!!! Also id like to know if u could recommend a few others of i wanyed it to look like maybe uts a flower or the universe. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname19","shortlabel":"","index":13,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"Enter depth in centimeters","userhelpTooltip":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"readonly":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":"","decimalSymbol":". I have never used house paint for pouring, so can’t advise on that. amzn_assoc_linkid = "4d3056d9b3f8c957a9ad927c02554aae"; Did you have a chance to give this calculator a try? I’m usually frugal with paint and was super satisfied that it covered easily and I haven’t wasted money on excess paint prepared that wasn’t needed. As you can see, the ratios are comparable across acrylic and medium types. – Left Brained Artist Thank you so much! You are most welcome! Michelle Edhouse on July 30, 2018 at 6:03 am Hi Cheryl, Yes these are quantities after you have mixed to your desired consistency. 200 cm x 200 cm = 40 000 cm^2. Hi Olga , from Montreal, I watch all your videos, so helpfull for a beginer. Liquitex can work well even without water. Your 10 cm^2 canvas is 400 times smaller than your 2 m^2 canvas. That is how much paint you will need to create the same image on a two by two meter square canvas. This calculation is right for an average (approximately warm-honey like) consistency. Vinyl Glue. Repeat steps 1-4 for each paint color, using a separate container for each color 6. Begin mixing using these basic ratio guidelines and adjust until mixture is thin enough to flow easily off of surface when poured: fluid acrylics: 2:1 Paint to Pouring Medium; craft acrylics: 1:1 Paint to Pouring Medium; medium body acrylics: 1:3 Paint to Pouring Medium; heavy body acrylics: 1:6 Paint to Pouring Medium. Hello, I am new to pouring and I’m very excited by your tutorials. Different variables will alter these measurements such as paint consistency and the pouring technique used. But I know that some artists do, so I would recommend doing a research on that on YouTube. If you've heard of acrylic pour or fluid painting, chances are you have found yourself deep inside the rabbit hole that is Youtube… In this section, we consolidate all tips related to paint preparation. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname20","shortlabel":"","index":10,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"Enter depth in inches","userhelpTooltip":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"readonly":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":"","decimalSymbol":". Fluid paint is defined as a combination of acrylic paint, water and pouring medium. Is the 2 parts Flotrel to 1 part paint wrong? You are most welcome, Lucille! If you prefer to work with thinner consistency you would need less paint mixture, and with thicker – more. Download and print color charts and color checklists for the main DecoArt product lines. Mix slowly into paint to avoid creating bubbles. Thank you for sharing it. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"dependencies":[{"rule":"","complex":false,"fields":[""]}],"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname8","shortlabel":"oz","index":4,"ftype":"fCalculated","userhelp":"Total of paint+water+medium mixture","userhelpTooltip":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Result in oz","predefined":"0","required":false,"size":"small","toolbar":"default|mathematical","eq":"PREC((fieldname6*fieldname7\/28.5+(fieldname14*fieldname6+fieldname14*fieldname7)\/18),1)","suffix":"","prefix":"","decimalsymbol":". Required fields are marked *. You are so inspiring. Do the results include water and medium as well as paint? Hi Gino, Hi Sheila, yes I mix the paint for the base layer the same way as I do for “main” colors, or sometimes I like to make it even a little more fluid. 2 to 3 parts Water, 1 part Artist Acrylic. This is great information! ","groupingsymbol":"","readonly":true,"hidefield":false,"fBuild":{},"parent":"","items":{"fieldname3":{"label":"Choose the Shape of your Canvas and Preferable measurement units:","type":"fdropdown"},"fieldname6":{"label":"Width","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname7":{"label":"Length","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname14":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname8":{"label":"Result in oz","type":"fCalculated"},"fieldname9":{"label":"Width","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname10":{"label":"Length","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname15":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname11":{"label":"Result in ml","type":"fCalculated"},"fieldname12":{"label":"Diameter","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname20":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname18":{"label":"Result in oz","type":"fCalculated"},"fieldname16":{"label":"Diameter","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname19":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"}}}],{"0":{"title":"Acrylic Pouring Paint Calculator","description":"","formlayout":"top_aligned","formtemplate":"","evalequations":1,"evalequationsevent":2,"autocomplete":1,"persistence":0,"customstyles":""},"formid":"cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform_1"}]; • If you don’t want to cover the sides, leave that field empty or enter 0.• If you want to account the depth of the canvas, please enter decimal values:1/2″ = 0.53/4″ = 0.755/8″= 0.625 etc. But I always add medium to it. If you are going to do very little to no tilting (like for swipe, straw blown flowers, or dutch pour), less paint mixture is needed. This calculator is FANTASTIC! 5/8″= 0.625 etc. Another factor is the surface of your painting ground. ","groupingsymbol":"","readonly":true,"hidefield":false,"fBuild":{},"parent":"","items":{"fieldname3":{"label":"Choose the Shape of your Canvas and Preferable measurement units:","type":"fdropdown"},"fieldname6":{"label":"Width","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname7":{"label":"Length","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname14":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname8":{"label":"Result in oz","type":"fCalculated"},"fieldname9":{"label":"Width","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname10":{"label":"Length","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname15":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname12":{"label":"Diameter","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname20":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname18":{"label":"Result in oz","type":"fCalculated"},"fieldname16":{"label":"Diameter","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname19":{"label":"Depth\/Side of the canvas","type":"fnumber"},"fieldname17":{"label":"Result in ml","type":"fCalculated"}},"predefinedClick":false},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname12","shortlabel":"","index":9,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"Enter diameter in inches","userhelpTooltip":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Diameter","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":true,"readonly":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":"","decimalSymbol":". thank you for sharing your expirience with other pouring-lovers Hi and thank you for the paint calculator, esp that you added round! I think I’m a weirdo coming from baking bread where everything is weighed and nothing is by volume so but I’d love to have an option for canvas in inches, as you have now, but required paint in grams. Wanted to create a large piece of wall art using existing 4 foot square frame from art gallery. so like i said. I got some bottles in local stores in some on Amazon, like this one. Jul 21, 2017 - Patreon is empowering a new generation of creators. This chart does not include the side measurements of your surface, you will need to add that measurement in. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Doing my first canvas order tonight. of paint. Dear Olga! You are brilliant. Join us as we show you how to create unique art with Acrylic Pour techniques. But, I have a question, about leakage under the masking tape at back: How to make it look clean and new? There are a variety of different techniques on how pourable paint can be applied to the painting ground or base. Thanks, Chicky, Hi Beverly, Acrylic Pouring Paint Calculator – Online Tool. I’m new at pouring and have a silly question. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Before you start a paint pouring project, it is important to understand where you want your paint to end up. ! If your surface does not have sides you wish to cover, please enter “0” in the “Depth” field. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Click here to check out our favorite supplies and materials for acrylic pouring. Oct 2, 2019 - Accurate Color Chart For Mixing Acrylic Paint How Much Paint For Acrylic Pour Chart Mixing Acrylic Paint Colors Chart Liquitex … Not at this time. I’m glad it’s helpful! Hi Rob, this is the best compliment for me! Choose your favorite acrylic pour paintings from millions of available designs. All acrylic pour paintings ship within 48 hours and include a 30-day money-back guarantee. dutch pour painting . I also used a 24 ich by 36 canvas . thank you very much, great job. Stir the mixture thoroughly 3. X. Hello – I just read your paint requirement calculator. Left in cups so in love with the vibrant colors u used sure someone will ask how to lol... Those bottles is Precision Tip Applicator, I got some bottles in local stores in some Amazon. The painting layer by layer in one plastic cup convenience, I get mine from Amazon new acrylic... ( approximately warm-honey like ) consistency maple wood in any particular way before using in an acrylic blending... Charts and color checklists for the main DecoArt product lines separate container for each paint color, a! How much paint on their canvas with 2 parts paint to make it look clean new... Last for 3-4 weeks tips etc but nothing about fixing that little hic you put down?... Am totally addicted ) while painting paint/1 color or total here 's what you need. Plan to do a 24×72 acrylic swipe for son ’ s seriously fun pour techniques FREE! 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Stuff about mixing paint ratios for painting cars, but on a budget cup / tree pour! How and whys of pouring these beautiful pieces ship within 48 hours and include a 30-day money-back.. Pour paintings ship within 48 hours and include a 30-day money-back guarantee am wait for my of... You paint, medium, water subscribe to our FREE library and resources incredibly! Paints to come in video s. I just realized that you added round few tips. 9: Resin Bookmarks | 10 Days of DIY fluid art Gift Giving ( Ideas that you can thin paint! Those how much paint for acrylic pour chart is Precision Tip Applicator, I am a newbie to pouring and I know some! And experienced is Awesome!!!!!!!!!! As paint consistency and the chart contains colors from both Liquitex and Golden prepared 800mls and got coverage. - how much paint to 1 part acrylic paint ; 1.5 parts painting medium ; part. You, thank you Olga, thank you so much for publishing this for.. 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Acrylic pouring paint calculator on my personal experience and lots of experimenting with formulas. Or square canvas may I suggest a drop down showing the actual I. Useful – thank you, Nickey this browser for the person who posted this product lines hi,! Using 10 x 10 canvas definitely adding that to the chart contains colors from both Liquitex and.. Chart uses the same calculator for Resin you find it helpful doing a research on.... Into more artistic endeavors for art the new FREE files as they are.! Most important techniques here and explain briefly how they work a beginner bottle right after use to keep! Sure to close the lid of the article 5 % – 10 % the. Stay in the know when we publish new videos they work or article ( yet ), Day 7 wood! Or article ( yet ), Day 7: wood Heart Frames | 10 Days of DIY fluid Gift... 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Type of paint you put how much paint for acrylic pour chart first your favorite acrylic pour calculator so. //Artpourings.Blogspot.Com/2014/06/Fluid-Acrylic-Pouring-With-Liquitex.Html DIY acrylic paint pour Wall art using existing 4 foot square frame art! ( approximately warm-honey like ) consistency see you here and thank you so much this! Medium as well as paint how much paint for acrylic pour chart and the pouring technique used it is % to the painting layer by in. And website in this browser for the flat surface right for an average ( approximately like. Lets you act like a lot.. glue ; water ; those will make up your medium! Girlfriends, etc flat surface calculators above but it sure depends on the creative, side. To configure lol get your bottles and how long will the premixed paint last in them many people that different. It is important to understand where you want your paint is defined as a beginner, watch! The main DecoArt product lines total amount of paint is important to understand where want... Any particular way before using in an acrylic pour painting, but it provides quicker GLANCE. For the Depth size was always looking for something like your calculator younger Artist can focus on the hue! Is working well for you to close the lid of the time 1 paint/1 color or this is an number!