add2 chord piano

…and you can either have the D minor (add2): Explanation: The Gadd9 and Gadd2 are four-note chords. Try playing these two chords. Theory: The added note is the second note in the scale, but on the next octave. Filmed in 2000. Examples of the mu major in Steely Dan songs, Compuserve chat where Donald talks about the mu major. Explanation: The D minor add 9th is a four-note chord. (includes my video on using added ninth to chords) | Free Online Piano and Music Theory Lessons. Attention: If you’re just coming across the term added tone chords for the first time and are interested in knowing what they are, this lesson will provide you with an excellent beginners information on that. A# add chords. C2 or Dm7add2). D minor: Great job! Theory: Both chords contain the same notes, but the added notes belong to different octaves which are the ninth and the second notes in the scale. Bbmaj9/F# add(#5) Piano Chord Bbmaj9/F# add(#5) for Piano has the notes Bb C D F# F A . If you still run into problems with certain chords you will probably need to leave out the bass note and just play the top notes of the chord. Added tone chords are major triads with an extra note added. The chord, or rather the name mu major, was invented by Donald Fagen and Walter Becker, quite possibly while sitting at the piano working on their early demos in the late 60s/early 70s. A common minor chord includes the first, the minor third and the fifth notes in its scale. [Steely Dan Index]   Guitar Chord. Now, if we go ahead and skip the A note: G add chords for piano with keyboard diagram. The ninth is the same note as the second, one octave higher. Additionally, you can Download our Piano Companion FREE app which is used by millions of users worldwide and contains more than 10,000+ chords and scales. For example, you can play the Gadd4 chord: in Chords & Progressions,Experienced players,General Music,Piano,Theory. 1 m3 5 7 in einem Mollseptakkord oder 1 3 5 6 in einem Sextakkord). Diagram, notes and theoretical summary. Dmadd9 Notes: D - F - A - E. Left hand: 5-3-2-1. We’ll explore all that and more in subsequent lessons. G2, Gadd2, Gadd9 Notes: G, B, D, A The Cadd2: Additionally, you can Download our Piano Companion FREE app which is used by millions of users worldwide and contains more than 10,000+ chords and scales. B add(2) Chord. Dm add chord for piano with keyboard diagram. In a subsequent lesson, I’ll teach you how you can use these added tone chords over a variety of bass notes to form bigger chords. E minor: Sus2 means you replace the third with the major second (1 2 5). Db add (2) Chord Dbm add chords ‹ Previous • Next › D#m add chords. The mu major chord features, in various forms, in songs on all Steely Dan albums. F add chords. The E minor (add11): The 4-chord, which is the F major chord: A common major chord includes the first, the third and the fifth notes in its scale. …to the C major triad to produce the C major sixth chord: The diatonic chords in the key of C major are as follows: C major: Eb add(2) Piano Chord Charts, Sounds and Intervals. Em add chord for piano with keyboard diagram. E minor add chord. Bbadd9 Piano Chord Chart . Gadd9 Notes: G - B - D - A Tagged as: From the early days of Steely Dan it quickly became a favourite chord of theirs and, along with a small number of other favoured chords, is one of the defining characteristics of Steely Dan harmony. Dadd9 Notes: D - F# - A - E The only reason I think they'd write it that way is either it's a suspension (held over note) from the previous chord, or they're implying an exact voicing, making sure the C and the D are … [Steely Dan songbook reviews]   Piano chord chart. Beginning theory lesson. …can either be played in this voicing: Learn suspended fourth and add4 chords on the piano, with illustrated keyboard fingering and treble staff notation. Piano/Keyboard: Root note: C: Chord Type: Add Two: Bass note: Chord Symbols: add2: Chord Formula: 1-2-3-5: Chord Notes: C D E G For the 1-chord: A lot of musicians have abandoned triads for seventh and extended chords because they are basic and there’s nothing wrong with adding sophisticated chords to your chordal vocabulary. A# add chords for piano with keyboard diagram. Bb add(2) Inversions on piano. …and we played the first, third, fifth, and seventh tones. Onye lives in Dubai and is currently the Head of Education at HearandPlay Music Group and the music consultant of the Gospel Music Training Center, all in California, USA. add2, add4. C add2 chord guitar. In an add2 chord, the second is added, and in an add9 chord, a ninth is added to the triad. If you raise all the chords played over the second tone of the scale (which is D) are raised by a whole-step, you’ll have the added tone chords for the third tone of the scale: The E minor (add2): We can even add the sixth tone of the scale (which is A): Add chords. Piano Chord Chart. Piano Chord Chart. Theory: Both chords contain the same notes, but the added notes belong to different octaves which are the ninth and the second notes in the scale. D#add2 Chord Below you can find chord diagrams, piano fingerings, guitar fingering, notes, intervals, scales, and arpeggios. But, for a quick introduction, have a listen to the file below which is a collage of mu major chords from various Steely Dan songs. …or the D minor (add11): Covers how to form and play an add 2 chord. B add(2) Inversions on piano. Explanation: The Fadd9 and Fadd2 are four-note chords. What is a sus chord? eine Oktave dazugerechnet, also 9 … Bb add(2) Piano Chord Charts . Theory: Both chords contain the same notes, but the added notes belong to different octaves which are the ninth and the second notes in the scale. Listen to it and learn about its interval structure: R 2 3 #5 5 7. How To Form Seventh Chords In Two Shakes Of A Dog’s Tail Using Third Intervals And The Circle Of Fifths Chart, I Played The 13sus4 Chord And This Happened…, How To Build Seventh Chords Like An Architect Using “Foundation And Structure” Concept, This 4-Week Plan Will Help You Master All The Major Scales, Here’s How Major Sixth Chords Can Be Applied In The Formation Of Major Ninth Chords, Here’s Another Reason Why Seventh Chords Are Harmonically Ahead Of Triads. B b B b 7 B b maj7 B b 6 B b 5 B b m B b m7 B b m6 B b sus4 B b sus2 B b add9 B b add2. Piano chord name: C add(2) Piano sound: Notes and structure: C D E G ( R 2 3 5) Chord Categories: maj Chord Construction: major chord: chord has major third (R + 3) add degrees that do not fit in the chord structure: add(2) C add(2) on other instruments: C add(2) piano C add(2) guitar C add(2) ukulele C add(2) mandolin C add(2) banjo …can be played in the following ways: Voicing #1: Just what is the mysterious Steely Dan mu (µ) major chord? In G major you would have the left hand playing G, and the right playing GBD. the root note (e.g. Previous post: The 50-50 Approach To Learning Chords In The Major Key, Next post: Top 9 Characteristics Of The Song Tutor Software. [Home]   Plus tips on related chords. what is an add chord? The 2 and 9 in a chord (or scale) are basically the same notes, only the 9 is an octave higher. Diagram, notes and theoretical summary. The tones that can be added to a triad to form an added tone chord are the second, fourth, and sixth tones of the scale; which are basically the tones that were skipped in the formation of the triad. …we can either have the Cadd2: [Steely Dan guitar tab & chords]   Thanks again for sharing your treasure of musical knowledge. Piano chord name: A add(2) Piano sound: Notes and structure: A B C# E ( R 2 3 5) Chord Categories: maj Chord Construction: major chord: chord has major third (R + 3) add degrees that do not fit in the chord structure: add(2) A add(2) on other instruments: A add(2) piano A add(2) guitar A add(2) ukulele A add(2) mandolin A add(2) banjo You can still implement the voicing strategies we used for the 1-chord. C add chords for piano with keyboard diagram. This lesson is dedicated to people like me who love to play triads. Beginner to Advanced | Piano With Kent % These are relatively easy to play and can be moved up and down the neck to get mu majors in any key. Left hand: 5-3-2-1. B add(2) Piano Chord B add(2) for Piano has the notes B C# D# F# . They are abbreviated "add" and there are mainly two types: add9 and add2 (there are also the less common add11 and add4 ). On a piano or keyboard, there is no problem in playing chords that contain notes that are close together - it is no more difficult to play a straight major chord than a mu major chord. …or the Cmaj6 chord: Sheet Music with letter-notes. Explanation: The Cadd9 and Cadd2 are four-note chords. Live Tuner. Cadd2. Contents of this page © copyright Howard Wright 2002-2020, except Steely Dan song excerpts. A#add9 Notes: A# - D - F - C / A# - C## - E# - B# Chord symbols are not normally used to describe the voicing of the chords. Listen to it and learn about its interval structure: R 2 3 5. …we can also play the B note to form the C major seventh chord: Fadd2 is sometimes written as F2. Gadd2 is sometimes written as G2. …can be played as the Gadd2 chord: Explanation: The Gadd9 and Gadd2 are four-note chords. Ask Dr. Pokey: “What Is A Chord And What’s Not?”, The 50-50 Approach To Learning Chords In The Major Key, Top 9 Characteristics Of The Song Tutor Software, “Nine, Ten, A Big Fat Hen”: A Lesson On The Left Hand For Intermediate Keyboard Players. FAQ: What Chords Should I Use Over The Modes? For those who are new to piano, I will show you the essential chords and 2 simple rhythm patterns so that you can perform an actual piano accompaniment (Joy to Ode) in no time. D chord categories. A close relative to this chord would be an F(add2) in which the 2nd is added with the 3rd rather than a replacement for the 3rd. They are abbreviated "add" and there are mainly two types: add9 and add2 (there are also the less common add11 and add4).In the add9 the ninth tone in the scale is added and for the add2 the second tone in the scale is added. D add2 chord guitar. Beginner to Advanced | Piano With Kent % The mu major chord is something musicically inclined Steely Dan fans have often asked themselves about. Voicing #3: The 6-chord is the A minor triad: …is structurally related to the 1-chord, the C major chord: HERBERT GRÖNEMEYER ::::: Land unter ===== A /add2 A Der Wind steht schief A /add2 A die Luft aus Eis Bm7 A/C# die Möwen kreischen stur Esus4 E F#m7 /4 F#m Elemente duellieren sich Dmaj7 Esus4 E Du hältst mich auf Kurs A /add2 A A /add2 A Hab keine Angst vor'm Untergeh'n Bm7 A/C# Gischt schlägt ins Gesicht Esus4 E C# F#m kämpf mich durch zum Horizont Dmaj7 A denn dort treff … Please keep up the great work you are doing . Voicing #3: This is not the same chord spelling the other players (piano, bass, instrumentalists) would see. Die Intervalle des Basis-Dreiklangs bzw. C add2 chord guitar. As Donald Fagen has explained on occasions, the mu major chord is "a major chord with an added second". …can be played in the following ways: Voicing #1: Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. But for now, I wish you all the best and endeavor to substitute those boring triads with added tone chords. Revealed: The Chorale Perspective To Playing Cyclical Progressions, Here’s The Most Effective Way To Look At Minor Chords. Matching shapes. Additionally, you can Download our Piano Companion FREE app which is used by millions of users worldwide and contains more than 10,000+ chords and scales. …and you can either have the A minor (add2): | Supported by professionally accurate Easy-to-Read Piano Sheet Music With Letters Added. For those who are new to piano, I will show you the essential chords and 2 simple rhythm patterns so that you can perform an actual piano accompaniment (Joy to Ode) in no time. Cancel Unsubscribe. Added tone chords are major triads with an extra note added. Voicing #3: …or we can add the fourth tone of the scale (which is F): Weird way to notate that particular chord, normally you'd see it as C9. The Cmaj6 chord: (includes my video on using added ninth to chords) | Free Online Piano and Music Theory Lessons. …or the Fmaj6 chord: Add9 ist Add2 ? Theory: Both chords contain the same notes, but the added notes belong to different octaves which are the ninth and the second notes in the scale. G major: Added tone chords are basically triads with an added tone. You can choose to drop a note or two from the shapes that use five or six strings. Fadd9 Notes: F - A - C - G On the guitar however, it can be more difficult to achieve this dissonance. Full name: C add 2nd Alternative name/abbreviation: C2 Type: Open chord Notes in the chord: C, D, E, G Importance: 4/10 Difficulty: 4/10 Relevant chords: Cadd9. Try playing these two chords. So where Steely Dan use the name "mu major" (or perhaps µ major) others might be more used to add2 or add9. Chord progressions. Creates chord fingering charts for guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, or any stringed, fretted instrument. Altogether, we skipped D, F, and A: …which are the second, fourth, and sixth tones of the C major scale: Inverted chords. sus2 sus 4 add2 add4 - Piano Chording Level 2 PianoVideoLessons. This is because the C# is omitted in Aadd9 because both B and C# would fit in the same shape as an open chord. B diminished: Apart from the B diminished chord, we can make added tone chords out of the rest of the chords; from the 1-chord to the 6-chord. add2, Variations of the different fingerings of the Dadd2 guitar chords are listed below. On the guitar, it can be challenging to play some of these chords without some notes clashing. Right hand: 1-2-3-5. Add9 – Add2 – Sus2 There is also some confusion over the chords: Add9, Add2 and Sus2. B#2, B#add2, B#add9 Notes: B♯, Dx, Fx, Cx The shift from the original major chord to the sus chord is sometimes easily done. Free Online Piano Couses. D minor add chord. The best way to get used to the sound of the mu major chord is by playing the examples described below on a guitar or keyboard. [Guitars & music]   Onyemachi "Onye" Chuku (aka - "Dr. Pokey") is a Nigerian musicologist, pianist, and author. Note: the mu major chord needs at least four notes (1st, 2nd, maj 3rd, 5th). Matching shapes. Right hand: 1-2-3-5. Listen to it and learn about its interval structure: R 2 3 5. Chord progressions. F add chords for piano with keyboard diagram. If the third and fourth are both present, the chord is an add4 : G ADD4 : G – B – C – D Loading... Unsubscribe from PianoVideoLessons? What does it sound like? Show All A Chords Hide Chord List A major A minor A 7 A m7 A maj7 A m#7 (mM7) A 7b5 A 7#5 A m7b5 A 7b9 A b5 A 5 Power Chord A 6 A m6 A 69 A 9 A 9b5 A 9#5 A m9 A maj9 A add9 A 7#9 A 11 A m11 A 13 A maj13 A sus2 A sus4 A7 sus4 A9 sus4 A dim A half dim A dim7 A aug A/C# A/E A/G# A/G A/B …to form the Cadd2 chord: The major add2 chord, "French horn 5ths," the minor add2 (or add9) chord. Wenn der zusätzliche Ton etwas tiefer ist, und noch mehr Akkordtöne oben drüber kommen, dann nennt man diesen Akkord eher add2 als add9. Listen to it and learn about its interval structure: R 2 3 5. D#add2 Chord Below you can find chord diagrams, piano fingerings, guitar fingering, notes, intervals, scales, and arpeggios. …to form the Amin11 chord: The Fadd2: Diagram, notes and theoretical summary. Chord Symbols: add2 or add9? added tone chords. For example, the G mu major chord described above (made of the triad A B D with a G in the bass) is no problem on the piano, but on the guitar is quite a challenge (chord shape: 3x743x). D add chords. …or this voicing: The 2-chord is the D minor triad: D add chords for piano with keyboard diagram. Voicing #1: B b add2. Gadd9 Notes: G - B - D - A Gb9sus/G# add(#5) Piano Chord Gb9sus/G# add(#5) for Piano has the notes Gb G# D C# E . Cadd2 piano Chords chart with chord information and formula …can either be played in this voicing: Another example of this technique occurs just moments later on the G major chord also in measure 1. However, the chord is used not only in Steely Dan songs but in songs by many different artists, although others would probably know the chord by a different name. The E minor (add2): The E minor (add11): The 4-chord. B add(2) Piano Chord Charts . Der Grund: die Sekunde (2) und die None (9) haben den selben Notennamen. So if C minor is used as an example, what happen is that C, Eb and G changes to C, D, Eb … Some of the more common piano voicings of the mu major chord are more challenging to play on the guitar. Cadd2 is sometimes written as C2. C C# Db D D# Eb E F F# Gb G G# Ab A A# Bb B Show All Bb Chords Chord Finder. Bb add(2) Chord Piano sound: On this page: Charts Inversions Structure Chord on other instruments Related scales Chord staff Summary table References Adjust notes. The usual name for this chord is an add2 chord, sometimes also called an add9 chord. Who Else Wants To Learn About Symmetrical Scales And Chords? Play beautiful piano with only these two chords! However, instead of leaving those triads behind, I’m going to show you how you can transform basic triads into added tone chords that would add some warmth to your chord progressions. Explanation: The E minor add 9th is a four-note chord. Add9 is a triad with an added ninth above it (1 3 5 9). Although you can play the chord on the guitar as well as a keyboard, things are easier on the keyboard as there is much more freedom to choose different voicings. For a mu major, all you do is swap the G (1st) in the right hand for an A (2nd). The 2nd of the chord (E) is played like a grace note that ornaments the 3rd of the chord (F♯). Für zusätzliche Töne wird in der Akkordbezeichnung (und nur in der Bezeichnung!) Play beautiful piano with only these two chords! B flat add2 chord guitar. Other added chord types. Wenn der hinzukommende Ton weiter als eine Oktave vom … Vierklangs werden mit Zahlen bis 7 bezeichnet (z.B. However, some players use these suffixes interchangeably. Dadd2. Plus tips on related chords. A close relative to this chord would be an F(add2) in which the 2nd is added with the 3rd rather than a replacement for the 3rd. Voicing #2: Sus2 chords are formed with the second note in the chord lowered one step. The add2 chord is very similar to the add9 chord; the notes are in fact the same, but the difference is that the add2 and the add9 notes belong to different octaves. Eb add(2) for Piano has the notes Eb F G A# . Plus tips on related chords. | Supported by professionally accurate Easy-to-Read Piano Sheet Music With Letters Added. (i.e. Gb9sus/G# add(#5) Chord AKA: Gb9sus/G# add(+5); Gb7/9sus/G# add(+5); Gb7sus/G# add(+5) add2; Gb7sus/G# add(+5) add9; Gb7/9sus/G# add(#5); Gb7/9sus/G# add(+5); Gb7sus/G# add(#5) add2; Gb7sus/G# add(+5) add2; Gb7sus/G# add(#5) add9; … B add(2) Chord Piano sound: On this page: Charts Inversions Structure Chord on other instruments Related scales Chord staff Summary table References Adjust notes. Plus tips on related chords. G add chords for piano with keyboard diagram. In addition to sus2 there is sus4, that is some more common. An example is Aadd9 and Add2. A minor: You’ll recall that in the formation of the C major triad, that after the note C, we’re skipping D: The following two tabs change content below. The theory is the same as add9 and add2 chords. In other words, move your thumb up a note so the right hand now plays ABD. I love to play triads and if you’ve been a musicians for sometime now, you should know that triads sound very basic. Piano chord name: D add(2) Piano sound: Notes and structure: D E F# A ( R 2 3 5) Chord Categories: maj Chord Construction: major chord: chord has major third (R + 3) add degrees that do not fit in the chord structure: add(2) D add(2) on other instruments: D add(2) piano D add(2) guitar D add(2) ukulele D add(2) mandolin D add(2) banjo Dadd2 is sometimes written as D2. To the C major chord: Voicing #2: The simplest keyboard voicing is obtained by starting with a simple major chord: left hand plays the root (1st), and the right hand plays a root position triad (1st, 3rd, 5th). Diagram, notes and theoretical summary. Read my article "The Birth of the Mu Major Chord" which describes the first documented use of the chord in 12th century Paris (article hosted on Mizar6 website). Full name: B flat add 2nd Alternative name/abbreviation: Bb2 Type: Closed chord Notes in the chord: Bb, C, D, F Importance: 3/10 Difficulty: 4/10 Relevant chords: Bbadd9. A add(2) Piano Chord A add(2) for Piano has the notes A B C# E . Attention: The added tones (second, fourth, and sixth tones) can also be played an octave higher as the ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth tones respectively. Easy! Where this cannot be done, try alternative fingerings and positions for the chord. B add(2) for Piano has the notes B C# D# F# . Ebm add chords ‹ Previous • Next › Fm add chords. …we can either add the second tone of the scale (which is D): Great job! …as the two added tone chords you can play over the second tone of the scale on the bass. The idea of the mu major chord was almost certainly conceived at the piano. Bbadd9 Piano Chord Chart . SCALESCHORDS. In the add9 the ninth tone in the scale is added and for the add2 the second tone in the scale is added. Here are a few guitar chord shapes for the mu major that you can try. Bb add(2) Piano Chord Bb add(2) for Piano has the notes Bb C D F . add4 chords, In the key of G, the mu major chord has the notes: G A B D, In the key of E, the mu major chord has the notes: E F# G# B. Each of these Dadd2 chords are listed in standard chord charts. (Read the. Listen to it and learn about its interval structure: R 2 3 5. Emadd9 Notes: E - G - B - F#. Sheet Music with letter-notes. Listen to it and learn about its interval structure: R 2 3 5. Theory: The added note is the second note in the scale, but on the next octave. Next to add9 and add2 chords there are also add 4 and add 11 chords, which as is the case with added 9th and 2nd are identical – the 11th note is same as the 4th one octave higher. So the chord itself is not unique to Steely Dan - but the way Donald and Walter used the chord, the voicings they chose, and the chord changes they used it in made it something rather special in Steely Dan music. Because there are only six strings to use, and you use just one hand to select the notes, the choices are more limited and mu major chord shapes may involve more of a stretch than simpler chords. …as the two added tone chords you can play over the sixth tone of the scale on the bass. If the third and second are both present, the chord is an add2 : FADD2: F – G – A – C FminADD2: F – G – A ♭ – C Home> Chord Database> piano> B> major third> normal 5th> no 7th> not inverted> B add(2) B add(2) Piano Chord. Db add (2) Piano Chord Db add (2) for Piano has the notes Db D# F G#. …and playing the E note, and then we also skip the F note: By adding the second or ninth note, you get an madd2 or madd9 chord respectively. …and play the G note. Piano chord chart. The shapes that use the open strings are the easiest, but to get a mu in any key you'll need to use the moveable shapes. …to the C major triad to form the Cadd4 chord: Leider gibt es bei den hier gezeigten Akkorden gelegentlich unterschiedliche Bezeichnungen. Listen to it and learn about its interval structure: R 2 3 5. Eb add(2) for Piano has the notes Eb F G A# . The neck to get mu majors in any key add2 chord piano are four-note chords Piano! The Chorale Perspective to playing Cyclical Progressions, here ’ s the Most Effective Way to notate particular... Eb add ( 2 ) for Piano has the notes a B C # #. More difficult to achieve this dissonance Oktave dazugerechnet, also 9 … sus2 chords are major with... 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Shapes for the mu major that you can try Piano chord B add ( 2 ) Piano chord a (. Guitar however, it can be challenging to play and can be more difficult achieve. Theory is the mysterious Steely Dan mu ( & micro ) major chord is sometimes easily done voicings of mu! Dan song excerpts & copy copyright Howard Wright 2002-2020, except Steely Dan song excerpts use Over the chords add9..., add4 chords, added tone chords gelegentlich unterschiedliche Bezeichnungen Donald Fagen has explained on occasions, the is... Guitar chord shapes for the mu major chord is `` a major chord to the triad ( 1 3 )... Triads with an added second '' sus4, that is some more common Piano voicings of the mu.! Playing G, and the fifth notes in its scale you 'd it... Asus it add2 chord piano usually not sus2 but sus4 chords beginner to Advanced Piano. The next octave Gadd9 notes: G - D - a D minor add 9th is four-note. With the second note, you get an add2 chord, normally you 'd see it as.! Gadd9 and Gadd2 are four-note chords is dedicated to people like me who to... To get mu majors in any key Mollseptakkord oder 1 3 5 E. left hand playing G and. In various forms, in songs on all Steely Dan songs, Compuserve chat Donald! French horn 5ths, '' the minor third and the fifth notes in its scale usual name this... Played like a grace note that ornaments the 3rd of the different fingerings of the Dadd2 guitar are. This lesson is to refresh your mind on added tone chords are major triads with extra. With keyboard diagram theory: the added note is the same note as the second note in the is... Add9 chord gezeigten Akkorden gelegentlich unterschiedliche Bezeichnungen Donald Fagen has explained on occasions, the mu major in Steely songs! In measure 1 musical knowledge as add2 chords measure 1 add11 ): Fadd9... Dan mu ( & micro ) major chord different fingerings of the chord shape of (... Like Esus or Asus it is usually not sus2 but sus4 chords Chorale Perspective playing! Are listed below one octave higher would have the left hand:.! Supported by professionally accurate Easy-to-Read Piano Sheet Music with Letters added this &. Chords for Piano has the notes Db D # F # # F # selben. Grace note that ornaments the 3rd of the more common Piano voicings the... For guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, or any stringed, fretted instrument major chord at... A B C # D # m add chords ‹ Previous • next › D # F G a add2..., move your thumb up a add2 chord piano so the right hand now plays ABD guide has everything need! These are relatively easy to play and can be challenging to play on the guitar however it. Chord is something musicically inclined Steely Dan albums nur in der Bezeichnung )! Down the neck to get mu majors in any key › D F... Chuku ( aka - `` Dr. Pokey '' ) is played like a grace note that ornaments the of! 5 ) by professionally accurate Easy-to-Read Piano Sheet Music with Letters added: die Sekunde ( 2 ) Piano Db. Like a grace note that ornaments the 3rd of the mu major chord are more challenging to play and be. Oktave vom not the same notes, only the 9 is an add2 chord the chord... You 'd see it as C9 see it as C9 'd see it as C9 an octave higher you see. Major you would have the left hand: 5-3-2-1 some of the different of... E - G - B - F # - a - E. left hand:.! Get an madd2 or madd9 chord respectively a common minor chord includes the,. Not the same chord spelling the other players ( Piano, bass banjo... The next octave a major second ( 1 2 3 5 9 ) haben selben... Scale, but on the G major chord includes the first, mu! Where Donald talks about the mu major in Steely Dan albums Else Wants to learn about its interval:... Für zusätzliche Töne wird in der Akkordbezeichnung ( und nur in der Bezeichnung! Easy-to-Read Piano Sheet Music Letters. E - G - B - D - a D minor add 9th a. Needs at least four notes ( 1st, 2nd, maj 3rd, 5th ) in measure..
add2 chord piano 2021