Although they can represent size, shape, distance and directions of the Earth features with reasonable accuracy, globes are not practical or suitable for many applications. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "areas of distortion" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Keep scrolling for more. This page was last edited on 19 December 2020, at 15:20. The word distortion in simple terms is a word used to described mammographical abnormalities in which the architecture of a portion of the breast doesn't look normal. In cartography, a distortion is the misrepresentation of the area or shape of a feature. 2 : a lack of correspondence of size or intensity in an image resulting from defects in an optical system. Distortion definition, an act or instance of distorting. Such a situation can occur when an amplifier is overdriven—causing clipping or slew rate distortion when, for a moment, the amplifier characteristics alone and not the input signal determine the output. distortion [dis-tor´shun] 1. the state of being twisted out of a natural or normal shape or position. Déséquilibre, manque d'harmonie entre deux ou plusieurs choses : La distorsion entre les salaires masculins et féminins. Distortion is also used as a musical effect, particularly with electric guitars. Définition de distortion dans le dictionnaire français en ligne. add example. Meridian. : +33 3 83 96 21 76 - Fax : +33 3 83 97 24 56 Other forms of audio distortion are non-flat frequency response, compression, modulation, aliasing, quantization noise, wow and flutter from analog media such as vinyl records and magnetic tape. Normally it sounds loud, crunchy, obscure, bright and full of character, but it can be much more than this narrow definition. definition of cities and rural areas: the new degree of urbanisation Lewis Dijkstra and Hugo Poelman ... area size, the results are distorted and reduce the comparability ... To avoid this distortion, the method had to find a way of looking as, When the transfer function comprises only a perfect gain constant A and perfect delay T. the output is undistorted. P. métaph. Scale is true along the equator. Although they can represent size, shape, distance and directions of the Earth features with reasonable accuracy, globes are not practical or suitable for many applications. Many approaches are described in the literature for measuring the distortion of an optical window, but most suffer from either poor resolution or processing difficulties. Distortion and overdrive are forms of audio signal processing used to alter the sound of amplified electric musical instruments, usually by increasing their gain, producing a "fuzzy", "growling", or "gritty" tone.Distortion is most commonly used with the electric guitar, but may also be used with other electric instruments such as bass guitar, electric piano, and Hammond organ. In some situations, however, distortion may be desirable. © 2012 - CNRTL 44, avenue de la Libération BP 30687 54063 Nancy Cedex - France Tél. distortion example sentences. Gratuit. Cancellation of even-order harmonic distortion, Audio Electronics by John Linsley Hood; page 162, "Telegraphic Type Services Standard Interface Specifications",, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the Federal Standard 1037C, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from MIL-STD-188, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. (Elle affecte les lignes droites ne passant pas par l'axe optique ou le centre de l'image d'un système optique.). distorted surface area . The Mercator map is so popular that most people have a mental image of the world that is wildly inaccurate. La distorsion désigne, dans un appareil ou un canal de transmission, l'ensemble des modifications indésirables d'un signal1 qui ne soient ni un gain, ni une atténuation, ni un retard2. Chaque définition comme celle de Distorsion est issue du Dictionnaire de la langue française d'Émile Littré dont la rédaction dura de 1847 à 1865. If distortion control is used, the energy dissipated by distortion control can be output upon request (see “Abaqus/Explicit output variable identifiers,” Section 4.2.2, for details). Copy to clipboard; Details / edit ; Termium. This article covers several key issues on distortion in arc welded fabrications, especially basic types of and factors affecting the degree of distortion. Distortion energy theory. This is sometimes called bias distortion. You can also use the Zoom tool to drag over an area of the preview you want to magnify. 2. in psychology, the process of altering or disguising unconscious ideas or impulses so that they become acceptable to the conscious mind. In practice, this is a poor method for analogue audio (although good for converters between analogue and digital) because the small deviations produced by high-quality audio make it difficult to keep measurement uncertainties below the deviations. See more. distorsion \dis.tɔʁ.sjɔ̃\ féminin. Find more ways to say distortion, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The amount of distortion, however, is regular along some lines in the map. Sharp distortion with high tone definition - no eye will remain dry. D F≡(1/ ). Harmonic distortion is generally expressed as a percentage. If areas get distorted, some places will start looking sparser or denser than they really are. translation and definition "distorted surface area", English-French Dictionary online. [1] Nonlinearities that give rise to amplitude distortion in audio systems are most often measured in terms of the harmonics (overtones) added to a pure sinewave fed to the system. In telecommunication and signal processing, a noise-free system can be characterised by a transfer function, such that the output Direction. Amplitude distortion is distortion occurring in a system, subsystem, or device when the output amplitude is not a linear function of the input amplitude under specified conditions. Harmonic distortion adds overtones that are whole number multiples of a sound wave's frequencies. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus {\displaystyle y(t)} Distortion is usually unwanted, and so engineers strive to eliminate or minimize it. can be written as a function of the input In most fields, distortion is characterized as unwanted change to a signal. These measurements should be expressed as a percentage of the surface area of the original euro banknote [...] before it was mutilated or damaged, in order [...] to prevent the distortion of measurements, [...] for instance in situations where the [...] euro banknote is mutilated or damaged due to shrinkage. This would mean that features lying on the 20th parallel are equally distorted, features on the 40th parallel are equally distorted … ) x For example, in noise reduction systems like the Dolby system, an audio signal is deliberately distorted in ways that emphasize aspects of the signal that are subject to electrical noise, then it is symmetrically "undistorted" after passing through a noisy communication channel, reducing the noise in the received signal. Telegraphic distortion is a similar and older problem, distorting the ratio between mark and space intervals.[2]. Distortion energy failure theory is comparison between 2 kinds of energies, 1) Distortion energy in the actual case 2) Distortion energy in a simple tension case at the time of failure. défaut d'une image dans laquelle certaines formes géométriques des objets ne sont pas respectées. Distance. [Category=Geospatial ] ...Map Projection Distortions Each of the different types of projections have strenghts and weaknesses. Learn more. Définition : distorsion (f) (méd) État d’une partie du corps qui se tourne d’un seul côté par le relâchement des muscles opposés, ou par la contraction des muscles correspondants. 1 : the censorship of unacceptable unconscious impulses so that they are unrecognizable to the ego in the manifest content of a dream. Distortion definition, an act or instance of distorting. Sommaire. With respect to audio, distortion refers to any kind of deformation of an output waveform compared to its input, usually clipping, harmonic distortion, or intermodulation distortion (mixing phenomena) caused by non-linear behavior of electronic components and power supply limitations. Selon la légende la distorsion aurait été inventée par The Kinks pour leur titre You Really Got Me ; Dave Davies lacère le haut-parleur de son petit ampli, un Watkins (ou un ElPico), lequel produit un son distordu, les effets fuzz électroniques étant rares à l'époque. distortion - a change (usually undesired) in the waveform of an acoustic or analog electrical signal; the difference between two measurements of a signal (as between the input and output signal); "heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion" As the system output is given by y(t) = F(x(t)), then if the inverse function F−1 can be found, and used intentionally to distort either the input or the output of the system, then the distortion is corrected. Harmonic distortion may be expressed in terms of the relative strength of individual components, in decibels, or the root mean square of all harmonic components: Total harmonic distortion (THD), as a percentage. Limitations. Définitionsde distorsion. [8] High frequency Harmonic Distortion in Amplifiers.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Breast architectural distortion is a descriptive term in breast imaging (mammography, ultrasound, and MRI) to indicate that the breast parenchyma is tethered or indented. The benefits of this definition of the total harmonic distortion were shown by Shmilovitz [17]. y Medical Definition of distortion. A distortion on a map is when you transfer information from a curved suface to a flat suface losing some accuracy. If you can't stop talking, don't sit in the quiet area of the library. Quality measures that reflect both noise and distortion include the signal-to-noise and distortion (SINAD) ratio and total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N). distortion [dis-tor´shun] 1. the state of being twisted out of a natural or normal shape or position. 1 Anglais. [3] Terms for specific types of nonlinear audio distortion include: crossover distortion and slew-induced distortion (SID). 1. For example, the non-uniform frequency response curve of AC-coupled cascade amplifier is an example of frequency distortion. La distorsion de ségrégation (DS) des allèles est un phénomène commun à tous les êtres vivants. Local angles are correct along standard parallels or standard lines. The Main text A new technology has been developed to measure roll wave distortion on-line as glass Électricité. Equal-area projection definition, a projection in which regions on the earth's surface that are of equal area are represented as equal. When analog long distance trunks were commonplace, for example in 12 channel carrier, group delay distortion had to be corrected in repeaters. Examples include push-pull amplifiers and long-tailed pairs. distortion définition, signification, ce qu'est distortion: 1. a change to the intended or true meaning of something: 2. a change to the original or natural…. The human ear cannot hear phase distortion, except that it may affect the stereo imaging. The definition is great, means a distortion that still let the notes ring in chords. Distortion definition: Distortion is the changing of something into something that is not true or not acceptable... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples A nonlinear channel will have a measurable output signal. distortion synonymes, distortion antonymes. Learn more. distortion - traduction anglais-français. It is also modeled more accurately as an oblate spheroid or an ellipsoid.A globe is a scaled down model of the Earth. The shape of the Earth is represented as a sphere. Recommended for narrow areas extending along the central line. Technical Article Understanding, Calculating, and Measuring Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) February 20, 2017 by David Williams Total harmonic distortion (THD) is a measurement that tells you how much of the distortion of a voltage or current is due to harmonics in the signal. Note that the resulting value may exceed one. In communications and electronics it means the alteration of the waveform of an information-bearing signal, such as an audio signal representing sound or a video signal representing images, in an electronic device or communication channel. et/ou au fig. The addition of noise or other outside signals (hum, interference) is not considered distortion, though the effects of quantization distortion are sometimes included in noise. Nonlinear distortion also is called intermodulation distortion (IMD) and is measured by applying four voiceband tones to the input of the channel and measuring the output signals after notch filtering the original input signals. It is also modeled more accurately as an oblate spheroid or an ellipsoid. Many symmetrical electronic circuits reduce the magnitude of even harmonics generated by the non-linearities of the amplifier's components, by combining two signals from opposite halves of the circuit where distortion components that are roughly the same magnitude but out of phase. This produces an uncorrectable loss of information. Fr., 1967, p. 346). No output signal will be measured in a linear channel. Sens du mot. A type of map invented by Geradus Mercator in 1569 to help ship masters across the sea, it had a distortion however, that being the distortion of the size of areas particularly the North and South poles. 1.1 Étymologie; 1.2 Nom commun; 1.3 Prononciation; 1.4 Voir aussi; Anglais [modifier le wikicode] Étymologie [modifier le wikicode] Du latin distortio. Définitions de distortionner, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de distortionner, dictionnaire analogique de distortionner (français) Roller Wave Distortion – Definition, Causes and a Novel Approach to Accurate, On-line Measurement High-quality, low-distortion, heat-treated glass can be consistently manufactured using on-line measurement of roll distortion. Déformation d'un phénomène périodique au cours de sa transmission. In optics, image/optical distortion is a divergence from rectilinear projection caused by a change in magnification with increasing distance from the optical axis of an optical system. Arnoux, Double chance, 1958, p. 83. There is no area distortion. Action de distendre un muscle, un ligament, de déformer le visage, etc. The Mercator projection, for example, distorts by exaggerating the size of regions at high latitude. This article incorporates public domain material from the General Services Administration document: "Federal Standard 1037C". (in support of MIL-STD-188), This article is about technology, especially electrical engineering. Elle permet de quantifier la performance des codeurs en mesurant la qualité de reconstruction de l'image compressée par rapport à l'image originale. distortion. Distortion occurs when the transfer function F is more complicated than this. Action de distendre un muscle, un ligament, de déformer le... La distorsion entre les salaires masculins et féminins. traduction distorsions dans la dans le dictionnaire Francais - Espagnol de Reverso, voir aussi 'distorsion',distorsion dans la taxation des revenus mobiliers',distribution au détail',distinct', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques The Mercator projection, for example, distorts by exaggerating the size of regions at high latitude. The transfer function of an ideal amplifier, with perfect gain and delay, is only an approximation. This problem is caused by map distortion. Distorsion is one of the other abnormalities such as mass and calcifications that could be seen on a mammogram. The shape of the Earth is represented as a sphere. It also shows the output from a non-distorting transfer function (straight line). They are hard to transport and store; for example you can not stuff a globe in your backpack whil… The first trace (in black) shows the input. This definition complies with that of standard IEC 61000-2-2.. (6) This definition describes distortion in … It may be more listenable with less distortion at a lower power output level, but if you run into a amplifier or receiver that lists a 10% distortion level (or any distortion level higher than 1%) for its stated power output, try to get some. Often referred to as "abstraction," examples of distortion include "The Weeping Woman" by Picasso and "The Adoration of the Shepherds" by El Greco. t Even on a conformal map, shapes are a bit distorted for very large areas, like continents. et admin. A globe is a scaled down model of the Earth. Multi-national corporations. Distortion in music is often intentionally used as an effect when applied to an electric guitar signal in styles of rock music such as heavy metal and punk rock. In binary signaling such as FSK, distortion is the shifting of the significant instants of the signal pulses from their proper positions relative to the beginning of the start pulse. Area — Maps of density demand equal area projections. If F is a linear function, for instance a filter whose gain and/or delay varies with frequency, the signal suffers linear distortion. Example sentences with "distorted surface area", translation memory. An example of a similar correction is where LP/vinyl recordings or FM audio transmissions are deliberately pre-emphasised by a linear filter, the reproducing system applies an inverse filter to make the overall system undistorted. Choose a zoom level from the pop‑up menu in the lower-left area of the dialog box. Déséquilibre, manque d'harmonie entre deux ou plusieurs choses . According to the standard, h can generally be limited to 50.This equation produces a single value indicating the distortion of a voltage or a current flowing at a given point in a distribution system. Une certaine altération du signal est inévitable ; on cherche à transmettre celui-ci avec le plus d'exactitude possible. It is important that imagery seen through large area windows, such as those used on space vehicles, not be substantially distorted. Déformation par une torsion. distortion - [map projections] On a map or image, the misrepresentation of shape, area, distance, or direction of or between geographic features when compared to their true measurements on the curved surface of the earth. Distorsion entre les prix de revient et les ressources des Français (Belorgey, Gouvern. Direction is distorted elsewhere. Another word for distortion. Distortion is the alteration of the original shape (or other characteristic) of something. The audit ruled out any distortion of the accounting records. If you’re working with a data set of persons per square mile, for example, your map needs to make sure each square mile looks the same size. What causes distortion? Correction is not possible if the inverse does not exist—for instance if the transfer function has flat spots (the inverse would map multiple input points to a single output point). Cylindrical equal area is an equal-area (equivalent) projection. One of the many lines on maps running from the North Pole to the South Pole; used to measure degrees of longitude . 4 The only reason I gave it four stars it's because this is a one sound pedal, it isn't a pedal that can go from slight over-driven to distortion, it's just purely distortion. (Médecine) État d’une partie du corps qui se tourne d’un seul côté par le relâchement des muscles opposés, ou par la contraction des muscles correspondants. ( Distortion. Action de distordre. Shape, scale, direction, angle, and distance distortion increase with the distance from the standard parallels. Informations sur distortion dans le dictionnaire gratuit en ligne anglais et encyclopédie. {\displaystyle x} Here, all the components of the input signal are not amplified with the same phase shift, hence making some parts of the output signal out of phase with the rest of the output. In the art world, a distortion is any change made by an artist to the size, shape or visual character of a form to express an idea, convey a feeling or enhance visual impact. How to use distortion in a sentence. Harmonic distortion in radio frequency applications is rarely expressed as THD. En savoir plus. Mourant sous les roues carnassières Dans son crâne vague, il sentit Une distorsion étrangère Avant de connaître l’oubli Example sentences with the word distortion. Some patients may have a small problem area that can be addressed in as little as an hour of surgery. The two types of distortion most evident in … The area is a part of a place, usually defined by a function. Because welding involves highly localised heating of joint edges to fuse the material, non-uniform stresses are set up in the component because of expansion and contraction of the heated material. With the scoop switch, the mids can be lowered, at which point it becomes quite nasty. Non-flat frequency response is a form of distortion that occurs when different frequencies are amplified by different amounts in a filter. La paralysie du nerf facial produit la distorsion de la face. For other uses, see. Les progrès en la matière ont donné en audio le concept de Haute Fidélité3. Cependant, le groupe ayant été formé en 1964, il serait surprenant que cette légende soit fondée, puisque la distorsion aurait été utilisée dès 1956 par Paul Burlison, le guitariste … Forums pour discuter de distortion, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. The finding per se is not a mass. distortion definition in English dictionary, distortion meaning, synonyms, see also 'barrel distortion',harmonic distortion',distortional',distort'. Plus, the name and graphics are … Select the Zoom tool from the toolbox in the dialog box, and click in the image to zoom in, or Alt-click (Option-click in Mac OS) to zoom out. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition … In a filter, group delay tends to peak near the cut-off frequency, resulting in pulse distortion. A conformal map distorts area—most features are depicted too large or too small. See more. distortion definition: 1. a change to the intended or true meaning of something: 2. a change to the original or natural…. - Distorsion de la … The level at which harmonic distortion becomes audible depends on the exact nature of the distortion. déformation indésirable d'un signal fonction du temps, qui se produit dans un appareil ou au cours d'une opération telle que l'enregistrement, la reproduction ou la transmission. The true behavior of the system is usually different. Prononciation de distortion définition distortion traduction distortion signification distortion dictionnaire distortion quelle est la définition de distortion . There are 4 ways a map can be distorted: size, shape, direction, and distance. Électroacoustique. The magnitude of the distortion is expressed in percent of an ideal unit pulse length. All Free. Dissertation definition, a written essay, treatise, or thesis, especially one written by a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The concept of Von mises stress arises from the distortion energy failure theory. Action de distendre un muscle, un ligament, de déformer le visage, etc. Mud and mumble remain outside, however - not many distortion pedals can do that! In cartography, a distortion is the misrepresentation of the area or shape of a feature. Scale distortion is severe near the poles. Find another word for distortion. stemming. 7 synonyms of distortion from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 4 related words, definitions, and antonyms. 2. in psychology, the process of altering or disguising unconscious ideas or impulses so that they become acceptable to the conscious mind. distorsion, nom féminin Sens 1 Défaut d'un appareil qui enregistre des sons ou des images et qui les reproduit de façon déformée . Vous avez prononcé, mon cher (...) des mots qui ne se conjuguent, ne se goupillent que d'une façon très aléatoire, par distorsion du sens et par interprétation abusive. 2. distortion definition: 1. a change to the intended or true meaning of something: 2. a change to the original or natural…. A second definition of distortion is given by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) [5] and states that distortion is equal to one over the focal length, F, of the lens formed by the curvature of the window, i.e. Different types of distortion (like crossover distortion) are more audible than others (like soft clipping) even if the THD measurements are identical. région à surface déformée. This form of distortion mostly occurs due to electrical reactance. Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire. See more. An audio example of a short sample followed by different distorted versions of it. The scale is correct along the standard parallels. Nonlinearities in the transfer function of an active device (such as vacuum tubes, transistors, and operational amplifiers) are a common source of non-linear distortion; in passive components (such as a coaxial cable or optical fiber), linear distortion can be caused by inhomogeneities, reflections, and so on in the propagation path. Elles n’émanent pas de la rédaction du Monde ou de Dicocitations et ne sauraient les engager. PSNR (sigle de Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) est une mesure de distorsion utilisée en image numérique, tout particulièrement en compression d'image. Select a tool from the toolbox. In the audio case, this is mainly caused by room acoustics, poor loudspeakers and microphones, long loudspeaker cables in combination with frequency dependent loudspeaker impedance, etc. In a waveguide, phase velocity varies with frequency. Map Projections - types and distortion patterns. Déformation, altération : 2. For other uses, see, "Distort" redirects here. Définition. Linear distortion does not introduce new frequency components to a signal but does alter the balance of existing ones. Lung architectural distortion in thoracic radiology refers to a descriptive term give when the normal pulmonary bronchial, vascular, fissural or septal anatomy is disrupted and manifested as loss of smooth course of the fissures, crowding of dilated bronchioles or vessels with angulated course 1.This can be caused by a number of disease processes and can either diffuse or localized. Area. For example, it may be constant along any given parallel. Les définitions et citations issue du Littré ne sont pas les nôtres et ne reflètent aucunement nos opinions. Can be found only in dispersive media. For electric guitar; This distortion pedal was designed according to the desires of Pantera's Dimebag Darrel distortion - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. See more. Learn more. DISTORSION (s. f.) [di-stor-sion ; en vers, de quatre syllabes]. . This diagram shows the behaviour of a signal (made up of a square wave followed by a sine wave) as it is passed through various distorting functions. Versions of it example of a short sample followed by different amounts in a filter group... Dis-Tor´Shun ] 1. the state of being twisted out of a natural or normal shape or position rédaction. Distortion occurs when different frequencies are amplified by different distorted versions of it produit la distorsion de la.!, we could measure the deviations, phase velocity varies with frequency the! Traduction distortion signification distortion dictionnaire distortion quelle est la définition de distortion dans dictionnaire! You transfer information from a non-distorting transfer function ( straight line ) ; Details edit..., questions, discussion and forums along some lines in the lower-left area of the system is usually.... 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On 19 December 2020, at 15:20 it may be desirable définition, traduction, prononciation, et... Codeurs en mesurant la qualité de reconstruction de l'image compressée par rapport à l'image originale waveguide, velocity. Support of MIL-STD-188 ), this article incorporates public domain area distortion definition from the distortion expressed! A sphere gain and/or delay varies with frequency, resulting in pulse distortion area distortion definition are represented as.... To clipboard ; Details / edit ; Termium delay, is regular along some lines in the quiet of... Line ) of non-linear distortion was that the transfer function F is a part of a or. Or shape of a natural or normal shape or position ideal amplifier, with perfect and... New frequency components to a signal but does alter the balance of existing ones gratuit en anglais... Non-Linear distortion was that the transfer function F is a form of distortion occurs. 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De Haute Fidélité3 this article incorporates public domain material from the pop‑up menu in the lower-left area the. ] Terms for specific types of nonlinear audio distortion include: crossover distortion slew-induced. Is usually different F is more complicated than this — maps of density demand equal area projections the abnormalities... Uses, see, `` Distort '' redirects area distortion definition ideal unit pulse length of equal area projections p... The system is usually different when analog long distance trunks were commonplace, instance... [ 2 ] new frequency components to a signal prix de revient les... Ideal unit pulse length Services Administration document: `` Federal standard 1037C '' the... Par l'axe optique ou le centre de l'image compressée par rapport à l'image originale and!