If it's low from the start, cycle between En. Builds See Guillotine Cross Builds for build strategies to work towards. To become a Assassin Cross, you must find a book called 'the Book of Ymir' in 'Sage Castle', Juno. If you manage to +8 your armor, that's an 8% chance to reflect magic per card you have equipped on your armor. (Cloak?). The reason: Fire and Water Bolts have accessory cards that can boost their damage by up to 40%, not to mention Professors come with the "Volcano" and "Deluge" ground spells, which further boost the damage of these elements even more. 4. 2x Frus on a +8 Goibne's means 16% reflect chance. Try to take advantage of this if you're fumbling all over the place with your swaps for whatever reason. This is the optimal way to use a sub-armor without tossing away bonus HP. Use this shield when you want to send their own damage back at them, but I'd advise against keeping it on 24/7 and only using it when you're being bolt spammed pretty heavily. Vitality (VIT): Increases soft DEF and total Health. INT: Another argument regards the absence of INT in STR/VIT-oriented builds. Well, time to wrap things up. So, the main differences here are the garments, shield cards, shields, and accessories. In my opinion this should be the first item you aim to obtain because even as a brand new Sin player this will put you on the grid. At most you can take it up to 380 TOTAL, meaning base+bonus points. Use this if you're trying to send some more damage back to your opponent and feel you have HP to spare, rather than opting for something like Angeling to resist their elements better. It will take some practice, but just cycle between katar -> shield -> dagger. I'll try to condense this as much as possible. --Lastly, Enchants. It could potentially work for Stalkers who uses daggers, as well. If you are using a Combat Knife, simply use full Randgris. Thanks Ganon, appreciate it. As well as skills like EDP, Meteor Assault, Sonic Blow, Converters or when to use them and such. I pretty much use these for everything. I figured I'd save that information for this last little bit. Double Thara Frogs on Valkyrja's Shield. Also you must reach at least job level 40 as a transcendent 1st class character. What It Takes To Play 3. <word filtered!> <word filtered!> Hat, http://ro.doddlercon.com/tempcalc/calcx.html. Agility (AGI): Increases Flee and Attack Speed. Keeping things simple, here are a few ways to use the skill. Here are my stats, for reference. To boot, the class is depicted as a "High risk, high reward" class, but that's not entirely true. Thank you for the kind words! Do keep this in mind when switching on / off the shield. Does Kyrie block the physical part of SD? ahhh.....so @Yuji is jus10 & jus10 is flaming flamingo? 1x Thara 1x GTB Valkyrja's Shield. And more or less, that's it. [Alternatively, you could use 6 Durathror's and two Sorcerer's Rings (which can be made via quest, here) to achieve 100%, but I'll further explain why I suggest having at least 1 Kiel-D-01 instead later on. [Note: While Creator technically counts as a magic class, their main form of offense is Neutral bombardment magic, so I'll explain that bit separately.] Most likely, you'll carry at least two or three daggers on you, be them Combat Knives, Assassin Daggers or even Gauches. (I'll go over which ones you should use standard a little further in.) Try chaining 4 together and see how quickly you can put your shield / dagger back on. Specifically with the last two, while you could argue they have situational use via the Ghost Resistance or Undead Damage bonus, it's generally not very optimal. Lots of it. From the Warlock class pick the invocations improved pact weapon, thirsting blade, and life drinker. Welcome to PvXwiki, the largest database of Guild Wars character builds! Everything Lv Range: 60~90 Map: Skellington, a Solitary Village in Niflheim ... ASSASSIN CROSS ONLY Maybe the best solo EXP rate in the game. Leveling an Assassin Cross is similar to a regular pre-trans Assassin, but with a few new skill additions. With that in mind, here are a few key-mentions of what things you want to aim for, before you even make the Sin-X you're planning to build. This guide has already gone much farther than I originally expected it would, so I'll keep this simple and just post pictures of what I use. Main Gauche [4] or Scalpel [3] (for more base ATK) are great weapons for Randgris Cards because EDP + Double Attack stacks up incredibly nicely while you're dispelling someone. So, if you walk away from a wall with your back turned to it and then try to backslide, you will bounce right back into it. And need I even say it? The Assassin Cross ----> LINK a. >Enchant poison and don't change anything at all. The reason: Frus card reflects magic damage of all variety, by 1% per refinement rate of the armor you're wearing. Jumping straight into things, I'll be showing some screenshots of a Sin-X's equipment window and explaining each piece of gear and when to use them. Lalala~, a weapon naturally bestowed with an element. As for Cursed Waters, Shadow and Poison are generally the same when it comes to what resists them, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to carry Cursed Waters just in case. Casts [Fire Bolt] Lv 3 on the target when [Cold Bolt] is used. The reason for using Assassin Dagger is because it gives a nice +20% HP and +15% SP. Dark Priests generally are around 8~10b, or 400 ~ 500 DC. Holy shit, LMAO Elemental swords r fixed your right,also it was a bug which made 1hit kill true,But can't reach enemy why not?You could use earth spike from a range until to go near to them then melee BOOM! Where there is a target, there is a will to kill. [Note: You could, for example, use a +10 Main Gauche with 1 Incantation and 3 Randgris Cards.] This set changes a few things. It's quite useless if you can't reach the enemy, not to mention maya card. This is easily the point at which you'll be doing the most damage with Soul Breaker. The reason: I use this specific combination most often against professors. 4 Weapon Creating Link for Tirfing (You must also have Umbala Language Quest completed in order to understand this NPC. 1. Changes may incur because of the chaos and diversity the game gives. It drains SP, removing their freedom to have on 3 High Wizard Cards all at once, naturally reducing the amount of damage they deal. You needn't max the stat necessarily unless your +Str stat ends in a 0, otherwise it's just a waste of points. I will now direct all my efforts and resources into getting an Ymir's Notebook so switching builds will be easier and cheaper. Meteor spamming on top of them can be a good way to catch them and secure a kill. Thumbs up, buddy. 1x Dainn 1x Frus Goibne's Armor. With this setup, you can equip your katars to sonic blow and quickly re-equip your dagger and shield, or merely to switch which dagger you're using with your shield, without equipping two by mistake. Hopefully more people will start playing Sin X again. Be sure to ask around if you feel you aren't ready to take on Ifrit for his jewelry or can't find them for a fairly cheap price. Scalpels are incredibly easy to farm in ra_san01 from Vanberks, and they have high base ATK which makes them pretty solid weapons overall as a primary swap dagger (phrees, thanatos, randgris, etc). Magic is an entirely different type of offense, which opens up for some difference in technique and dealing with their respective classes. Also, using the skill when someone is in the direction you're sliding towards. But in a 1v1 PvP scenario, how you use it can pretty much win or throw a fight. Cap your STR bonus to be divisible by 10. Enough AGI for 193 aspd, and negating Decrease AGI / Quagmire. So I got together with a friend and we put together this "Bees Knees" / "Bread & Butter" / "ABCs" guide w/e you wanna call it. Most people go into fights with 2 HP % bonus cards, meaning they have no elemental advantages on their armor. As a bonus mention, should you happen to find yourself with some, Dark Priest Cards are a great way to fight back against mages. Most important thing I can say to start this off is, gear is merely secondary in the face of skill. Is EDP x4 damage = 400% or +4x damage = 500%? Feel free to critique anything, and offer me feedback on whether or not this helps you at all. The reason: Reflects 30% of all physical damage inflicted onto you, synergizing strongly with your other reflect gear. No exposed weaknesses. [Note: Technically, this set could serve as an alternative "swap" for the ranged one, but the reason I'm categorizing it as its own is because certain classes pose no ranged physical threat, in which case you'd primarily use these against them - EG. The reason: Reduces all Elemental Damage 25%, nullifies Holy Damage. oh wow, finally..... a sinx strat sheet, POGS!!!!!! So, here they are: These are the basics, and while you needn't try to get them as perfect as some of the ones I have, I believe the general idea translates well enough. It may not be apparent at first, but lots of classes rely heavily on SP and cast delay reduction in SHR settings. great guide, pretty well formatted as well my dude. re: Assassin/ Assassin Cross build thread Uhh, it depeds on what build you want..And you can't correct everything since, people use different builds for reasons..And a … Assassin Cross update enables new possibilities for this job class with New poisons, ... Increases the damage of Earth Spike, Napalm Vulcan, Heaven's Drive by 1% for each level of Soul Drain learned. The max HP enchant is just booty, hands down. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. After your first job change, you can continue doing quests as they give lots of EXP or grind on Rockers, Willows and Wormtails. - posted in Guides: So i checked today to see if there was one out, and there isnt. So it doesn't hurt to have an alternative helmet on hand if you're rolling in cash or just got some to spare. 2. The book will lead you to Valhalla so you can change your job through the Assassin Cross job NPC. Awts. por | Ene 2, 2021 | Sin categoría | 0 Comentarios | Ene 2, 2021 | Sin categoría | 0 Comentarios While Assumptio cannot be cast in Battlegrounds, the tarot cards can still activate giving you some bonus de-buffs against melee fighters. This is literally the best weapon for your class, and the reason it is so oppressive. I didn't wanna give them anything too advanced to try working with, but yeah, /bingbing and /bangbang are great ways to turn your character around really quickly and backslide out of a tight situation. If all your elemental converters appear to be doing small damage, it's likely they could be camping on Holy Elemental armor. Ghostring and Angeling are likely to be your most frequent switches, due to their flexible situational use. LUK. Dainn can be found in the north-west region of Forgotten Forest, which can be accessed by typing @warp f_forest 80 225 in-game.Goibne's Armor, Goibne's Spaulders & Rings of Resonance are three fairly easy to obtain items and pretty much what you'll be using a lot of the time on this class. Also, armors. The RG has access to some of the highest-DEF armors, which gives them natural advantage when taking a tanking role. This means that you could potentially do 500k damage to a player if not more, and that's not even with Soul Link. Try to bait them out with this. The best cards to use for this weapon are Incantation Samurai, and Turtle General. )Blade [4] Solar Sword [2]Main Gauche [4]Scalpel [3]As for how exactly to utilize them...Excalibur and Tirfing are primarily elemental / damage swaps. 1x Dainn 1x Angeling Goibne's Armor. Here are some viable alternatives to use nowadays: I sampled my Battle Mode swaps before, so I'll be doing it here again to show how exactly I place my weapons if anyone is confused as to how they'd fit all of this on their skillbar(s). A great guide! You can put 1 incantation card and 3 DPs to quickly sap all of your opponents SP, forcing them to swap to pharaohs/sorc gear. Again, these builds are all still viable despite the changes and updates made to the anniversary edition. Some people suspect it to be a gimmick and never bring poison resist. This particular mvp hunter build is slower than a friggin nutcase tryhard toggle chumps a.k.a the asura nutcase douche who ks you very often But no worries, if you turn the /noks on, as long as you got the very first hit with EDP on the mvp (first to deal 5m damage, if you burst first 5m damage is in seconds), surely MVP is yours as long as you're not lagging and dead because of it The reason: With Platinum Shield's innate "Magic Mirror" and two Mayas which reflect single target magic at a 20% rating per card, you're pretty much shouting "I hate mages" at the top of your lungs. Probably being a glorious leader for best guild NA? As an elementalist, you are the artillery, causing massive damage from the rear lines. But here's something to keep in mind. To start with, the refinement rate of the two unique items here, Valkyrian Manteau and Shield of Naga, aren't exactly necessary to make them useful, but it does help greatly. Practice your gameplay, skill rotations, armor swaps, everything. Try blasting a test dummy with soul breaker and switching between intended weapons for diff targets as you do so. 1x Dainn 1x Argiope Goibne's Armor. ], Part 2: Situational Gear, Play Style & Presence, [Note: Soul Breaker does NOT ignore defense, if your weapon does not innately ignore the defense of demi-humans or normal monsters, you will need an. With that being said, I can't stress enough the necessity to PRACTICE. As for the Shield of Naga, two Thara Frogs. It goes without saying that before all else, you should know a little bit about the class you're thinking of playing. assassin cross meteor assault build. (Swords also have a 100% DMG modifier vs Medium targets vs Daggers which have 75%, but I have no idea if this actually counts for Soul Breaker in particular. The magic sinx was a troll build. For the Sin Dagger however, you'll need to use at least one Incant. The basics: RoRs with Alligator Cards for additional ranged resistance. The Incantation Samurai is again, for piercing defense, which for most players sits at around 30~35, which would negate 30 to 35% of your damage towards them without the Incantation Samurai.When to Sonic Blow? This is the optimal way to use a sub-armor without tossing away bonus HP. There is a full guide on how to gear up for and clear this instance, which you can find here. (Note: Still use elemental verters like Earth / Wind / Fire / Enchant Poison. YOOJ I actually saw this the day you posted it but never bothered to comment until now. Here are the standard armor switches you should use: Reason being that, you can swap between a pure resistance shield with the 2x Thara Valk , an off-resistance AoE shield in the form of Platinum, which can reflect AoE and single target damage with its Magic Mirror, and a pure single target reflect shield in the form of Orlean's Server, as it comes with 5% reflect naturally. Also, builds are always subjective and by no means is this guide the final arbiter on stat distribution; learn from the community and through personal experience. That being said though, the skill does have heavy animation, which will leave you sitting open with no shield and unable to cloak, or if you're in PvP, backslide and etc. You can't see your damage in Battlegrounds, so just read the situation at hand and try to make a good guess as to what element would be most effective against your opponents in conjunction with your team's offense. Elementalists have the most expensive skills, the largest energy pool and energy m… The skill has a painful delay so don't go thinking you can zoom past them or you'll end up standing in place looking like a jackass while trying to cast it a second time in a row. Cloak is an incredibly strong skill that can negate a lot of damage just by making it inconsistent. Just because you can stand and face tank damage while fighting, doesn't necessarily mean you need to. If that seems a little too hard to obtain, you could always use something like a Safety Ring for the time being, as it provides some MDEF. But most notably they cast Tarot Cards, and can proc Assumptio in the PvP room. You don't need this. It's a decent way to give yourself a little boost as a new player, assuming you don't have any Combat Knives, which will be your go-to weapon down the line because of their incredible benefits for a Sin-X. Please do not edit this page for adding new builds! Converters can be obtained from the Poring Coin Shop NPC, to the east of Caspen where every other NPC generally is. So, I don't expect everyone else's stats to look exactly like mine, but here are some general markers you should aim to achieve. This setup is best used against other Assassins, Champions and Snipers, generally speaking.Note: Armor Switches Per 1% Quality: 1 Superior 2 Anomalous 3 Divergent 4 Phantasmal 0.5% increased Area of Effect 0.5% chance to create an additional Fissure 1% increased Fissure Length Fissures deal 3% more … They cost 100 BG tickets at the BG shop. You can do that as well, though. At the time i'm writing this my SinX is currently 86/27 and i've been thinking which build i should work on to or use for grinding, either Crit or SBK build. Effect. Generally speaking you don't need much, but I'd say aim for anywhere around 90 base. Assassin Cross Crit build or SBK build? )Solar Sword is pretty self explanatory, you just life steal with it (and in combination with the new Elixir of Life Steal it adds up pretty well). Keep it at around 330~350. You'll have to make due with supplementary items like +10 Main Gauches or +10 Scalpels, but Combat Knives haven't entirely lost their place in the meta. [Alternatively, you could use 6 Durathror's and two, to achieve 100%, but I'll further explain why I suggest having at least 1 Kiel-D-01 instead later on. Opening - Understanding the class. The Assassin profession is only available in the Factions campaign, because that's how they roll. So if you're going to use it, it is my personal suggestion that you chain all 4 sonic blows as quickly as possible, as the speed of casting 4 in rapid succession cancels out the animation delay you'd normally get when using it once. Save this for situational use to get some HP back, don't just camp on it 24/7.Blade [4] or Main Gauche [4] make great Dark Priest weapons, because of the 4 slots. But since he spawns in Thor's Volcano, all over MvP Invasions and in Endless Tower, plenty of his rings are floating around on the server and they cost next to nothing - I'd be surprised if you couldn't just get them for free. Take advantage of this and punish them with the 40% bonus damage to Holy monsters from Gloom Card.] Durathror can be found in the south-east region of Forgotten Forest, which can be accessed simply by typing @warp f_forest 220 75 in-game. As for Hide and Cloak, they're pretty self-explanatory. [Note: Soul Breaker does NOT ignore defense, if your weapon does not innately ignore the defense of demi-humans or normal monsters, you will need an Incantation Samurai Card to maximize your damage.] But first of all, let's go over what kind of stat build you should aim for. Also increases Status ATK bonus every 10 STR. In this set of equipment, your main objective is to take the least amount of ranged damage possible, while kiting with Soul Breaker. In centuries past, there were only 7 advanced assassins known as Assassins of the Cross. Here I'll be throwing together any small details I may have left out of the specified sections, and giving out the basic stat build you should follow, as well as the rundown for enchants, whenever you can finally afford them. Increases Resistance to Status Effect, and reduces their duration. Simply put, the class is very straight forward, but how you utilize it is really what defines a God-tier Sin-X ( @Vergil btw ) and a guy thinking he can just snag easy kills off of players. As for why I use a combination of two cards instead of focusing on a single element per garment, I find it more convenient to be able to hit a single button and be dealing with a situation, rather than cycling 4+ buttons to find exactly what I'm looking for to deal with one spell in particular. Using Sidewinder-compounded Katars can … The golden marker is getting that 770~800 base hit. Thanks, glad to know it turned out alright. Since reflect counts as an attack from you to the opponent, this means the enemy will be effectively dispelling themselves merely by making contact with you. Warcries or other Slam Attacks performed by you or allied players near any spike will cause them to shatter, damaging surrounding enemies. Elementalists have low armor, few healing or survival skills, and, except for certain situations, should not be in the front lines. Set 1: Basic Ranged Gear. This page was last edited on 16 December 2016, at 22:23. This will reduce their damage grealty in-between them reusing converters to try and counteract your dispell. (Hah.) Combat Knives range anywhere from 1mc to 2mc per knife. The extra 10% Demi-human reduction basically makes it a shield-dagger, and when you add Dark Priest Cards on top of that already hefty combination, you're given: [Key: Switch off of your double Dainn armor once you reach 75% of your max HP. Unless you're webbed. The reason being, ATK apparently adds a bit of a better bonus to Soul Breaker's damage. As modern-day Assassin Crosses do not bear the mark of the Guillotine Cross that the Assassins of the Cross do, they are considered different from the elite 7. Do the same with sonic blow. The cards you would use for these garments are as follows. This build can attain an attackspeed of 180 with Awakening Potion + Increase Agi and 181 by drinking a Deadly Poison Bottle. My personal key setup here is 1 -> 2 -> 3 or 4 / E or F. [Key: Also, while having a lot of INT helps, getting your SP sapped with this build will leave you feeling super bad, as you don't have any open headgear slots to use Pharaoh Cards. You can choose to play between one or the other, but in my personal opinion most well-versed and knowledgeable sins will swap between both in any given situation very quickly. A better version of Goibne's Armor to use with Frus cards would be Glass Armor, as it packs innate resistance with a sick +10 MDEF (Like Silk Robe, however Assassins can't wear that armor.) It gives a whopping +10 MDEF and is incredibly easy to obtain. now i can finally play pvp and compete with the other pros. This adds up nicely with your Platinum Shield bonuses. Nice mention! According to the argument, an important Assassin Cross skill, Soul Destroyer , is rendered unusable because the build has no INT. Updated in regards to the latest changes made to Combat Knife with alternatives. Pure Critical type *** Str 90 Agi 90 Vit 40~60 Int 1 Dex 1 Luk 30~40 This build is not dependable to food buff like abrassive esp. White Smiths. You can do something similar with Professors, but not so much High Wizards as their AoEs will just smack you out of cloak before they even reach you. For solo PvP, you can cloak while making swaps to help ease the punishing damage of making a bad switch or messing up on your weapon rotations. I want to go with SBK build but i'm worried about the cost and how much Gold Medals i'll need for the runes. Assassins come with the Enchant Poison skill, which is already great. Yeah, I know, late but the item did get a change. If you suspect they're packing Poison Resist for w.e reason, just belt out the Neutral Soul Breakers until you see your damage cut significantly. :... use Earth Spike for Gargoyles on practice, but the rest is pretty similar to,... Underestimate these two Elements just because they 're fighting you, effectively controlling a.... N'T hurt either if you know their class 's and 1 Kiel-D-01 in the direction opposite of your... Which improve with refinement level it Reduces damage received from demi-humans by 5 % chance of using [ Cold ]! 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