cpsc ubc reddit

Register. UBC Science '14 (Biology) grad. I know at the start it can be daunting, feeling like you don't know anything or the right questions to ask, but here's where practice comes in. 18 credits of CPSC courses numbered 300 or higher. Part 1: General Information about the Appeal Procedure 1) Before submitting an appeal, carefully read the rules in the appropriate section (Part 2, 3, 4, or 5) below. You must be enrolled in the course to see course content. Can't tell if just am bad at the course and so is others around me...but we just hit Mutual References and I'm just lost. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Resources. 2009 Sample Midterm 1 (Term 2) (Study Guide) Sample Midterm 2 (Term 2) (Study Guide) Final (Term 2) (Study Guide) 2013 Midterm (Term 2) (Solution) 2014 Sample Final Sample Final (Solution) Sample Final 2 Undated ubc-cpsc-210-DecoratorDesignPattern.pdf UBC-CPSC-210-GUI-problem.pdf UBC-CPSC-210-ImplementingAnOODesign-Problems.pdf UBC-CPSC-210-PolyTypeDispatch-LectureLab.pdf … Course Description •We’ll explore the interplay between information technology and society, emphasizing ethical issues. Make space in your schedule to spend time in the TA office hours. Therefore, it is indeed hard for the sake of being hard. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. So I include some here in chronological order. That might sound pretty depressing (although in my opinion that's just how it is), but I don't think you should get discouraged, because 110 is not really a fair representation of what the rest of a degree in cpsc looks like. NOTE: These exams are here as reference ONLY. But at the same time, we try very hard to provide you with tons of resources. UBC Grades - grade distributions for previous offerings of all classes offered at UBC. 11 pages. Part 2, Investigation launched after complaints about CPSC 213 final exam (The Ubyssey article), CS TERM 2 TOWN HALL HIGHLIGHTS (Scroll to the last part), CPSC213 MARKS ARE OUT (with grade distribution, plots..), The investigation result is not made public yet. CPSC 121: Models of Computation; Course Info. Because of the lab component 110 is a 4 credit course, and as such is designed to take 12-14 hours a week. I think it's good for its intentions, solidifying a foundation and weeding out students. So it becomes difficult to sit through week 6 content if weeks 1-5 aren’t solid for you. UBC: CPSC110 Systematic Program Design. Use standard UBC course codes when searching (CPSC 310, BIOL 324 not CS 310, BIO 324). PLEASE SIGN: UBC alumni killed by drunk driver in Seoul, South Korea Discussion She was hit while crossing the street on a green pedestrian light on Nov 6, 2020. Later CS classes move at a slower pace but the material is much more challenging and interesting. I also encounter the problem that the TA hours aren't really compatible with my own schedule a lot of the time unfortunately, so I can't get the maybe 2 hours I need. Thanks for the reply, really means a lot that the TAs care so much about the students ;; Yeah I'm just rather lost and felt like the information isn't really sticking, probably because I almost feel as if it isn't applicable. 6 of the core courses required for a CPSC degree, with some courses needed for a Math, Stats, BUCS, etc. Really depends on the person. Sooo to sum up the responses: 110 is not hard as it is a heavy course load, directed to make future years easier and potentially weed out students. CPSC 210 and 221 2. In 110 every single lecture, lab, problem set builds on every single one before it. This course is hard. The University of British Columbia Vancouver campus . Course , current location; Design Recipes Language Problem Bank Glossary Style Rules Systematic Program Design. Really depends on the person. Related courses from other departments include EECE 360/592, EOSC 510/550, STAT 305/306/406/460/461, and … Examinable materials and course content vary from year to … Created May 6, 2009. You also discussed how to deal with multiples processes and threads, and how you can synchronize their … There's only a real difficulty spike in the last units, which is how most courses go anyway. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 46.8k. Content. I really enjoyed cpsc 320 therefore I WILL TAKE AGAIN NEXT TERM!!! UBC Search. A lot of the content you probably won't use again, at least until much later. CPSC 210 (or its equivalent) is a pre-requisite for CPSC 344. CourseRatings.ca - Reviews of UBC Courses The majority of students I've interacted with don't get it right away. 1 While CPSC 110 is the recommended route for students pursuing a program in Computer Science, CPSC 103, 107 may be taken in its place. Instead most of the time needs to be spent actually trying to solve the practice problems from scratch without looking at the solutions. Also start early on assignments too, that way you won't have to wait till the last day to ask questions (and TA office hours on the last two days leading up to submissions would be so … Mutual-ref is a very common place for students in 110 to be lost. EDIT: s/out to the TAs and Gregor for their feedback. They may spend a lot of hours reading problem solutions and watching videos. Press J to jump to the feed. I found CPSC110 somewhat difficult even though I had some programming background. 2 Several upper-level CPSC courses have CPSC 213 as pre-requisite. Not really hard, but I don't have words to describe it. Everybody finds it hard, even people who have a strong background in CS just because of the strict criteria of the course. Not only we can help you with 110 and see what the issues are with your understanding of the material, but we can also discuss your future in CS if you are really that worried about that. Books. Co-op advisors also visit students at their place of work and pro… The best ways to study are to watch videos before lecture, focus when watching them and rewatch if necessary. I'm not gonna lie though, I put in a good 10+ hours a week for this course and it's still very difficult. Definitely sorry that I don't see how much of effort you guys put in. Join. EECE210(CPEN221), CPSC213, and CPSC221 were a lot easier than 110 (in my opinion). Probably need to add more to my own efforts but I still haven't figured out how best to juggle everything. Tons of TAs, office hours, practice problems/exams for you to learn from and the profs are generally really great. Seek help ASAP if you don't understand something. Email: ayyellesrambles@gmail.com. 86 Page(s). I can tell you that the 110 teaching team really wants you to succeed, and there are a huge number of resources available to you. The main purpose of the pre-requisite is to ensure that you have experience programming in at least two different languages . Upper-level requirements. Finding CPSC 121 a bit hard? Keep up with the material and go to office hours. Press J to jump to the feed. Plants. Thanks a bunch for the encouragement, won't let you down!! So on one hand, if you can't make it through the course in the end then maybe you aren't cut out for it, but don't think you should quit because you find this course confusing. You can find our collection of CPSC exams and quizzes here. I took 110 in first year (I was in CS in first year and then transferred). It is however a course to get you started along the way to writing software in a sound way, and in the second half of the course especially we tackle some hard problems. Many people have had success in other subjects with learning by reading, and they try that approach in 110. Tech. Investigation launched after complaints about CPSC 213 final exam (The Ubyssey article) CS TERM 2 TOWN HALL HIGHLIGHTS (Scroll to the last part) CPSC213 MARKS ARE OUT (with grade distribution, plots..) That is the point after all. Part 2. CPSC 103 was also relatively straightforward; however, I found CPSC 103 to take up the majority of my time just from the sheer amount of assignments each week. They’re sorted by year and course. I wouldn't say if you don't do well you should give up. It's one of the best put together courses at UBC. Often 110 students will sit there for an hour every day, or two hours every other day. Rather than saying 110 is hard, I think a more accurate characterization is that it requires a fair amount of time, that the time has to be spent in a specific way, and that it is difficult to catch up in. On December 21, UBC’s computer science (CPSC) department launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding CPSC 213 final exam. UBC Club and Student Group Database - Reviews of on-campus clubs and an actually usable alternative to the AMS Clubhouse directory. Let me start off by telling you that you are not the only one having trouble with 110, there will be a point where every student in the course, whether they're at the top of the class, or just average, will feel overwhelmed by the content. I personally think it's one of the easiest CPSC courses, but only because what you're expected to know is extremely clear - makes it easy to study for. CPSC 213: what the fuck is going on? The historical average scores don’t support that. Gregor was an amazing prof! I found it way more difficult than CPSC 221 and CPSC 320. CPSC 213: what the fuck is going on? Hey, /u/Coollikeumee, I'm a TA for CPSC 110. In a course that was truly very difficult you would expect to see a much lower mean and median – as much as 20 points lower. There are enough posts about CPSC 213 and now I see people asking what happened. However, as of May first of 2016, they are no longer looking at 221 and 213 for acceptance into the program and are just looking at the average mark between 110, 121, and 210. Is the course actually hard or am I just awful at this? CPSC 213: what the fuck is going on? I want to share my view which I don't think has been expressed yet. level 2. University of British Columbia Intro to Programming CPSC 103 - Spring 2019 Register Now How to Design Data_ CPSC 103 101_103 Introduction to Systematic Program Design.pdf. •You’ll come away with an increased: –understanding of the social and ethical implications of computer use and abuse; Tons of TAs, office hours, practice problems/exams for you to learn from and the profs are generally really great. Even if you decide to apply to UBC but haven't made up your mind regarding Computer Science, you can register in CPSC 110 (our popular "Computation, Programs, and Programming" course) to familiarize yourself with the concepts. I know the course can feel overwhelming, with so many assignments and so much material covered in very little time. Introduction People Office Hours Scheduling Grading Academic Conduct. Considering a Gap Year. I've included links to some below: ;-; thanks for the reply. I heard it's hard to get into CPSC courses if you're not a CS related major so I really want to make it to enrol in the required 2nd yr CPSC courses. This decision was made in response to a r/UBC subthread called “Thoughts on CPSC 213 final?” on which … I don't want that to happen to you. It's one of the best put together courses at UBC. The online community of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada! His lectures were very engaging with clicker questions and lots of voluntary student participation. UBC CPSC Major Math Course Hey, I'm a first year science student who's planning to major in CS. I think my mind isn't hard wired to think logically, in the way it's necessary for CS. Download this CPSC 121 study guide to get exam ready in less time! Co-operative education is a process of education which integrates academic study with related and supervised work experience in co-operating employer organizations. Sign in or register. It is a difficult course. 621. It is now required for students to have taken CPSC 103 or CPSC 110 prior to applying (whether they are going through Science's second year process or the Computer Science webform process). You will be required to write a challenge exam and, assuming you obtain a sufficiently high grade, you will be given the option of accepting credit for CPSC 110. The online community of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada! A year-round Co-operative Education Option is available for students in Computer Science. Stuck in Zoom calls. In retrospect it was the best thing that has happened to me because it pushed me to try harder and now living the dream working a cushy tech job in the US, I really hated the structure of CPSC110. Some explanation for that: This year’s midterm 1 was easier than prior years, but the average was 85, the median 91. I worried a lot about the 15% weigh in clicker questions but he was very lenient in the end. Please. If CPSC 313 is anything like CPSC 261 (and it is), it's also quite manageable, though definitely higher workload. Thoughts on CPSC 213 final? UBC - A Place of Mind. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It moved so fast that I never felt like I really had time to properly learn the material (and those 30+ minute videos were ridiculous). I'm also not taking 121 at the same time if that makes any difference. Work through the practice problems there and the TAs can give you nudges now and then to help you find the solution. Study guide uploaded on Mar 29, 2018. Please PM me, and come to office hours, so that we can work something out. After that comes out, I will link whatever link of that here too. It can be difficult to figure those problems out – but figuring them out IS the learning. The University of British Columbia. CPSC 110 is a hard course which is meant to challenge students thinking of majoring in CS, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Lecture Slides Worksheets Labs Tutorials Assignments Online Quizzes Exams Handouts Lecture Modules Readings. Everything is available online so that you can go back and review at any time, and we have a huge problem bank and lots of past exams posted. CPSC 213 exam under investigation. DO the problems in the bank and go to DLC during TA hours when possible! With all that I would echo what the TAs have said above. Related Courses: Besides CPSC 340, other closely-related courses available at UBC include 500-level classes taught by Frank Wood and Leonid Sigal, as well as CPSC 522. Personally, I found CPSC 110 to be really fun and the difficulty felt fair and not too much. CPSC 110 was well organized and never left me with a feeling of uncertainty that I felt in some other courses (like MATH 100). I was just wondering what first year math course (101, 103, or 105) is most relevant for a CS major and will be the most helpful in the future. The option is intended to help prepare interested and qualified students for careers in the computing industry with a minimum of 4 work placements supervised by practising professionals. And if I'm awful at this should I keep pushing for second year CS or just give up? On the other hand, a lot of CPSC … In CPSC 213, you learned how computers execute programs, and how common programming language constructs can be translated into assembly language. Please come to X150 when you have some time. The online community of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada! CPSC 110 (or CPSC 107), CPSC 121 and CPSC 210 Please note that meeting the 70% average above does not guarantee admission: it is the minimum requirement to apply. Related Courses: Besides CPSC 340, other closely-related courses available at UBC include CPSC 532L/532R, EECE 360/592, EOSC 510/550, LIBR 559d, STAT 305/306/406/460/461, and most 500-level STAT courses. I'm honestly just lost and confused right now, feeling like a lot of stuff we covered before isn't really solidifying in my mind unfortunately. CPSC 320 I found to be relatively low workload as long as you keep up with the readings (1 hour a week was sufficient over winter semester). If you attempt a lot of practice problems, you'll start to notice patterns on where you seem to make an error or, parts where you have trouble understanding what you have to do or what the next step is - this helps you narrow down where you're having trouble, and helps you think of what questions you can ask to address those problem points. In CPSC in particular, there are too many people trying to get into the department. This will help to determine your eligibility under department guidelines and policies. What are my chances of getting into 2nd yr specialization in CS if I taking both prereqs CPSC 110 and 121 in Summer Term 1? Some students find it takes less, others find it takes more. Feel free to comment below with other related links. Sometimes it's just a few concepts that you don't understand that makes everything look so obscure and difficult to you. I'll make an effort to visit the DLC, just been hard to push away friends and socializing for extra help instead. Solutions (where they exist) are also provided. Together this all means that 110 is very hard if you don't approach it the right way. 110 TA here. Complemented by UBC Profstats, which offers grading variations by instructors. However, you should really evaluate how much effort you're putting into this course as it probably reflects on your study habits/discipline to some extent and try to shape up for the future. If you meet this requirement, then your admissions average will usually be computed based on … It can be really easy for students in 110 to start winding down after Midterm 1, especially with the historically high midterm grades (this term being no exception), but do not take it easy; the concepts we cover after Midterm 1 are really the "meat and bones" of 110, and are really challenging if you don't practice or keep up. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about UBC or if you just want to chat! Don't fall behind!!!! There is some discussion of how 340/540 relate to some of the STAT classes written by a former student (Geoff Roeder) here. 2) Obtain permission to appeal from a Computer Science advisor, through the Advising webform. UBC Bachelor of Computer Science grad (BCS-ICS '17). Much of the work is busy work. For better or for worse 110 is meant to weed people out. My average for CPSC in 110, 121, and 210 are in the low 70s, but I'm getting around 80 percent for both 221 and 213*. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Yes, it is unfair. degree have a combined total of 353 students on waitlists for these courses in just term 1. I'll pay the DLC a visit a few times this week, since I unfortunately didn't do so well on the first midterm. I would also counter the idea that 110 is deliberately a weed out course. CPSC 304, 313, 310, 110, 213, and 221. I personally think it's one of the easiest CPSC courses, but only because what you're expected to know is extremely clear - makes it easy to study for. Students in the Faculty of Arts must have met admission requirements before they can be admitted to the BA Major in Computer Science. I've gone to the DLC several times but usually the TAs aren't there when I have free time or I only get about an hour in there but there's already other students crowding around. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The most common reason why students fail CPSC 110 is that they get lost. Edit: Result, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But most importantly, we have office hours multiple times a day every single day of the week, including the weekends before exams. I study, and do the pre readings, but in class I never understand what the instructor is asking, or doing. I'm a 1st yr science student. As TAs, all we want is to see you succeed. A good question to ask yourself is: what exactly am I having trouble with? UBC Quick Links [X] close. HELP : In 110 you are learning a design discipline – it absolutely requires learning by doing. Thanks a bunch and yeah I've noticed how much the 110 TAs care about the students that really means a lot :), Don't worry OP, I failed cpsc 110. Sign in. What is it?If you believe you already know the material covered in CPSC 110, you can apply to challenge the course. 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cpsc ubc reddit 2021