house churches in early christianity

Worship was generally conducted in the atrium, or central courtyard of the house.” Early church meetings centered on the Lord’s Table were tremendous times of fellowship, community, and encouragement. Throughout church history, God has used the house church strategy to draw his followers back to a simpler form of church life and mission. Registration: Pastors' Workshop on Growth Strategies of the Ancient Church, New Testament Church Dynamics: Leader's Guide to Church Growth, Église-maison: simple, stratégique, biblique (French book), • Pastoring Strategy >>To Lead Like Jesus, • Covenant, Dispensational & New Covenant Theology Compared. Small churches today still have the same great potential to advance God’s kingdom in the love and power of the Holy Spirit . This custom of … What can be done? Don’t rule out the possibility of meeting in someone’s home—under the right circumstances it can still be a viable option (see our, ow many people were involved in an early house church? 18:15-17; 1 Cor. A hallway between them led into the home’s atrium. Christian fellowship meant unconditional availability to and unlimited liability for the other sisters and brothers—emotionally, financially and spiritually. They also probably had more of an Asian mindset to crowding than we do in the West; there may have been 150 people in an early house church. There are no professionals in charge; they often have no leaders. The late Father Jerome Murphy-O’Connor’s masterful book, “St. There were no more people in any one congregation than would fit into a wealthy person’s home (in the atrium, courtyard, or large living area). If it is set up at the beginning to continue for a … It could, according to the Yale archaeologists who excavated it, seat 65 to 70 people. Examining the architectural remains of that house adds color to our understanding of Paul’s criticism of the manner in which the Corinthians were attempting to celebrate the Eucharist. Paul’s Corinth,” reveals a great deal about these early house churches. What advantages for growth and reproduction might house churches have over fellowships that have to build church houses? An examination of floor plans in Pompeii shows typical atriums measuring 20’ x 28’. The Dura-Europos church, located in Dura-Europos in Syria about 232, is the earliest identified Christian house church and one of the earliest surviving Christian churches. It was sporadic and did not necessarily affect all the churches at the same time. Instead of getting bigger and bigger, purpose to maintain the New Testament example of Roman-villa-sized churches. These small numbers are based on the size of houses in Corinth, and the house that Murphy-O’Connor used as his primary example was the spacious abode of someone with considerable wealth. The early church, of course, did not always fully live out the New Testament vision of the body of Christ. [I wrote a blog series explaining the marks of a biblical church.] The most common explanation for the existence of early house churches was the pressure of persecution, similar to the situation existing today in China or Iran. Resource Allocation: Charles Price, late Director of Missions for the San Antonio Baptist Association, lamented that the typical cost to start a new church in North America is an astounding two million dollars. How did New Testament churches grow numerically yet still meet in private homes? He was successful because he was faithful to what God wanted him to do. Impressive children’s ministries mean little to them. Written before any of the Gospels, it is the earliest known written tradition concerning the Last Supper. It portrays these churches often as gathering in homes. Through his tent making work, Paul was able to support himself and his traveling companions, some seven men at least (Acts 20:4, 34). The Holy Meal: The Lord’s Supper was originally celebrated weekly as a full, fellowship meal. 6:1-3). . The argument that the early church was forced to meet within homes because of persecution will not stand for the following reasons: (1) Persecution of Christians was not as intense and widespread as is commonly assumed. Once leadership is in place, send out a sizable portion of the original church to jump start a new small church. Proverbs 22:15, 13:20. Some couples who leave a small church upon having children will return after their children are grown. E-mail exchange, May 8, 2013. Proportions The home should have a large assembly room and ample off-street parking. 5. 1. We desperately need new settings and structures for watching over one another in love.” Though it is a simple step, without prayer and God's leading, we invite trouble. How can this be overcome? While it cannot be said for certain that every church met in a home, it is a fact that when a meeting place is specified in Scripture, it is in a home. Build reproduction into the DNA of the church. Worst yet, many parents drop their children off at a church youth program as sort of a reform school, hoping for a miracle. Referred to as house churches today, in their own time, these Christians would have thought of themselves as the Church and the place where they assembled as someone’s house. In the previous chapters, small churches were encouraged to play to their relational strengths by incorporating some of the practices of first-century house churches. Acts 16:40, 20:20, Romans 16:3-5a, 16:23, 1 Corinthians 16:19, Colossians 4:15, Philemon 1-2b, James 2:3. . Robert Banks, Paul’s Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in Their Historical Setting (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing, 1988), 41-42. There seems little doubt that these informal gatherings of small groups of believers had great influence in preserving the simplicity and purity of early Christianity.” What are we to do with the fact that the early church met mostly in homes? This would seat between 60 and 80 people. The Ancient Mass in the”House Churches”was not as Informal as Many Think As you may know, the Catholic Faith was illegal in the Roman Empire prior to 313 AD, when the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan permitting the Christian Faith to flourish publicly. There are both advantage and disadvantages to small churches. Train up new leaders from within. All rights reserved. Participatory Worship: Early church meetings were clearly participatory. 7. “Space Calculator for Banquet & Meeting Rooms”,, accessed October 04, 2016. Sacred Scripture has provided us with a map of God’s footsteps: in recording the mighty deeds of God, specific places have been named as the settings in which God’s plan for our salvation gradually unfolded. While recognizing various powers in the universe, Jews nevertheless differed from their neighbors by only offering worship (sacrifices) to their one god, Yahweh. When one rejoiced, they all rejoiced (1 Cor. Graydon Snyder of Chicago Theological Seminary observed that “the New Testament Church began as a small group house church (Col. 4:15), and it remained so until the middle or end of the third century. Special thanks to Stephen David of Hyderabad, India for significant contributions to this section. Rather than in a funeral-like atmosphere, the Lord’s Supper was reverently celebrated in anticipation of the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb. Those who have pulled their children out of both government and Christian schools are often not interested in their children being involved with Sunday school or youth groups. Size plays an important role in this. 3. . A raised area was added at the front (for a podium?). ‘House churches’ offer return to in-person worship by following practice of early Christians. Read More The apostles’ belief concerning the function of the church was naturally expressed in the form the church took on in the first century, and this would certainly include size considerations. Rather than growing a single church bigger and bigger, consider sending off clusters of people to start new small churches. Each local church is to be like a family; one of the most common things families do is eat together. As first-century congregations grew, they did not erect bigger and bigger buildings. Consequently, Christians are to relate to each other as members of a family (1Ti 5:1-2; Ro 16:13). This would seat around 100 people. House Church and Mission will stand as one of the most important studies on the First Century church. The apostles’ belief concerning the function of the church was naturally expressed in the form the church took on in the first century, and this would certainly include size considerations. . How fast it grows? Other early churches also met in homes. The Church should be associated with mutual encouragement, accountability, relationships, community and maintaining church discipline. It was right and natural, they argue, for each church to grow beyond the confines of a home, building larger and larger places to meet. 7. How fast it grows? Having a plurality of pastors in a church is unlikely in too small a setting (Acts 14:23). Let us strive to faithfully follow the example of Christ and the apostles in our churches and ministries today. Therefore, the church grew and expanded as a largely Gentile community from 49 to 54 A.D. Second, continue doing things to bring in new singles under 35. What is it about them that make them important? New Bible Dictionary (Wheaton, IL:  Tyndale, 1982), 498. They will grow spiritually. “Lullingstone Roman Villa”, Many times that is the way the early church would have met. According to Yale University archaeologists, “The first Christian congregations worshiped in private houses, meeting at the homes of wealthier members on a rotating basis . Rather than growing a single church bigger and bigger, consider sending off clusters of people to start new small churches. Ibid., 67.         Seminary professor Ronald Sider, in Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, wrote, “The early church was able to defy the decadent values of Roman civilization precisely because it experienced the reality of Christian fellowship in a mighty way . However, the larger the fellowship, the more difficult it becomes to maintain relationships and lines of communication. Let us strive to faithfully follow the example of Christ and the apostles in our churches and ministries today. Why Do Newly Planted Churches Grow Faster Than Older Churches?”. Jews claimed an ancient tradition with law codes for daily life (the Laws of Moses) and revelations from their god through Prophets. Size plays an important role in this. . Perspective Walls between adjoining rooms off the atrium could be removed to create a big open area. J. D. Douglas, ed. Don’t rule out the possibility of meeting in someone’s home—under the right circumstances it can still be a viable option (see our book for more about modern house churches). Synder, 70. If you feel that you are called to start a house church, gather a few like-minded people together and begin to pray so that you can receive a strategy from God. On the other hand, Barna’s study found that singles under 35 were more open to attending small churches. How can this be overcome? When church meetings in Roman villa atriums were replaced by meetings in much larger basilicas, participatory worship was replaced by scripted, stage performance type services. The real influence in the room is not the teacher but peer pressure. It will likely create a contagious excitement that will cause numerical growth as well. . They were so effective that Christianity eventually became the dominant religion. Since New Testament churches met almost exclusively in private homes, the typical congregation was relatively small. Multiplication: Small churches have great potential for growth through multiplication. Hence, a successful small church leader is one who is faithful to “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” It does not matter if your church never gets larger as long as one is faithful in God’s household. There is extensive archaeological evidence from many cites showing that some homes were structurally modified to hold such churches.” One such modified home known to host a church was found in Dura-Europos, Syria. Having a plurality of pastors in a church is unlikely in too small a setting (Acts 14:23). Worst yet, many parents drop their children off at a church youth program as sort of a reform school, hoping for a miracle. Early churches meeting in Roman villas typically consisted of scores of people, perhaps over a hundred, but not hundreds and certainly not thousands. Roman villas featured large areas in which the church could gather, such as the atrium. These ideals are best accomplished in smaller congregations where people know and love each other. A home-school family’s thinking is often based on such truths as, “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child” and “the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Because children are foolish, putting them all together in a school classroom may be a recipe for spiritual and social disaster. The Matthew 18 restoration process detailed by Jesus clearly assumes more than just “us four and no more.” There was a single congregation meeting in Corinth at the time Paul wrote; counting the various people using their spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 14 adds up to a healthy number of believers. Intimacy is lost. Starting a house church cannot be just a good idea; it must be a Godidea. Though house churches were at the opposite end of the spectrum from modern mega-churches, it is important to avoid the mistake of thinking too small. A large auditorium of people, most of whom are relative strangers to each other, will not easily achieve these goals. Disciple making is more personal and natural. There were tragic lapses. Perhaps some congregations were large and therefore met in big buildings, but this is an argument from silence. There are no evidences of larger places of meeting before 300.” Again quoting Snyder, “there is no literary evidence nor archaeological indication that any such home was converted into an extant church building. Ancient Rome’s battle against the early Christians was an amazing time in history—one which shaped and in many ways resembles our lives today. The sacredness of these places did not arise from their architecture, it resided in the presence of those gathered — the assembling of the local Body of Christ — and in what they had gathered together to receive, the Body of Christ in the signs of bread and wine. As first-century congregations grew, they did not erect bigger and bigger buildings. On the other hand, Barna’s study found that singles under 35 were more open to attending small churches. Achieving congregational consensus is easier when everyone knows everyone else and open lines of communication genuinely exist with one another. . 12:26). Spacious living rooms were often built off this courtyard. They are called brothers and sisters (Phm 2, Ro 16:2). If 40 or 50 were to have gathered in one of Corinth’s larger houses, it would have taken at least two rooms to accommodate them. Ronald Sider, Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 1977), 190-191. In a real Eucharist, they would recognize and respect each other as the Body of Christ. Because children are foolish, putting them all together in a school classroom may be a recipe for spiritual and social disaster. House-church ministry must be birthed in prayer. 4:19; Phm. “Small Churches Struggle to Grow Because of the People They Attract,”, accessed September 01, 2016. Roman villas doubled as centers for commerce. Achieving consensus is possible in a church where everyone knows each other, loves each other, bears with one another, is patient with one another and is committed to each other. The early house churches met in the mostly-covered atrium area of the house. Of course not. First, thank God for the years you had to make disciples of these Millennials before they moved on. The church was depicted by apostolic writers in terms which describe a family. What evidence is there that persecution was not the only reason the early church met in homes? . 2 Timothy 4:2.         There are both advantage and disadvantages to small churches. 1. Enough believers were able to gather in the villas to make disciples, manifest a variety of spiritual gifts, have multiple people with the same gift, support widows and orphans, have a plurality of elders and financially support qualified pastor-teachers (who were thus freed to be devoted to in-depth teaching and leadership). Furthermore, there were typically multiple generations of family living under the same roof. Noah faithfully preached to his generation, yet only a handful were saved. The Holy Meal: The Lord’s Supper was originally celebrated weekly as a full, fellowship meal. An informal, smaller setting is an effective place for the building of consensus. One of the more surprising revelations in his book is how few Christians comprised the Church in Corinth. However, the larger the fellowship, the more difficult it becomes to maintain relationships and lines of communication. Out of the theological truth that God’s children are family arises many church practice issues, such as the size of a congregation that best facilities our functioning as God’s family. Was Jesus’ ministry a failure? Believers are children of God (1Jn 3:1) who have been born into his family (Jn 1:12-13). Celebrating the Lord’s Supper as an actual faith-family meal is more natural in a smaller setting. As public speaking is a great fear, participatory meetings are best suited to smaller gatherings composed of people who all know each other and are true friends. 6. House Churches in the First Century For the first two hundred years of the Christian movement, most meetings were held in homes. In early Christianity, there were no church buildings. Based on archeological findings in Corinth, it is very unlikely that Paul is addressing a Church of more than 50 people. Consequently, Christians are to relate to each other as members of a family (1Ti 5:1-2; Ro 16:13). Professors An informal, smaller setting is an effective place for the building of consensus.         What are we to do with the fact that the early church met mostly in homes? What can be done? How successful was Isaiah’s ministry to a dull, spiritually blind people? Walls between adjoining rooms off the atrium could be removed to create a big open area. Gaius, a man with the means to generously support missionaries (3Jn 1-5), had a home big enough to host the sizable Corinthian congregation (Ro 16:23). Perhaps some congregations were large and therefore met in big buildings, but this is an argument from silence. Philemon, wealthy enough to own a slave, hosted a church in his home (Phlm 2b). Note how Paul greeted the Christians in Corinth: “The churches of Asia send you greetings. Measurements taken from schematic. Most non-Catholic faith groups within the Protestant wing of Christianity accept the former beliefs. For example, a Barna Group’s study on why small churches don’t grow revealed that people with children are often looking for a church that offers an impressive children’s ministry, which in turn requires the funding for first-class facilities and to hire competent personnel, something smaller churches have financial difficulty doing. It is not surprising then to see women taking leadership roles in house churches. Discussion Questions But the network of tiny house churches scattered throughout the Roman Empire did experience their oneness in Christ so vividly that they were able to defy and eventually conquer a powerful, pagan civilization. In this final article in the series, we explore not one set place, but the myriad locales in which the passion and resurrection of our Lord became the focus of Christian worship. The impluvium had been tiled over and benches were added around the walls. 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207 Jerome Murphy-O’Connor, Saint Paul’s Corinth: Texts and Archaeology (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2002), 180. The size should be just right; not too big and not too small (neither mega nor micro). Pattern The early church, of course, did not always fully live out the New Testament vision of the body of Christ. This was probably because of the large size of the home and the financial ability of the host to provide much of the food for the love feast. 18:15-17; 1 Cor. Participatory Worship: Early church meetings were clearly participatory. Learn Practical Tips on Ministering in Smaller Churches Joel Comiskey, writing in Christianity Today, described what the early church was like. So we should not think that home churches are any more "biblical" in … Nor is there any extant church that certainly was built prior to Constantine.” The problem with this is the corrupting influence children have on each other: “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’” It is also felt that putting children in Sunday School or a youth group takes the pressure off the parents to fulfill their God-given roles of training their own children. Look into renting an apartment clubhouse, dance academy, storefront, school cafeteria or community center. The many “one another” exhortations of Scripture can be more realistically lived out. Gaius, a man with the means to generously support missionaries (3Jn 1-5), had a home big enough to host the sizable Corinthian congregation (Ro 16:23). Early Christians did not … Since New Testament churches met almost exclusively in private homes, the typical congregation was relatively small. According to Fuller seminary professor Robert Banks, “Even the meetings of the ‘whole church’ were small enough for a relatively intimate relationship to develop between the members.”. One known ancient home that hosted a church was the Lullingstone Villa in Kent, England (built during the Roman occupation). Several aspects of women's everyday existence are investigated, including the lives of wives, widows, women with children, female slaves, women as patrons, household leaders, and teachers. The practical reality of the priesthood of the believer was lost until the Reformation. Enough believers were able to gather in the villas to make disciples, manifest a variety of spiritual gifts, have multiple people with the same gift, support widows and orphans, have a plurality of elders and financially support qualified pastor-teachers (who were thus freed to be devoted to in-depth teaching and leadership). For example, a Barna Group’s study on why small churches don’t grow revealed that people with children are often looking for a church that offers an impressive children’s ministry, which in turn requires the funding for first-class facilities and to hire competent personnel, something smaller churches have financial difficulty doing. Throughout the Roman Empire, wherever the name of Christ was proclaimed and believers united with him through baptism, the Eucharist was also celebrated as an encounter with his passion and resurrection. How would the number of people involved impact a church’s ability to have a participatory meeting or to achieve congregational consensus? There are no evidences of larger places of meeting before 300.” Again quoting Snyder, “there is no literary evidence nor archaeological indication that any such home was converted into an extant church building. In short, involvement with a smaller church can be a wonderful blessing with strategic, divinely-designed advantages. Multiple house churches in Rome are mentioned in Romans 16. Through his tent making work, Paul was able to support himself and his traveling companions, some seven men at least (Acts 20:4, 34). . One challenge in worshiping in a home today lies in the fact that modern homes are often far different from first-century Roman villas. The Church should be associated with mutual encouragement, accountability, relationships, community and maintaining church discipline. Once leadership is in place, send out a sizable portion of the original church to jump start a new small church. The Matthew 18 restoration process detailed by Jesus clearly assumes more than just “us four and no more.” There was a single congregation meeting in Corinth at the time Paul wrote; counting the various people using their spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 14 adds up to a healthy number of believers. Forty may be a safer guess. Smaller, Spirit-filled congregations are, arguably, part of a much larger divine design.         The real issue is not where a church meets but how it can best do what God requires of it. Graydon F. Synder, Church Life Before Constantine (Macon, GA:  Mercer University Press, 1991), 166. This focused look at women in the household context discusses the importance of issues of space and visibility in shaping the lives of early Christian women. “Lullingstone Roman Villa”, 4. Many thriving small churches focus on reaching home-school families. 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house churches in early christianity 2021