Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are implementing a free trade area and have plans to form customs unions. Nine of the member states formed a free trade area in 2000 (Djibouti, Egypt, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Sudan, Zambia and Zimbabwe), … Zambia is a developing country and has achieved middle-income status in 2011. Benefits of the membership are realised at a political, an economic and developmental level. Zambia has 19 national parks, and 34 game management areas, some of the highlights are Luangwa and Kafue National Parks, Lower Zambezi National Park, Victoria Falls, Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park and Lochinvar National Park. Zambia recently became a signatory to the COMESA-East African Community (EAC)- SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) Agreement on 17THJune, 2016. More information about Zambia is available on the Zambia Page and from other Department of State publications and other sources listed at the end of this fact sheet. Website:, Zambia Development Agency Overview: In 2018 Zambia was the number 105 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 83 in total exports, the number 108 in total imports, the number 158 economy in terms of GDP per capita (current US$) and the number 103 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) Exports: The top exports of Zambia are Raw Copper ($5.42B), Refined Copper … E-mail: The rest apply partial cuts. The President is the Head of State. The duty Station will be at the COMESA Secretariat headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia. The maximum possible gains from free trade for Zambia are 2.8% of gross domestic product annually while the completion of COMESA and SADC free trade areas provides economy-wide benefits of 1.2% and 1.0% of GDP respectively. Zambia is currently a member of the Common Market For Eastern And Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). The COMESA agreement aims to gradually lift tariff and non-tariff barriers on goods between members, but only for goods made locally by member states. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of the National Organization Committee of the AGOA Forum in Togo, led by Mrs. Dede Ahoéfa Ekoue, the Lomé edition of the event was a great success. Zambia is also integrated within two free trade areas, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), which holds trade benefits between member countries. Address: First Floor Petroda House, Corner of Kalembwe Close and Great East Road The creation in June 2015 of a free trade area from Cape Town to Cairo is possibly the most significant event in Africa since the formation of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. Some members have eliminated or reduced their tariff barriers between the member countries as early as 2000. STR overcomes problems in proving goods originate in a member country and therefore are not subject to duty. On the other hand, the findings of the analysis of COMESA programmes being implemented in Zambia revealed that Zambia largely benefits from COMESA, citing among others the infrastructure development of four of the five border posts shared by Zambia and its neighbours. A brief discussion of SACU and the CBI will follow. The warm wet season is from November to April and the cool dry season runs from May to August when temperatures range from 16 to 27 °C. Box 30819, Lusaka, Zambia As expected, the model shows that Zambia benefits the most from world trade liberalization. INTRODUCTION Zambia is currently a member of the Common Market For Eastern And Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). Zambia’s population is approximately 13,459,000 (latest census) and most of the people are African, with small Asian and European minorities. ... Womba Mumbuluma, a small scale border trader at COMESA Market, Lusaka, Zambia … Zambia is presently the world’s fourth largest producer of copper and has around 6 % of the world’s known reserves. The bureau is set up within the General Directorate of Customs and From now on, goods imported from COMESA member countries will benefit from the Preferential Tariff on the basis of reciprocity when these goods meet the original criteria adopted by the COMESA FTA countries (see Decision No. They have agreed to promote integration via trade and to develop human and natural resources for the advantage of their citizens. Address: Opposite the main arena next to the Show Society ; 2006, International Monetary Fund; COMESA and SADC: Prospects and Challenges for Regional...; Padamja Khandelwal, Economic Commission for Africa; Economic Report on Africa 2002: Tracking Performance and Progress. COMESA is now comprised of 21 African Member States, being Burundi, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland (Eswatini), Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is the largest regional economic organization in Africa, with 19 member states and a population of about 390 million. COMESA places the member states at an advantage of adopting a common custom scheme that abolishes non-tariff barriers to trade between themselves. On the other hand, the findings of the analysis of COMESA programmes being implemented in Zambia revealed that Zambia largely benefits from COMESA, citing among others the infrastructure development of four of the five border posts shared by Zambia and its neighbours. IMPLICATIONS – BENEFITS •1.WIDER MARKET - Economies of scale - Product diversity - Sectorial growth and employment creation SADC (excl.) Efforts to rationalise markets and best practice throughout the region can only enhance the current level of effectiveness of the organisation. TO ZAMBIA AND COMESA January – March 2016 benefit of Zambian children. As expected, the model shows that Zambia benefits the most from world trade liberalization. Benefits of COMESA Customs Union to the region The COMESA Customs Union was launched by the Heads of State and Government on 7 June 2009 in Victoria Falls , Zimbabwe . Danny Faure, Seychelles’ Vice President. COMESA states have the benefit of making regulations to facilitate movement of goods and services within the region and adopting a Third Party Vehicle Insurance Scheme. #2 you are dataless, COMESA did not reject the membership of South Africa. Egypt has joined to COMESA since May 1998 in order to promote its economic relations with the rest of member states, especially the trade relations, so the aim of the paper is to assess COMESA regional integration efforts and to identify the most effective and important variables that determine trade intensity of Egypt with COMESA countries. Also, the states have the benefit of recognizing the unique situation of countries like Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho within the context of the Common Market and give temporary exemptions, as opposed to full application of specified provision in Article 3 of the COMESA treaty. English is the official language and is widely spoken throughout the country. Benefits of the membership are realised at a political, an economic and developmental level. Its economic profile is summarized below: Zambia has been cited as one of the fastest growing economies in the region. The maximum possible gains from free trade for Zambia are 2.8% of gross domestic product annually while the completion of COMESA and SADC free trade areas provides economy-wide benefits of 1.2% and 1.0% of GDP respectively. In both Mauritius and Zambia support from COMESA and SADC has been useful, though limited. At the end of 1999, four multilateral economic co -operation schemes were operating in Southern Africa: SADC, COMESA, SACU (Southern African Customs Union) and the CBI (Cross Bor der Initiative). Zambia saw single-party rule from independence until 1973, … Progress in COMESA has been limited by country-level implementation problems while SADC has been hampered by complicated and restrictive rules of origin. Address Privatization House One of the main benefits of COMESA and SADC WTO-related activities has been the engagement process they have generated. “Economic Integration and Development in Africa”; Henry Kyambalesa, et al. Website:, Zambia Association of Manufacturers COMESA has a free trade area, with 19 member states, and launched a customs union in 2009. The Countries in which the COMESA Yellow Card is recognized as a valid insurance cover are; Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. According to the Article 46 of the treaty, member states have the advantage of enjoying non-tariff goods and services within the Common Market. Furthermore, member countries are in a position to establish conditions regulating the flow of goods from third party countries within the Common Market. Address: Privatization House Nasser Road, P. O. and SADC and COMESA (dual) are third and fourth largest export markets for Zambia, respectively. The tourism sector has consistently demonstrated growth due to a rich natural heritage, including great waterfalls, rivers, lakes, and a wealth of wildlife roaming in its vast sanctuaries. It is a grand move to merge existing regional organization into a single African Economic Community.The Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) includes the 26 countries that are members of the Common Market … Zambia’s manufacturing sector’s has continued to show signs of growth in recent years. Average annual rainfall is between 508 and1, 270mm. The FTA was achieved on 31st October, 2000 when nine of the member States namely Djibouti, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Sudan, Zambia and Zimbabwe eliminated their tariffs on COMESA originating products, in accordance with the tariff reduction schedule adopted in 1992.This followed a trade liberalisation programme that commenced in 1984 on reduction and eventual elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to intra- regional trade. E-mail: COMESA promotes member cooperation in financial and monetary matters and establishes convertibility of their currencies through the Common Monetary Union. 1.0 Introduction The 20th meeting of the COMESA Committee of Central Bank Governors held in Kinshasa, Congo (DR) from 26th to 27th November 2014 considered a study on “Empirical Assessment of the effectiveness of monetary policy in COMESA member countries”. Fax: +260-211-253020 Nine of the member states formed a free trade area in 2000 (Djibouti, Egypt, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Sudan, Zambia and Zimbabwe), … The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is a regional economic integration grouping of African states. All rights reserved, Agriculture, Industry & Private Sector Development. To the north it is bordered by the Democratic Republic of Congo and the United Republic of Tanzania, to the west by Angola, to the south west by Namibia, to the east by Malawi and Mozambique, … In addition, member states can simplify and harmonize their trade agreements and procedures. Zambia is an entirely landlocked country covering an area of 752,612 km². This plateau is a mix of woodland and savannah regions interspersed with lakes, rivers, hills, swamps and lush plains. Fax: +260 211 225174 Tel: +260 211 229087/90 Overlapping memberships have led United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Tel: +260-211-220177 | +260-211-222858 E-mail: A10, Showgrounds, Lusaka Livingstone is another main centre, the former capital of Zambia, located eight kilometres from Victoria Falls. They will have access to international arbitration and their investments will be guaranteed against expropriation and nationalization. Compared with other regional economic communities in Africa, the share of intra-SADC trade at 11% of the region’s total trade is relatively high. In addition to the national parks Zambia has beach resorts on Lake Tanganyika at Kasaba, Nkamba and Ndole bays, and Lake Kariba, a man-made lake. Progress in COMESA has been limited by country-level implementation problems while SADC has been hampered by complicated and restrictive rules of origin. The project has been implemented by the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB Zambia) in partnership with the Zambia Open Community Schools (ZOCS). Additionally, they are in a position of fostering cooperation in transport and communication among themselves; this facilitates the production of goods and services and movement of people. There are seven main vernacular languages: Nyanja, Bemba, Tonga, Lozi, Luvale, Lunda and Kaonde, with more than 70 dialects spoken across the country. Many members apply reductions worth 100 percent. Mining and quarrying account for a large proportion of Zambia’s merchandise exports and have traditionally contributed the largest proportion of the country’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Some of the benefits that the ‘COMESA investor and other foreign investors will receive under the Agreement are national and most favoured nation treatment. At the end of 1999, four multilateral economic co -operation schemes were operating in Southern Africa: SADC, COMESA, SACU (Southern African Customs Union) and the CBI (Cross Bor der Initiative). Dominic Liche, a lecturer in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zambia, says both the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) have good trade regimes that are of benefit to Zambia. Overlapping memberships have led Its contribution to GDP has averaged 26 %. The COMESA Yellow Card Scheme is currently operational in twelve COMESA Member Countries and one non COMESA member Country. In 1972, Zambia was declared a one party State, but reverted back to multi-party democracy in December 1990 and with general elections held in October 1991. Lusaka is the capital city and is believed to be the fastest growing city in Central Africa. A transitional period of three years was provided for during which time the Member States would align their national tariffs with the COMESA CET. COMESA states have the benefit of making regulations to facilitate movement of goods and services within the region and adopting a Third Party Vehicle Insurance Scheme. Zambia is a member of the COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Other contributors to the economy are industry, fishing and agriculture. COMESA: Introduction The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is a free trade area that encompasses 19 countries stretching from Libya to Zimbabwe. Malawi to benefit from K1 billion UK trade, Covid-19 support for southern Africa. Additionally, they are in a position of fostering cooperation in transport and communication among themselves; this facilitates the production of goods and services and movement of people. Zambia x x x x x Zimbabwe x x x x x Source: Mayer and Thomas (1997: 330). David holds a Master of Arts in international journalism from the University of Westminster, UK. Zambia has three distinct seasons, the hot, dry season runs from September to October when temperatures range from 27 to 32 °C. Tel: +260-211- 253020|252483 Botswana is not a member of COMESA and therefore can not make any direct comparison. It is South Africa that refused to be a member of COMESA. David Shoo has professionally been writing since 2005. Rwanda to benefit from COMESA funds Rwanda will be compensated by the COMESA Compensation Fund, for the revenue loss to be incurred when it joins the East African Community (EAC) Customs Union next month. The member states are Burundi, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Zambia is also integrated within two free trade areas, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), which holds trade benefits between member countries. 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