Bids are advertised for two consecutive weeks in the Houston Business Journal and minority papers, received by the City Secretary's Office on the advertised bid due date, opened and then publicly read in City Council Chambers (unless place of opening has been transferred in accordance with Section 15-3 B(5) of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances). Our online bids and RFPs require all Suppliers to be registered with us and have
Residents enjoy affordable housing options, excellent schools, a vibrant performing arts community and an overall great quality of life.
Announcements View All Announcements . (Requires a unique Username and Password), or search the City's Vendor/NIGP database. Certification Updates. A contractor designating safety impact positions pursuant to this Executive Order shall: Obtain a facility to collect urine samples consistent with federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) guidelines. I originally started with one farmer’s market. Most formal bids are awarded on the basis of lowest responsible bid. Vendor Self Service is getting an upgrade November 16 th! Bid Advertisements:
Get the proper vendor's license in your city. Become a Texas vendor: Visit How to Receive Bids to learn how to register as a Texas Vendor on the Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL), and how to become a certified historically underutilized business (HUB). 2251). You will still need to complete and submit the online Supplier
The bid due date and time is specified in each bid/proposal package. You will still need to complete and submit the online Supplier Registration Form as well as a signed IRS W-9/W-8 to become a registered City Supplier. Companies outside the United States need to fill out an IRS W-8 Form. § 252), a unit of the Texas Legislative Council's statutory revision program authorized by the Texas Local Government Code. CONTRACTOR CONTACT PERSON means the designated individual for the City to call regarding suspicion of drug use of an employee of a contractor. Know what rules exist in relation to growing, producing, serving and/or selling foods. Provide users with tools to make informed decisions when processing purchases for the City. Thank you for your patience! In the event of a conflict between these procedures and an applicable drug testing law, the applicable law shall prevail. Before submitting your application, be sure to read Discovery Green's Vendor Rules.The fees that are charged are based on the average or expected monies spent in the managing and operating costs, and are subject to change. For more information about being a vendor at one of Grapevine's festivals, contact the Festivals and Events team at +1.817.410.3185. Please refer to the Guidelines for more details. Timothy Warren Certification Division Manager 611 Walker Street, 7th Floor Houston, TX 77002. The City certification is accepted by the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council, Women’s Business Enterprise Alliance, Department of Transportation, HISD, TSU, KBR and more. Supplier and Vendor are the same. Drug testing shall be evenly distributed over the term of the contract or the year, whichever is shorter. RFPs, RFQs, NOFAS, & Contracts This page includes information on procurement policies, procedures, and current and completed procurements. In contrast, applying to become LBE, PUC-LBE and NPE Certified requires that a business, whether it be a City Vendor or not, must also meet the numerous certification requirements outlined in Section I. The City of Sugar Land welcomes the opportunity to do business with interested merchants in the community. This conference also allows for your guidance to find out who is interested in bidding or proposing on a particular contract, or you can contact the assigned buyer. REASONABLE SUSPICION means an articulable belief based on specific facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts. Click on the Register button to begin filling out an electronic application to become a payee/vendor. They use the Preferred Vendors where it best fits their needs and seek out additional sources of supply where it makes the most sense to do so when a Preferred Vendor … The Texas Cooperative is open to all local governments, nonprofits, and other political subdivisions in the state. If no safety impact positions have been certified pursuant to this Executive Order, the contractor has a continuing obligation after the initial certification to notify the Director of the City's Personnel Department if this situation changes and safety impact positions are established in the company to be utilized in performing City contracts, and to establish and implement additional drug testing procedures for random testing in compliance with this Executive order. This policy incorporates any off duty use or misuse of certain banned substances that result in a positive drug test pursuant to these procedures. The Web Site Registration Form allows you to create an account used to get access to online bids and bid documents. Track vendor information including MWDBE status. 4.0 Scope: This procedure applies to all City of Houston contracts for labor and/or services except the following: Random - All contractor employees who perform job duties that are defined as safety impact positions shall be subject to random drug testing. This can occur if "cookies" are being blocked. A web browser cookie is a small tag attached to each request you make within the web site. Cookies are used to validate that you are logged in to the site when requesting pages. It is safe to enable cookies on our web site. Finance Department Strategic Procurement Division 611 Walker Street, Garden Level Houston, TX 77002 The City Secretary will not accept late bids. Knowing what to expect will help in preparing for important milestones throughout the process. 1. Contracts in which imposition of the requirements of this Executive Order would exclude all potential bidders or proposers or would eliminate meaningful competition for the contract. These conferences allow you the opportunity to ask questions about bid specifications and clarify general terms and conditions. 3. On ORPIN, you will find: 1.
How to Do Business with the District . RANDOM means a selection process (for drug testing) based on a scientific, unbiased method, lacking a definite or predetermined pattern. Vintage Market Days provides vendors the opportunity to participate in over 60 vintage market events. 6. How do I know the site is secure and other vendors can’t see my bid? Here is a complete listing of our Glossary of Terms for your information. Contractor employees are prohibited from possessing, using, distributing, dispensing, manufacturing, selling or having in their possession or control any drug/banned substance while on duty on City premises, or while acting in the course and scope of their contract at any geographic location. Contractors may substitute Department of Transportation compliance that requires drug testing standards equal to or exceeding this Executive Order on a format approved by the Director of Personnel. RFPs are also reviewed for MWBE opportunities. Thank you for your patience! As authorized by Chapter 2267, Texas Government Code, the City of Houston has adopted P3 Guidelines through passage of City Council Resolution No. All contractors are responsible for reviewing and complying with the Mayor's Amended Policy on Drug Detection and Deterrence (Mayor's Policy) and the Mayor's Drug Detection and Deterrence Procedures for Contractors (Executive Order) , developing and implementing a written drug-free workplace policy, and providing a copy of their drug-free workplace policy to the contracting department's Contract Compliance officer for Drug Testing (CCODT) as designated by the contracting department in the Request for Proposal. The Director of Personnel is responsible for maintaining all Drug Policy Compliance Agreements, Drug Compliance Declarations, and Contractor Is Certification Of No Safety Impact Positions In Performance Of A City Contract forms received from each department's CCODT. For questions, Click Here to access the
The City's Vendor Administration team will send a confirmation email once your registration is completed and a City of Charlotte Vendor ID # has been assigned to your company. How do I find information about a bid or RFP? Generally, projects exceeding $50,000 are advertised in the Houston Chronicle, Friday edition, in the Classified Section under Bids and Proposals. Amphetamine
Texas school districts must be
You will not be accepted in the system until we receive this form signed and completed in our office.
Weekly on the Municipal Access Channel (TCI and Time Warner Cable TV). These procedures are based upon the City's commitment to maintain a safe, healthful and productive work environment for all employees and contractors, and to ensure the safe and efficient delivery of contracted services to citizens of the City of Houston. Methamphetamine, 500
You can find out about bids and RFPs daily via the City of Houston Procurement website at Make sure your cookies on your system are enabled and the privacy settings on your browser is set to low to avoid the re-registration process every time you need to download bid documents. Invoices must show the department, division or section to which the goods and/or services were rendered. The Purchasing Office is committed to ensuring that our business practices are performed with the highest degree of professional ethics, integrity and competency. online Guide to Doing Business with the City. Discounts will not be considered in the award evaluation. If the City fails to make a payment according to the early payment schedule above, but does make the payment within the time specified by the Prompt Payment Act, the City shall not receive the discount, but shall pay no other penalty. To provide procedures for implementation of the Mayor's Amended Drug Detection and Deterrence Policy as applicable to contractors who do business with the City of Houston. Any contractor who fails to comply with this Executive order, to complete, execute and submit the Drug Policy Compliance Agreement and, if applicable, the contractor's Certification of No Safety Impact Positions In Performance of a City contract, the semi-annual Drug Policy Compliance Declaration or any requested drug testing records timely if required to do so by this policy, shall be considered in breach of contract and may be subject to having the contract with the City of Houston terminated. To establish a procedure for drug screening by contractors where there is reasonable suspicion that an employee has certain banned illegal or illicit substances in their system while on duty or in the performance of the scope of a contract with the City. var d = new Date();
The Director of Personnel shall develop the reporting format to be used by the CCODT for the contractor drug testing activity. Vendor Selection and Competition Faculty and staff are responsible for identifying the goods/services required to conduct business daily. To ensure timely payment, your invoice must adhere to these characteristics and include the following: Vendor Help:
We encourage you to use this guide to familiarize yourself with the basics of doing business with the City and to understand the bid/RFP lifecycle from start to finish. Variations on formal bids include reverse auction and best value procurement. The weekly trip to the grocery store playing bumper carts with other irritated shoppers under stale lights. An application can be completed at any time. To register for a web account (create your own username and password) to access and download Bid/RFP documents, complete and submit the mandatory fields in Online Bid Registration Form here. Become a Texas vendor: Visit How to Receive Bids to learn how to register as a Texas Vendor on the Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL), and how to become a certified historically underutilized business (HUB). 1. We update the Online Bids & RFPs page daily. Visit the revenue agency and the county clerk's office to find out what you need to do to sell things on the street. We are available by phone at 832.393.8800. When drug screening of employees is required or authorized under the contractor policy or procedures, a urinalysis test shall be given to detect the presence of amphetamines, cocaine metabolites, opiate metabolites, phencyclidine, and for marijuana metabolites. Department Contacts . The City's automated purchasing and financial systems require a 3-way match of the purchase order, the receiver, and the invoice to complete a payment transaction. Invoices must be mailed to the department shown on the purchase order to avoid delays in payment. City of Houston Office of Business Opportunity 611 Walker, 7 th Floor Houston, TX 77002 Certification Hotline: 832-393-0600 This application and supporting documents are subject to … Houston, TX 77274-1361; When contacted, coordinate with Workforce Solutions staff to schedule a visit to review your credentials. Supplier. The Pre-qualification application is completed during the New Vendor Registration process. Houston, TX 77002, Email Address:
Please note, the application process may take up to 60 days to complete. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE means every site for the performance of work for or on behalf of the City of Houston at which City employees and contractors are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale, or use of drugs/banned substances. contact the Supplier Desk at (832) 393-8800 M-F, 8:00 am- 4:30 pm. You can also contact the assigned buyer for questions and further information about a specific bid or RFP. Where do I turn in a bid or proposal? Houston is an exciting city in which to live and work with one of the fastest growing and most diverse populations in the world. Bid Opening:
This term includes employees of the contractor and subcontractors providing labor and/or services, but excludes vendors or suppliers of materials or other goods. Steps. The CCODT may be someone other than the department's contract administrator. The rest of the payments are made by check. Post accident - The contractor drug policy shall mandate drug testing if an employee has been involved in a work related accident on a City contract that involves an injury to himself or to another or causes property damage. You can select and print multiple bids if you like, Scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit, The selected bids will now appear in a table and at this time you need to click on each, Click on the bid document listed under the field, Print it and bring it with you to the Pre-Bid Conference Schedule, If you are downloading and printing more than one bid, hit the, The City of Houston Purchase Order Number, Invoice exactly as shown on your City issued purchase order, Goods and/or services must be itemized as to quantity, part number, description and applicable, Invoices must show the department, division or section to which the goods and/or services, All invoices must be submitted in triplicate (The City’s automated purchasing and financial. When bids are received they are analyzed, evaluated and a PO is issued to the low bid meeting specifications. DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL means the Department Director of the City of Houston's Personnel Department. Previously advertised Bids and Proposals are also available upon request for the same fee. We encourage you to view the Certificate of Insurance Form for Services Page 1-2 as required by the City of Houston. Provisions of this ordinance are provided in part in the paragraphs that follow. Gov’t Code, Ch. Can I be eligible to do business with the City of Houston without online registration? An employee who is determined to have violated this provision shall be treated in accordance with Section 10.1. If you have forgotten your password, go to the Forgotten Password page to have it sent to you. Any contractor who falsifies any test records, reports or declarations required by this Executive Order shall be considered in breach of contract and the City of Houston contract will be terminated. Copies of the tabulations will be provided to any Vendor upon request for a fee as defined by the Texas Open Records Act. When the payment date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or official holiday when City offices are closed and City business is not expected to be conducted, payment may be made on the following business day. If you are interested in becoming a vendor with the City of Beaumont or are a current vendor seeking to obtain your MBE certification, please review the information below. LABORATORY means a federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) certified laboratory authorized by the contractor to perform drug screening/testing. Cookies can be blocked by a number of different things such as: Â. Join our winning team at Houston Airports. We currently have open solicitations for the following: Career Training Career Advancement In most cases, all these purchases will be under $20,000, though some departments have lower thresholds. Your bids are protected by the security mechanisms we've implemented in the site. Your unique login and password allow only you to see your bids. Protect your password and do not share it with anyone.Â. Commodity Codes were developed by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) to bring efficiency to automated purchasing. Houston First Corporation is leading the effort to promote Houston as one of the great cities of the world. Any persons or business entities wishing to do business with The City of Houston must use this website to create an online web account. The City of Dallas Vendor Self Service allows you, as a payee/vendor, to manage your own account information, view your financial transactions and much more. Employees reasonably suspected to be under the influence of drugs shall be prevented from engaging in further work of any sort for the City and will give the contractor cause to subject them to immediate drug testing in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Executive Order.The City will cooperate in all aspects of supplying statements that might provide a basis for reasonable suspicion. VENDOR/SUPPLIER LOG-IN Replay Successful Bid 101 Presentation Live Event On the second Friday of each month, new vendors can meet with City purchasing staff from 11 am to 12 pm. 5. Well Houston. Vendors may register on the Harris County Purchasing website to obtain automatic notification of jobs available for bidding. Instructions on how to register for Bids & RFP downloads: Â. For further information, please contact the City Secretary at 713.247.1840. New Vendors In an effort to build a strong business relationship with our vendors, the Purchasing department has put together a vendor application packet which contains several Any contractor employee who consents to a drug test but fails to appear timely at the collection site or who fails to give their urine sample after reasonable opportunity to do so, will be considered as having refused to consent to a drug test and treated in accordance with this Section. Contracts with companies that have fewer than fifteen employees during any 20-week period during a calendar year and no safety impact positions. Do not forget to show the City of Houston Purchase Order Number on your invoice. After bids are received, they are analyzed and evaluated by the Strategic Procurement Division who will then issue purchase orders. . Become a preferred vendor Complete the form below to be added to our Prospective Vendor List. Identifying potential contract opportunities by utilizing a citywide material and vendor listing. A STATEMENT DISCLOSING THE NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESSES OF EACH OF THOSE PERSONS WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH EACH BID OR PROPOSAL FOR A CITY CONTRACT. Request for Proposals are used to solicit equipment, goods, and services of a highly technical nature. The City of Houston’s Strategic Procurement Department is the primary organization within the City authorized to issue bid invitations and requests for proposals, process and release purchase orders, and administer term contracts. Again, we highly encouraged interested bidders to attend the pre-bid or pre-proposal conferences. Attending the Pre-Bid or Pre-Proposal Conference will give you the opportunity to ask questions about the specifications and general terms and conditions. * Note: We do not share your information with any third party
Candidates for City office may neither solicit nor receive contribution except during a period commencing 270 calendar days prior to an election for which a person is a candidate for such office and ending 90 calendar days after the election date, including run off elections if such candidate is on the ballot. If approved, a contract will be completed and sent for signature. For more about NIGP Commodity Codes click here to login to the NIGP Living Code website. Strategic Procurement Division makes informal solicitations for requirements exceeding department authority by mail, telephone, or fax. A contractor's drug policy is not limited to the drug testing criteria in these procedures and may be more stringent. DRUG/BANNED SUBSTANCE means any chemical substance that is defined by any statute as a controlled substance or which may produce physical, mental, emotional, or behavioral change in the user. Apple Macintosh users may encounter problems with our online transactions, Scroll down and find the bid you are interested in downloading, If you have an issued City vendor number then enter it otherwise leave it blank until you obtain a vendor/supplier number, Click inside the square box located before the bid description you are intending to download. 3. Is there any difference between a Supplier and a Vendor? If you registered before August 23rd, 2005, you have probably only registered for a Vendor Number with the City. In order to view bids online, you need to get a Web Site Account. Click here to go to the Web Site Registration Form. Emailed notifications of bid opportunities and business events. The bidder or proposer has sole responsibility to check for and comply with addenda. Register your business on the NAHRO E-Procurement System for all formal solicitations. Contracts with non-profit organizations providing services at no cost or reduced cost to the public. As an additional security measure, multiple layers of network firewalls (devices that prevent unauthorized entry to our network) protect all bidding data. a valid web account. Projects exceeding $25,000 require bidders to submit a payment bond and those exceeding $100,000 require a payment and performance bond. In such an instance, the Department Director or designee of the department holding the contract shall authorize the removal. Contractors may be subject to other drug testing related requirements as specified in their contract with the City of Houston. All formal Bids and Proposals must be submitted by the specified due date and time, in duplicate, to the City Secretary's Office, City Hall Annex, Public Level, (900 Bagby). Learn from our guide the basics of how to prepare and apply to become a WIC store owner in your state. 2014-0027. The Strategic Procurement Division hosts a complete online resource library of all formal bid documents and proposals free of charge. 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