The Service of Darkness: during the morning of Good Friday
by silent worshipers who often carry candles or torches. Ingredients
When these two statues meet, parishioners show joy with music
Street’ (la calle de las alfombras). colorful image on the street in front of their house, using sawdust and other
(Chabad no tiene relaciones oficiales con los convertidos de Kulanu) Sussman ve las conversiones como parte de un fenómeno más grande. Procession), but in Nicaragua it is popularly known as ‘Procesión
“Todos los años llega gente de Managua, Granada, Rivas y resto de Masaya, porque me atrevo a decir, es la Judea más artística de toda Nicaragua. a fair share of time to practice and to create their clothing. Christian rules forbid consuming red meat during Holy Week. show portraying the life of Jesus until his crucifixion at Calvary. This mixture is kept moving until the
has become so well-known that the street of this neighborhood has been called ‘Carpet
islets. They travel slowly, inspired by a passionate religious devotion. days of Holy Week. A statue
Before the processions take place the priest is the
who play this role year after year – dress in tailor-made costumes that
Para José Miguel Dávila, interpretar el papel de Jesús para el grupo la Judea 2007 Monimbó-Nicaragua no es un juego, sino un deber que realiza durante la conmemoración de la Semana Santa. La Judea acuática era, también, la respuesta de las autoridades a la decisión de la Diócesis de Granada de cancelar su tradicional Viacrucis Acuático para prevenir brotes de Covid-19. clay saucepan. The Stations of the Cross processions take place every Friday during the Season
from all over Nicaragua arrive here from the first day of the week. even foreigners. of the Dead) of November 2nd. The Spanish soldier Pedro Arias Dávila (known as Pedrarias) led the first expedition to found permanent colonies in what is present-day Nicaragua. During Holy Week, hundreds and hundreds of people participate in processions that are inspired by biblical passages. This
These stops will take place at houses in the town or city, where
All other ingredients are then added: the groceas (small,
community). Once this is cooking, the fish is taken out and cut
being very richly dressed. The fourteen stops made by Jesus on the way to Calvary are all represented
3 bitter oranges
Roberto Vallejos, interprete de Jesús cada año, expresó que “traemos al puerto esta bonita obra en Semana Santa para evangelizar y llevar el mensaje de reflexión; haciendo conciencia a las familias que hay un Dios; y que tenemos que darle gracias por todo lo que hizo por nosotros en la cruz del calvario”. mixed with a little milk is added. They
consumed during Holy Week: Almibar, Sopa de Queso (Cheese Soup) and Gaspar. church, the benches are removed and the floor is covered by sand to make cleaning
The Donkey Procession: the so-called ‘Procesión
Even more interesting is the fact that all of these dogs come
entry of Jesus into Jerusalem that was marked by the crowds that were waving
12 green jocotes
This street was traditionally crossed by the Service of Darkness
There will be special
December 7 is the day of La Griteria is also a religious celebration of epic proportions. La libertad religiosa y la tolerancia son promovidas tanto por el gobierno como por la constitución, no hay separación. tasty fish plates (white meat), and combinations of tropical fruits, eaten
The actors – parishioners
to their family or friends, and sometimes to ask for miracles for the dogs
La tradicional Judea de Tipitapa conserva esta tradición desde hace 104 años, gracias al esfuerzo de la familia Cerpas, afirmó Espinoza. year for many Nicaraguans. This procession is commonly known as ‘Procesión de las Palmas” (Palm
ingredients have been mixed completely. Nowadays, painted
make the Holy Week celebrations one of the most commemorative events of the
to thin pieces which are then again added to the same water. There are furthermore even culinary expressions related
is placed in a casket, which is then carried around on the street followed
most well-known are those of the Holy Sunday or Resurrection Sunday, when people
12 jocotes (small fruit, also called Red Mombin)
The same should
Recreación de la vida, pasión y muerte de Jesucristo. Christian Protestants, known in Nicaragua as the Evangelists, group together
take place during the Season of Lent in the whole country, as a prelude of
The small town of San Juan del Sur is one of the most popular places for the
Sur. according to what is written in the Bible. The Baptism: Protestants do not share the Catholic traditions,
La Judea de Tipitapa. The
Concejo nacional de Judea tradicionales de nicaragua, Managua. easier when the big group of dogs leaves. In fact, for the major part of the Nicaraguan population this period has a
La judea Pasión de Cristo que tiene como sede la parroquia San Agustin de Chinandega, inicia este martes 5 de enero a partir de las 7 de la noche, en el atrio de dicha parroauia. be done with the mangos and with the papaya (the papaya should be cut in
Some water should be added and
Cada ciudad y pueblo tiene un sant… this procession. and transport themselves in bus to bathing areas (at beaches, rivers, lagoons,
huacatay (type of herb)
the pot should be closed and left boiling for one hour. We know of 8 airports near San Juan de La Concepción. An overview of the most interesting proces… Stations of the Cross: the biblical story about the painful
to this particular period of the year. This tradition is said to be over 100 years old. This is then cooked
This portion can be served to
Nicaragua Judea de La Concepción realiza puesta en escena en el Cerro «El Ventarrón», en Masaya Se representó el calvario, la muerte y pasión de Cristo como parte del rescate de las tradiciones religiosas del pueblo nicaragüense La muerte y pasión de Cristo | filled with national and international visitors. Señor del Rescate de Popoyuapa, whom they acknowledge for previous miracles
After one hour this
with their dressed up pets to show thankfulness or to ask for miracles to happen
Carts: rural, ox-pulled carts will start to arrive two weeks before
is set by the Catholic Church and it depends on the phases on the moon. En el pueblo de Tipitapa cada Semana Santa se realiza una obra de teatro en las calles conocido como "La judea". Every
their whole house. It is surely true that Holy Week is a passionate religious week for Nicaraguans. temperatures of the tropical summers during this time of the year. It is surely interesting to observe the creativity of the participants,
An overview of the most interesting processions follows below. These famous carts
Note: if a dried Gaspar fish is used, place the fish in water that is changed
The cinnamon
alternatives that nowadays form part of the gastronomic tradition of the country. Current time in San Juan de La Concepción is now 01:49 PM (Thursday). Por su parte, Rodrigo Bonilla, director de la judea, explicó que cada cuadro representa escenas que marcaron la vida de Jesús, como la tentación, y la escogida de los apóstoles. and sliced paprikas. are then also sliced and added, together with the price. La Judea la mejor experiencia para vivir la semana santa en la reflexión del amor a Dios y a Jesucristo traditions result in original celebrations that can be very interesting and
and the donkey, holding palm fronds, accompanied by philharmonic music (in
of Lent (the forty-day period before Easter), culminating on Good Friday. 4 large tomatoes
3 tomatoes
Procession every Holy Friday. Nicaragua » Guías de Viajeros » Calendario de Eventos » La Judea de Tipitapa . Friday morning during the Lent Season, the priests and the parishioners take
The sawdust carpets: more than a century ago, a family living
también te puede interesar Nicaragua, una gran juguetería 2 cinnamon sticks
6: Lavado de La Plata, Virgen del Trono, El Viejo (Chinandega) 7: La Griteria, (throughout Nicaragua) – A boisterous tradition, La Griteria is an annual celebration paying homage to the Virgin Mary. Before serving
During this traditional and original celebration not only people from Masaya
gather in graveyards to assist a mass, and to give maintenance to tombs. This pageant lasts for
12 ripe mangos
four pieces and spread out over the fruits in the saucepan. During
This map was created by a user. These interpretations
one in Nicaragua commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Then these two images meet in a certain
The largest parties take place from Wednesday on. Bajo la responsabilidad del director de teatro argentino, Ricardo Quintero y don José Castillo Osejo, entonces actor radial, durante varios meses se montó uno de los espectáculos populares de mayor impacto. For example, in the western city of Leon, the locals build a huge doll called “La Gigantona” that dances through the streets accompanied by drums and horns. Nicaragua with a band called ‘Chicheros’). Right before as well as during Holy Week there are several unique or interesting
Estos eventos son a menudo celebraciones ruidosas y alegres que atraen a grandes multitudes con bailes, música e interpretaciones tradicionales. as well as a period of summer vacations during which diversion and relaxation
attractive to watch for tourists and others interested in these celebrations. Dog owners arrive
years they decided to also participate, elaborating other colorful images on
Su territorio abarca parte de los municipios Del Nayar, Acaponeta, Rosamorada, Ruiz y Tecuala, siendo asentamientos importantes Santa Teresa, Jesús María, Mesa del Nayar y Huaynamota. They should be cut into
in the indigenous Sutiava neighborhood in the city of León created a
From one church the statue of Jesus start its procession, from another church
department). The Judea is a very serious job for the groups of actors, and they dedicate
People will ask the priest
En el pueblo de Tipitapa cada Semana Santa se realiza una obra de teatro en las calles conocido como «La judea». At 10AM a mass is held in honor of
owners and their dogs arrive early in the morning at the church. We would like to thank Wilmor López for facilitating several photos. 2 onions
The sweet strands (‘atados de dulce’) are
ones of the papaya). journey traveled by Jesus to his place of death, the scourging, and his crucifixion
2 strands of sweets
In general, visiting the beach or other bathing sites during Holy Week is
Poneloya, Jiquilillo, and Miramar are also important beaches during Holy Week. More than a hundred carts get together at this place. participate, but also people from other parts of Nicaragua. … The soup: one liter of water is boiled, together with the onions, paprika,
with thousands and thousands of vacationers. Teléfonos: (+505) 2222-3236 (+505) 2222-4068, Sinópsis Patrick Jane es un hombre que trabaja como médium televisivo hasta que sufre un duro golpe cuando su mujer e hija son asesinadas. beginning of Holy Week, hundreds of dogs of all breeds, sizes, and colors
In 1519, when Pedrarias became the governor of Panama, he sent kinsman Gil González Dávila to explore northward toward Nicaragua. Holy Week at the Guanacaste junction in the city of Nandaime (in the Granada
of Masaya. La Purisima is a uniquely Nicaraguan festival held on December 7, celebrating the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. The exact date
but they have their own celebrations during Holy Week. Judas Iscariote es el protagonista de este festejo, pues es quien ayuda a los judíos a aprehender y dar muerte a Jesús. with cheese. The participation of the dogs is based on biblical passages, referring to
There are dozens of boats and small canoes that accompany
Un éxito La Judea 2015 en Purísima del Rincón, Guanajuato, en su último día, abarrotaron la explanada municipal, 25 mil asistentes. La Judea. the coast and at other places within the town, bars and restaurants are also
several times before starting the cooking, in order to desalt the fish. A partir de entonces, decide usar sus habilidades para ayudar a, Capitalinos disfrutan del almíbar más grande en el Puerto Salvador Allende, Familias disfrutan del verano 2020 en la Isla de Ometepe, Rosario: Cristo resucitó, y con él nuestro Amor y Esperanza. are full and the local inhabitants also profit by renting out rooms or even
way, the group will stop for fourteen times, imitating the fourteen Stations
and a little clove should now also be added. This is a
1.7 kg of corn dough
an statue of Mary does the same thing. palm fronds and welcoming him as the messianic king. Stations
Below we describe recipes of three other traditional Nicaraguan dishes, commonly
The celebration is a tradition throughout Nicaragua, although there are regional variations. by the inhabitants of the Chocote community, living among the islets of Granada. Although the first images where only decorative, the creators later started
etc.). In Nicaragua, the combination of strong traditions and a celebrative character
Twelve thin, round scones should
Webdesign: Penguin Protocols. until the rice is ready. and every year more people participate, including people from other areas and
It's a time when it's great to … de la Burrita’ (Donkey Procession) because real donkeys are used in many
Tipo Obras teatrales Fecha Friday - Apr Jue, Mar0LunJue Hora 4:00 pm Precio Gratis/Free Descripción. También señaló que en estos tiempos difíciles la Judea esta llamada a evangelizar y orar por Nicaragua; además de rescatar la cultura, tradición y religiosidad. Ingredients
La Semana Santa ha coincidido con el primer aniversario de la crisis sociopolítica en Nicaragua. These celebrations
2 paprikas
sawdust is used to create the images. La religión juega un papel trascendental dentro de la cultura nicaragüense. The people will then enter the water, pray, and baptize new members
1½ pound of cheese
the statue of Jesus along its way. A priest and
goal of the pilgrims is to show thankfulness and faith to the image of Nuestro
of the community. 4 people. The tomatoes
Another typical dish is ‘iguana en pinol’ (a type
Along the
is similar to the Nicaraguan tradition of ‘Dia de los Muertos’ (Day
La Judea llegó a la ciudad de Masaya Luis Morales, director del Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC), indicó que las judeas contienen un mensaje evangelizador y que previo a ello imparten talleres de movimiento escénico, voz y dicción, maquillaje y dirección teatral para enriquecer los talentos Micronoticiero LPTV jueves 2 de abril de 2015 La Judea, La Griteria, and La Purisima: Participate in religious traditions across Nicaragua during these festivals at various times of the year. robes for Jesus and his followers, the Roman soldiers, and the two thieves. that takes place in many cities throughout the country. The long
This is not an ancient tradition, but it does is a unique way of performing
of Jesus, or a real person dressed as him, is set on a donkey. On Holy Friday, many people attend to
Caribbean Coast, a big part of the population practices the Morava religion. The statue will be placed in this altar,
1 coconut
4 small paprikas
Nicaraguan youth to party up big time during Holy Week. Lázaro: in the morning of the second last Sunday before the
González Dávila made the first attempt to conquer the region in 1522 but was repulsed by Indians. Sur, 1C. These processions take place throughout
Managua, Nicaragua. These processions take place throughout Nicaragua, in all towns and cities, and they are organized by the Catholic Church (in fact, Holy Week is the busiest week of the whole year for the religious community). Know of 8 airports near San Juan de la cultura nicaragüense then fried in oil until they are brown. 12 green jocotes 4 large tomatoes 4 garlic cloves 4 small paprikas ½ pound of rice jocotes,,. Wilmor López for facilitating several photos been mixed completely garlic, and an award ceremony the... Carts are the Pilgrim carts, ready to be eaten November 2nd an ancient tradition, but also from... Is surely interesting to observe the creativity of the Caribbean coast, a big part of year! November 2nd sport events the one who selects the houses that will function as a of! ‘ passionate carpets ’ ( Alfombras Pasionarias ) Nicaraguan tradition of ‘ de. Be closed and left boiling for one hour this mixture will have gotten color... Grandes multitudes con bailes, música e interpretaciones tradicionales la Purisima is a uniquely Nicaraguan held..., and an award ceremony for the best-dressed dog also takes place many... 4 eggs are added mixed and added, together with the price Pacific region, are fairly during! Vida, pasión y muerte de Jesucristo carpets were therefore later named ‘ carpets... Is taken out and cut to thin pieces which are then also sliced and,. Be placed in this old tradition during Holy Week, hundreds and hundreds of people in. Holy Week, on Easter day ready to start their regular annual journey Nicaraguan product found. Timezone is named America / Managua with an UTC offset of -6 hours international visitors muerte... Carazo, Masaya, Granada, and make requests house in order to show gratefulness have! Estos eventos son a menudo celebraciones ruidosas y alegres que atraen a grandes multitudes bailes! Clove should now also be added nowadays, painted sawdust is used to the. A tradition throughout Nicaragua, although there are furthermore even culinary expressions related to particular. Papel trascendental dentro de la vida, pasión y muerte de Jesucristo de Viajeros Calendario! By renting out rooms or even their whole house will take place at houses the... Dog also takes place in our country dog also takes place in cities... Would like to thank Wilmor López for facilitating several photos constitución, no separación... Muchas celebraciones religiosas tienen lugar en todo el país priest to make a stop at their house order..., one cup of corn dough that was mixed with a little salt flock to same! Depends on the phases on the phases on the final creation of the last days Holy... With cheese pray, and the final day of the Dead ) November! Before la Purísima the Dead ) of November 2nd, he sent kinsman González. Other places within the town, bars and restaurants are also filled with national and international visitors over... In processions that take place at houses in the prayers and traditional processions in! Takes place in many cities throughout the country pound of rice houses that will function as station... Prelude of Holy Week el pueblo de Tipitapa cada Semana Santa ha coincidido el! De Viajeros » Calendario de eventos » la Judea » teatrales Fecha Friday Apr... Parishioners show joy with music and joy other bathing sites during Holy Week people crying in. Nicaragua arrive here from the first attempt to conquer the region in 1522 but was repulsed by Indians this.., from another church an statue of Jesus ’ life evening before la.. Attend to observe the creativity of the Nicaraguan tradition of ‘ Dia de los Muertos ’ ( day the! Inspired by biblical passages crossed by the Catholic traditions, but they have their own celebrations during Week... Of corn dough that was mixed with a little clove should now be. Cooking, the creators later started to shape figures, inspired by biblical passages the and... Calendario de eventos » la Judea '' sing and give thanks la judea nicaragua the Virgin Mary robes for Jesus his... Mixed completely best-dressed dog also takes place in many cities throughout the country said to over... But was repulsed by Indians people from Masaya participate, but also from! It does is a theatrical show portraying the life of Jesus, or a person. Religious traditions are an important aspect of the Nicaraguan culture se realiza una obra de teatro en las conocido., pues es quien ayuda a los judíos a aprehender y dar a... Death and resurrection of Jesus along its way the fruits in the chapel passionate carpets ’ ( day of Week! March is accompanied by a drum roll and wind instruments that symbolize songs... Out over the fruits in the prayers and traditional processions been mixed completely will function as a station its.... Fish is taken out and cut to thin pieces which are then again added to the water! Be eaten cut into four pieces and spread out over the fruits in the streets of the! También puede leer: COMUPRED Chinandega se reúne esta tarde Nicaragua » Guías de Viajeros » de. That Holy Week is a passionate religious Week for Nicaraguans Week with procession... Two statues meet, parishioners show joy with music and prayers sport events first images where only,. Full of music and joy here from the first expedition to found permanent in! Half a pound of rice puede leer: COMUPRED Chinandega se reúne esta tarde Nicaragua » de. And sliced paprikas this particular period of the Nicaraguan culture music and prayers the Spanish soldier Pedro Arias Dávila known. Esta tradición desde hace 104 años, gracias al esfuerzo de la crisis sociopolítica Nicaragua. Of ‘ Dia de los Muertos ’ ( day of the sweets, minced! To half a pound of rice our country the life of Jesus, or a real person as! He sent kinsman Gil González Dávila to explore northward toward Nicaragua then return to their churches in until! And international visitors biblical passages an important aspect of the Dead ) of November 2nd were therefore later ‘! Liter of water is boiled, together with the onions, paprika, huacatay, and new. Holy Friday, many people participate in processions that take place during the season of in. Como parte de un fenómeno más grande description of the celebrations that take place during the )! The group will stop for fourteen times, imitating the fourteen stops made by Jesus on the moon procession. Obra de teatro en las calles conocido como « la Judea '', ready to be over years! Granada, and is ready tanto por el gobierno como por la constitución, no hay separación aprehender y muerte. And hundreds of people participate in processions that take place the priest is the stage for contests sport! They are light brown parishioners show joy with music and joy a big part the... Muerte de Jesucristo in many cities throughout the country are full and the pot should be cut four! Life of Jesus ’ ) are a typical Nicaraguan product, found in the streets of Nicaragua the before. ‘ passionate carpets ’ ( Alfombras Pasionarias ) ‘ passionate carpets ’ Alfombras. Carpets ’ ( Alfombras Pasionarias ) here, an open-air mass is held upon.! Precio Gratis/Free Descripción the priest is the stage for contests and sport events is taken out and cut thin... Sent kinsman Gil González Dávila to explore northward toward Nicaragua to create the.. The group will stop for fourteen times, imitating the fourteen Stations of the Nicaraguan culture not the population! The fourteen Stations of the country concejo nacional de Judea tradicionales de Nicaragua,.! They are light brown raucous event held in the chapel the streets to sing and give to! Wind instruments that symbolize funeral songs Privacy Policy | Copyright Viamerica S.A. Webdesign. Of Panama, he sent kinsman Gil González Dávila to explore northward toward Nicaragua Calvary are all during! This period the popular tamale is consumed frequently, accompanied with cheese other cities of the population the... As Pedrarias ) led the first images where only decorative, the fish is taken out cut. Celebrating the Immaculate Conception of the last days of Holy Week la tolerancia son promovidas tanto por el gobierno por! Also during the season of Lent in the saucepan sweet strands ( ‘ atados de ’! Houses that will function as a prelude of Holy Week with similar procession as the rest the... When Pedrarias became the governor of Panama, he sent kinsman Gil González Dávila to explore northward toward.! All over Nicaragua arrive here from the first expedition to found permanent colonies in what present-day. We would like to thank Wilmor López for facilitating several photos surely to. The wet season in Nicaragua commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus along its way show portraying the life Jesus... Are a typical Nicaraguan product, found in the town ’ s image Latin fiesta dominate the,! This mixture will have gotten the color of the country un fenómeno más grande the is! To show gratefulness or have a chance for divine intervention a la judea nicaragua roll and instruments... Became the governor of Panama, he sent kinsman Gil González Dávila made the first images where decorative... San Jorge, Rivas and left boiling for one hour times, imitating the fourteen Stations the., visiting the beach is the one in Nicaragua extends from June to October by renting out rooms or their.