synonym for anticipate

Definition and synonyms of in anticipation of something from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. This is the British English definition of in anticipation of something.View American English definition of in anticipation of something.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Definition of anticipate. v past p verb, past participle: Verb form used descriptively or to form verbs--for … – realize beforehand 1 anticipate verb (anticipates, anticipated, anticipating) A good boxer can anticipate the moves of his opponent. å æ ø. BG. anticipate synonyms, anticipate pronunciation, anticipate translation, English dictionary definition of anticipate. Anticipate as a Verb Definitions of "Anticipate" as a verb. What does the South African term lekker mean? Another way to say Anticipate? Understand anticipate … What does the South African term hamel mean? Contexts . anticipate somebody (doing something) (formal) to do something before it can be done by somebody else synonym forestall When Scott reached the South Pole he found that Amundsen had anticipated him. Definition: be a forerunner of or occur earlier than. To think of (a future event) with pleasure; look forward to: She anticipated a … The code for attribution links is required. Definition and synonyms of anticipate from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. ä ö ü ß á â ã å ç é ê í ñ ó ô õ ú. CS. Learn more. It was to anticipate this peril that Mehemet Ali determined himself to open the struggle: on the 1st of November 1831 a force of 9000 Egyptian infantry and 2000 cavalry crossed the frontier into Syria and met at Jaffa the fleet which brought Ibrahim as commander-in-chief. What does the South African term ollycrock mean? To anticipate may be either to take before in fact or to take before in thought; in the former sense it is allied with prevent; in the latter, with the synonyms above given.This is coming to be the prevalent and favorite use. Define anticipate. Synonym Book - Your Personal Thesaurus. V that 2 verb If you anticipate a question, request, or need, you do what is necessary or required before the question, request, or need occurs. Lexico's first Word of the Year! Related: Anticipated; anticipating. View the pronunciation for anticipate. 1.1.1. to a… Learn more. anticipate | definition: regard something as probable or likely | synonyms: guess, take for granted, evaluate, theorize, theorise, opine, hypothecate, wait, look, believe, judge, conjecture, hypothesize, suppose, presume, trust, think, speculate, imagine, await, reckon, pass judgment, expect, hypothesise, assume| antonyms: criticize, activity, idle, distrust, mistrust . Popular synonyms for Anticipate and phrases with this word. Whether starting from scratch or streamlining current digs, space planning has to meet present medical need; They are able to define a particular problem in several different ways, In the wake of such catastrophes, architects and urban planners are called on to, Out with the old, in with the new, as vendors are constantly refreshing technology, while users, In her April 8 testimony to the 9-11 investigative commission, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice publicly testified that the Bush administration's intelligence assessments prior to 9-11 did not, Most investigators interested in reducing DNA sequencing costs. anticipate definition: 1. to imagine or expect that something will happen: 2. to take action in preparation for something…. Synonym: await, expect, foresee, hope for, Verb of anticipate do in advance beat somebody to it get ahead forestall do ahead antedate delay prepare for prevent apprehend block hinder intercept precede preclude be early be one step ahead of beat someone to it hold back provide against Anticipate definition, to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee: to anticipate pleasure. R. Hall. Synonyms for anticipate in Free Thesaurus. Keep scrolling for more. Synonyms for 'anticipate': expect, count on, plan on, reckon on, suppose, bargain on, calculate on, reckon, take something for granted X. ES ¡ ¿ á ª ç é í ñ ó º ú ü. FR. The Synonym of - anticipate (noun) count on foresee assume await forecast see conjecture visualize figure prophesy entertain foretell suppose prognosticate divine wait bargain for jump the gun prepare for be afraid count chickens cross the bridge foretaste have a hunch hope for look for look forward to plan on prevision promise oneself see coming see in the cards wait for Revolutionary genome sequencing technologies--the $1,000 genome, Anticipated Not-Operationally-Ready Supply, Anticipated Partial-Mission-Capable Supply. Synonyms for anticipate - foresee, expect, predict, await, assume, outstrip and others. CBA interprets 54.1: Board offers FAQs on client confidentiality regs, Impact of Victor mine starts to trickle down, Designing functional and cost-effective outpatient physician practices. What does the South African term frikkadel mean? . Regard something … pates Words with similar meaning of Anticipate at Thesaurus dictionary anticipate (third-person singular simple present anticipates, present participle anticipating, simple past and past participle anticipated) 1. Definitions of Anticipate. Business smarts: how do you find the clear thinkers who make the difference? 1 823 Anticipate Synonyms and 167 Anticipate Antonyms | Anticipate in Thesaurus. What does the South African term schlenter mean? ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż. DA. What does the South African term vrou mean? 2 antedate, beat (someone) to it (informal) forestall, intercept, prevent. v. # shun , believe. await, foresee, prepare for, look forward to. Synonym of anticipate Antonym of anticipate Sinonimo di anticipate Contrario di anticipate Sinônimo de anticipate Antonym de anticipate Sinónimo de anticipate Antonino de anticipate Synonyme de anticipate Antonym de anticipate Từ đồng nghĩa của anticipate Từ trái nghĩa của anticipate の同義語 anticipate の … Another word for anticipate: expect, predict, forecast, prepare for, look for | Collins English Thesaurus What does the South African term kabeljou mean? foresee. Synonyms for anticipates in Free Thesaurus. 13 synonyms for Guess (related to anticipate). Antonyms for anticipate. 49 synonyms for anticipate: expect, predict, forecast, prepare for, look for, hope for, envisage, foresee, bank on, apprehend, foretell, think likely.... What are synonyms for anticipate? Nearby Words . View the pronunciation for anticipate. To act in advance of, especially with preventative measures. Toggle special chars . Synonyms: anticipate. Definition. â à æ ç ë ê é è Ï ï ô œ Û û ù ÿ. to anticipate payment synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'anticipation',anticipatory',antiseptic',antipathy', definition. 1. suggest fear or doubt "Her heart misgave her that she had acted inexcusably" 2. look forward to the probable occurrence of "We were expecting a visit from our relatives" "She is looking to a promotion" "he is waiting to be drafted" 3. be a forerunner of or occur earlier than "This composition anticipates Impressionism" 4. realize beforehand Later "prevent or preclude by prior action" (c. 1600) and "be aware of (something) coming at a future time" (1640s). 2 027 synonyms for Anticipate (other words and phrases for Anticipate). The words anticipate and expect both regard some future event as likely to take place. (transitive) To act before (someone), especially to prevent an action. To be before in doing; to do or take before another; to preclude or prevent by prior action. & vb. To see as a probable occurrence; expect: We hadn't anticipated the crowds at the zoo. Word of the Day: vamoose. Dictionnaire anglais Collins English synonyme-Thesaurus. IT. Similar words: move, act Definition: perform an action, or work out or perform (an action) Usage: think before you act; We must move quickly; The governor should act on the new energy bill; The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel We expect that which we have good reason to believe will happen; as, a boy expects to grow to manhood. 1. a. What does the South African term shimiyana mean? á č ď é ĕ í ň ó ř š ť ú ů ý ž. PL. [L. anticipatus, p. p. of anticipare to anticipate; ante + capere to make. Human translations with examples: sinoniem vir oud, sinoniem vir gou, sinoniem vir bed. On this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to anticipate. Origin : 1530s, "to cause to happen sooner," a back-formation from anticipation, or else from Latin anticipatus, past participle of anticipare"take (care of) ahead of time," literally "taking into possession beforehand," from ante"before" (see ante) + capere"to take" (see capable). We expect that which we have good reason to believe will happen; as, a boy expects to grow to manhood. expect. Word of the Day: zaftig. Learn more. See the Dictionary Definition. See more. (Can we date this quote by R. Hall and provide title, author's full name, and other details?) 'ANTICIPATE' is a 10 letter word starting with A and ending with E Crossword clues for 'ANTICIPATE' Clue Answer; Realise beforehand (10) ANTICIPATE: Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for ANTICIPATE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word anticipate will help you to finish your crossword today. Some common synonyms of anticipate are divine, foreknow, and foresee. "skilled sportsmen anticipate the action and position themselves accordingly". ‘We anticipate his moves and prepare counter-moves to exploit them.’ ‘It just helps if they can anticipate it by being aware of the condition and the drugs their patients take.’ ‘Looking back, I guess I should have anticipated the trouble before it even started.’ Usage: What is happening? Used in the sense of "expect, look forward to" since 1749, but anticipate has an element of "prepare for, forestall" that, etymologically, should prevent its being used as a synonym for expect. ‘the police did not anticipate any trouble’, , foresee, predict, think likely, forecast, prophesy, foretell, contemplate the possibility of, allow for, be prepared for, ‘Elaine tingled with excitement as she anticipated her meeting with Will’, ‘warders can't always anticipate the actions of prisoners’, , beat someone to the draw, beat someone to the punch, ‘she wrote plays for all-women casts, which anticipated her film work’, , precede, antedate, come before, go before, be earlier than. Share this Page . Synonyms for anticipate - foresee, expect, predict, await, assume, outstrip and others. help. To look forward to. I anticipated that you might be in a hurry. Definition and synonyms of anticipate from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. anticipate (v. permit. Synonyms for (verb) ANTICIPATE. anticipation, anticipating, anticipant, anticipatory, anticipator. To act as a forerunner or precursor of. v. # presage , forecast. If you know synonyms for Anticipate, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words. According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “anticipate” as a verb can have the following definitions: Come or take place before (an event or process expected or scheduled for a later time. assume, await, use a thesaurus to find more What is a synonym for foresee? n. Anticipating ( ).] anticipate synonyms - English related words for anticipate . To anticipate may be either to take before in fact or to take before in thought; in the former sense it is allied with prevent; in the latter, with the synonyms above given.This is coming to be the prevalent and favorite use. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, MBA: commercial mortgage lenders anticipate 2015 growth, Number-crunchers spy a boom in detective work, Anticipated emotions and personal experience for predicting behavioral intentions and behavioral expectations, Recession's end has signalled a boost in trade for businesses. Synonym: look forward to; Usage notes . To foresee or predict the future occurrence of something. "We're looking forward to seeing you." Virtual disaster: Jennifer Allen on m7red's inundacion! Synonym: await, expect, foresee, hope for, Verb of anticipate do in advance beat somebody to it get ahead forestall do ahead antedate delay prepare for prevent apprehend block hinder intercept precede preclude be early be one step ahead of beat someone to it hold back provide against Example "We're happily anticipating our annual trip to the amusement park." v. On this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to anticipate. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. To anticipate and prevent the duke's purpose. anticipate | definition: regard something as probable or likely | synonyms: guess, take for granted, evaluate, theorize, theorise| antonyms: idle, distrust, mistrust, disagree, back, disbelieve, disqualify. See more. 2 foresee verb (foresees, foresaw, foreseeing) Popular synonyms for Anticipate and phrases with this word. We hope for that which we much desire and somewhat expect. v 1. foresee, foreglimpse, apprehend, antedate, foretaste; foreknow, precognize, preconceive, intuit; predict, foretell, forecast, prophesy. Anticipate An*tic"i*pate ( ), v. t. [imp. The synonym anticipation synonymous definition words: apprehension, forethought, intuition, premonition, foreboding, expectation, expectancy, outlook Another way to say Guess? To expect or look forward to; to perform an action, obey a command, or satisfy a request before it has been made; to take countermeasures in advance. Nowadays they are often used interchangeably although anticipate is associated with acting because of an expectation: e.g. b. Search anticipate and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Similarly, using foresee as a synonym of anticipate , as in they failed to foresee the vast explosion in commercial revenue which would follow , is not entirely appropriate. Anticipate Thesaurus. Anticipate definition, to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee: to anticipate pleasure. Here Are Our Top English Tips, The Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage, The Most Common English Language Questions. Similar words: come about, take place, go on, hap, happen, fall out, pass, pass off, occur. See Capable.] Contextual translation of "synonym for anticipate" into Afrikaans. Synonyms for anticipating. "She laughed." is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Related terms anticipate synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'anticipation',anticipatory',antiseptic',antipathy', definition. Antonyms for anticipates. Search synonyms for word ANTICIPATE at Synonym Finder. What does the South African term bonsella mean? Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war. Nouns for anticipate include anticipant, anticipants, anticipation, anticipations, anticipator, anticipators, anticipointment and anticippointment. Top synonym for i anticipate (another word for i anticipate) is i expect. Anticipate means that someone foresees an event and has prepared for it, while expect means `to regard something as probable', but does not necessarily suggest the state of being prepared. 4Gb/s storage systems: when should I plan for them? This is the British English definition of anticipate.View American English definition of anticipate. This is the British English definition of anticipate.View American English definition of anticipate. 49 synonyms for anticipate: expect, predict, forecast, prepare for, look for, hope for, envisage, foresee, bank on, apprehend, foretell, think likely.... What are synonyms for anticipates? divining, forefeeling, foreknowing, foreseeing, previsioning. It's here! United States v. Roxworthy: what does it mean to taxpayers? anticipate. Change your default dictionary to American English. Words with similar meaning of Anticipate at Thesaurus dictionary What is a synonym for the word 'anticipate'? Find more similar words at! Usage: This composition anticipates Impressionism. Definition. While all these words mean "to know beforehand," anticipate implies taking action about or responding emotionally to … To expect or look forward to; to perform an action, obey a command, or satisfy a request before it has been made; to take countermeasures in advance. Another word for anticipate: expect, predict, forecast, prepare for, look for | Collins English Thesaurus Another way to say. trans.). Understand to anticipate payment meaning and enrich your vocabulary 1 ‘the police did not anticipate any trouble’ SYNONYMS expect , foresee, predict, think likely, forecast, prophesy, foretell, contemplate the possibility of, allow for, be prepared for predict. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. 1 apprehend, await, count upon, expect, forecast, foresee, foretell, hope for, look for, look forward to, predict, prepare for. I anticipate synonyms and I anticipate antonyms. From the verb anticipate: (⇒ conjugate) anticipated is: ⓘ Click the infinitive to see all available inflections v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." External Links . Back Synonyms for Anticipate. anticipate needs synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'anticipation',anticipatory',antiseptic',antipathy', definition. Word for i anticipate ) ó ô õ ú. CS: 2. to take action in preparation for something… listed... Some future event as likely to take action in preparation for something… synonyms... Dictionary from Macmillan Education ê é è ï ï ô œ Û Û ù ÿ moves his! 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synonym for anticipate 2021