To subscribe to the newlsetter, simply send an email to policy, We use the term "metadata-driven" to describe IT solutions in which functionality is defined in data. Turn on suggestions. I'm 51. Now that we have this new component, we can now use it to meet other seemingly more complicated requirements really quickly. I have the following trigger on a table, but it's taking 40 or more seconds to fire. Related to both of the above points, popular programming tools and methodologies don't support the development of non-interfering bits of code that then combine seamlessly. Okay, when somebody uses mouse all over the place and is slow in typing, it has an effect. Minimal IT: research, training, consultancy and software to reduce IT costs. ... which is why C++ is not so scalable. You can't have it both ways. Why do some programs take so long to install? At a more detailed level, I needed to meet lots of technical requirements. I am completely familiar with the development and test environment. I am a developer (and have been since the late 1970s) and computer programming (software development) is not easy. "Add a button to display a dialog box" contains a lot of unsaid specifics : Where is that button, how big does it need to be, what is the text on that button, what's the navigation order to it, does it need to be anchored if the UI scale, is the dialog modal, what's the text of the dialog, what's the title of the dialog, what's the text on the button to dismiss the dialog, does the text need to be translated. /s. Forums . Because it is difficult. In this program, the sizeof operator is used to find the size of int, long, long long, double and long double variables.. As you can see, the size of long int and long double variables are larger than int and double variables, respectively.. By the way, the sizeof operator returns size_t (unsigned integral type).. Why does software development take so long? By Andrew Clifford. Programming is easy! I recently created my first Heroku application and I'm finding some strange behavior: When the application hasn't been accessed in a while, I think the server shuts down. I have a lot of experience of this type of code. Edit: this issue actually appears to be worksheet related rather than a coding problem. So my opinions: Easily 75% of it is that we really don't insist on effective requirements capture. The only thing I had to program from scratch was the logic to interpret the data. So, often a simple cleaning will get your computer running like a champ. Yes, I'm going to (again) plug pure functional programming here, because pure functional programming does support this—it's all function composition, all the time, and once you know what you're writing, does strongly move the needle in the direction of "if it compiles, it works.". Login/out, passwords, security, roles, reporting. I barely have any code, and when I load it the frame is clear for like 20 seconds and then it loads what goes into the frame. Because it is difficult. For example, in continental Europe where a comma is used as a decimal point, CSV files can use semicolons instead of commas. So, overall, it’s difficult to say how long it will take you to learn coding through self-teaching, as everyone’s different. Take our 2-min quiz to find out which programming language to learn, whether it's for your career, startup, or side project! But even under these near-perfect conditions, the component required 750 lines of code, 450 lines of test code, and took me 20 hours to develop. If it was an area I was less familiar with, or where I had fewer existing components, or where the development and test environment was unfamiliar, it would have taken me many times longer, perhaps around 100 hours. Why not sabotage them so you have less people to compete with when it comes to applying to Harvard, Stanford, Yale. When I'm assigned a homework, when I understand the algorithm that I need to implement, the homework doesn't take much time at all. But there are lots of variations. (Witness the never-ending stream of software that advertises “written in Foo” or “uses Bar” as if it were a feature.). Since there is nothing to compare to... New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the programming community, Press J to jump to the feed. (Yea, I'm rather bitter right now). It is possible to be fast, but that comes to a price. You need to realise you are talking to an electronic brick that doesn't know what a 'user' is or a 'password', you need to tell it what they are and how they work. What looked like a simple requirement has ended up complicated, and is a few days work even under ideal conditions. Adopting something like Alloy as a specification tool might be helpful here. Please explain why some music videos (on You Tube) that run just a few minutes long can take ages (10-15 minutes) to load while others just as long are ready for viewing within a minute or two. Research, training, consultancy and software to reduce IT costs. Quality needs time, as usual. It has more code. I've made a custom subclass of JLabel. And doing complex software on the fly is just a random walk til the project dies. This is why there exists a position called "Systems analyst" whose job it is to plan everything down to the last detail. This seems like a simple requirement: it is something we do every day, and lots of programs support it. Agreed. But it is not what does make it taking long. So, we’ve established that the type of programming language you learn can most definitely affect the kind of job you get! Over the past week I have been working on something that is much harder than it looks, and I though it might be interesting to share the experience. Sometimes things that look simple take ages, and things that look hard take no time at all. Copyright © 2005-2015 Minimal IT Ltd. All rights reserved. Press J to jump to the feed. No no no, haven't you seen all the posts here and elsewhere on the web? If you clear those ranges manually does it take a while? So far, it's only on my test database, but if I put it on my production db, Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Isn't it because every solution is the answer to a novel problem? 27 November 2012 Why programming takes so long. I've focused here largely on technical issues, although the agile one is essentially cultural. A large and complex project must be analyzed carefully. Then the programmers have an exact idea of what must be implemented and how to implement it. JavaScript programs need the data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. The idea of write once, sell many times, does not apply itself well to most business problems in my experience. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can save a lot of time by taking your time beforehand to straighten out a robust architecture. Learning French vs learning to code. CSV data contains lines of values separated by commas, with quotes around values that contain special characters. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is the complexity. So it takes somewhere between 500 … Fios TV Programming: Why does it take so long for episodes of The Shannara Chronicles to appear as free on demand? But also good architectures need two or three tries, unless you're working for NASA where you have years to specify out everything beforehand. You can't have it both ways. Windows uses a carriage return character followed by a line feed character; Unix uses just line feed; and some Apple systems use just carriage return. Hi. That doesn't make my thinking definitive, but hopefully gives you some idea as to the range of my experience. Some things that look simple can take a very long time. Based on my experience, it really does take about that much time until you can go from zero to a pretty confident coder. The program needs to output data to programs which have different formatting needs. Those are the few I could come up with in 15 seconds, and we didn't program the button to display the dialog box yet. College Computer Science Degree. If so its unlikely you can do it any faster via code (other than automating the manual steps you do). It has to support both the format used when you paste directly out of Excel (where values are separated by tab characters), or when you export a comma separated values (CSV) file. Because everything in code needs to be specific or else it doesn't exist/work, and the specifics change all the time. User account menu • Why does it take so long to build software? But there are, of course, many other cultural issues, including the general one that programming seems to attract people who feel the need to prove something about themselves by working hard on an absolutely tortuous solution to a problem, rather than reducing the complexity of the solution to match whatever inherent complexity the problem may exhibit. I’d wager doing it solo takes at least three times as long (1500+ hours). The size_t data type is used to represent the size of an object. Everyone bitches when software has bugs (rightly) but also wants the software yesterday. Everyone bitches when software has bugs (rightly) but also wants the software yesterday. Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Orchid Cranberry Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Chocolate Marble Black Custom You're right, it is not the typing speed. Yet, a good estimate is that it would probably take anywhere from 6 to 12 months to gain a firm understanding of a handful of programming languages. Thread starter Jskid; Start date Feb 1, 2011; J. Jskid Posts: 346 +1. Taking this to the extreme can provide unparalleled levels of speed, simplicity and versatility. ... New programmers, welcome to the industry of software development, without having to invest a decade-long career to learn these lessons the hard way. Over the past week I have been working on something that is much harder than it looks, and I though it might be interesting to share the experience. Upon exporting my code to a blank worksheet, this macro executes in a fraction of a second (as it should). I have a single instance of this, inside a single JPanel, inside a single JFrame. You just have to use JavaScript or Python and you'll be coding in no time! Other programs need Extensible Markup Language (XML), optionally using column headings as the names of the XML elements. Read full newsletter. Programming attracts those who like to solve puzzles but don't much care to cheat in their puzzle-solving. ... Why does this code take so long to execute. ' The program needs options to ignore blank lines, or lines that are intended as comments. your brain. System governance helps you implement high-quality systems, manage A common misconception is that just switching languages or using libraries will help you a lot. I like how the project Nageru doesn't mention its operating system support. Ways to get help: Post clear questions, explain your overall goal, supply as much background as possible, respond to questions asked of you by those trying to help and post sample(s) files. I have another code that I tested (just to make sure my comp wasn't lagging) and that one loads quickly. Because no one wants to spec it out, too painful. What takes so long while programming? Some things that look simple can take a very long time. Why does software development take so long? One of the most common things I do on Github is look to see what language(s)a program is written in. Community Sign In/Registration cancel. Why Is Programming So Hard? The time taken to add a new feature depends hugely on the components available and the developer's experience of the situation. It takes so long, because we waste so much time rebuilding logic over and over that is neither re-usable, nor unique. This one’s a lot easier to answer. I reached out to Dr. Chamberlain to get his theory on why the times-to-hire for these particular jobs are shorter than average. The requirement was to paste data in from Excel. why does it take so long to load? I only know the basics of programming with simpler languages and I wondered, how long would it take me to learn programming to a level where. If it had been done before then there'd be existing software to (re)use. Log in sign up. Related to the first point, we don't have a common language for unambiguously expressing those requirements we do come up with. Delete all lines Dim lin As Line For Each lin In ActiveSheet.Lines If lin.Name Like "Line*" Then ... but I have seen this macro take about To develop the new component I used existing components as much as possible, particularly handling the XML and JSON output. The program has to cope sensibly if there are more data than columns. I have just started making a new program. If you actually try to describe what facebook does in minute detail then it will take a long long time. Try asking for design spikes on your agile project and see how far you get. Different technologies have different rules for new lines. I've been programming and published in one form or another since I was 16. Follow these steps to get things back in order: Make sure you have a program that protects against viruses, spyware and adware. Excel Programming / VBA / Macros; Why does this code take so long to execute. Pasted data and CSV files may have column names as the first row. It only took me about four hours to develop a new bulk emailer component with it (for sending out and following-up on surveys). existing systems proactively, and improve failing systems. In my experience this is the absolut minimum to not waste time. 03-08-2019, 10:04 PM For example, Unity engine, revise one source code and then click unity editor, compiling start, normally done within 8 sec (small, simple project) to 30 sec (big, complicated source). Coding is basically describing how something should work to a computer. I'm a student, and I'm learning some second-semester C++ work at uni. I'm trying to capture 4K@60 from a camera on Linux and I'd also like to be able to dump the raw stream to SSD.